How the proverbial battle of dominance between the sexes 

has destroyed the lives of both men and women in our modern times

The Wisdom and Knowledge that every woman should know to prevail in the modern culture. The Soul is a Being of Light that is the perfect balance of male and female. The Soul cannot incarnate into this three-dimensional world, because the Soul dwells in a twelve-dimensional higher reality. Unless you overcome the duality of male and female, you will remain alien and disenfranchised from your True-Self. Sex, then, is no more of a sin than is breathing, so long as it is not coerced -- and is the Natural exchange between the male and female paradoxical opposites of Mind that is the Foundation of the Divine Pattern of Creation. And while sex is Natural, a wise person uses their sexual expression to mentally and spiritually evolve, and prevail over the Self and the Natural Laws of Creation that separates us from our True-Self. A wise person understands that you become attached to everyone you have sex with. With sex, a man deposits his DNA in the body and brain of the woman -- and through this connection his thinking and impressions are extended into the mind of the woman. A wise woman understands that when she is connected to many men, she cannot be connected to One Man -- thereby rendering a Spiritual Marriage just about null and void.

Lilith portrays the divided reality of woman where she is developing apart from her opposite polarity of self. Even when in a marriage type relationship, the woman personified as Lilith is incapable of being a Spiritual Wife in a Spiritual Marriage. Eve, on the other hand, represents the Union of man and woman in the process of Soul-Birth and the Divine Union with God. As a Spiritual Woman, she is a surrogate for her husband's suppressed Intuitive Spheres of mind as patterned in the Tree of Life (see ), and is therefore able to bring about Higher Birth for both her and her husband within the Divine Marriage Union.

Completion and Wholeness of Self can only be brought about and achieved when the Gospel teaching is fulfilled: The disciples asked Jesus, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom." The scriptures are not historical narratives -- neither Lilith, Eve or Adam represent historical people -- and both Lilith and Eve represent Conditions of Mind within each person.

Not Anti-Feminism: This site is not anti-feminism -- but rather, is a third-wave feminist site that celebrates the unique powers and the essence of the Complete Woman! Traditional equity feminism was the initiating movement towards true freedom for both men and women -- but once the shackles of male domination was overcome, and women were free to evolve and openly express themselves freely, it must be seen that the complete woman has as little in common with the traditional equality feminists as the men and institutions they opposed. The evolved woman is acutely aware that she is not the same as men -- she does not think like men -- she is not in any manner interchangeable with men -- being comfortable with her feminine nature, she is well aware that most men excel in areas that she does not, and she is far superior to men in other areas where they are unable to function -- and she has come to realize that the philosophy of her equality feminist sisters is as much an enslaving force as the men the traditional feminists originally opposed! Thus, she seeks freedom not only from male and institutional oppression, but from the misguided women of feminists past who in their politically correct philosophy that men and women are the same, has endeavored to shackle women to a false and counterfeit reality that does more to enslave women than to permit them to soar to their true feminine potential. As a complete woman, I am not the same as a man -- but rather, a unique being of unlimited potential in areas that most men cannot even envision. I am therefore man's teacher and guide into a destiny that most men have yet to even begin to contemplate and realize. As a complete woman, I am the Alchemical Force that sustains and brings mankind to his true potential of mind, spirit and being!  
The time has come for woman to take her place as the goddess and revealer of Truth and Light of TheWay. Yeshua/Jesus was not anti-woman -- and in the more authentic uncorrupted scriptures of the New Covenant he taught about Mother/Father God, and portrayed the Sons and Daughters of the Most High on an equal spiritual plane of reality. In the Divine Pattern of Creation, men and women are equal -- though opposite and not the same. As the personification of the dual powers of Creation, their strengths and weaknesses are on opposite spheres of the cosmic spectrum of reality. And in the same way that men are the protectors of women in the physical conflicts of this world, women are the protectors of men in the war against ignorance and spiritual darkness. For in the same way that women are easily overcome by the brute powers of this world, in virtually countless ways men must depend upon women to free them from being the victims of the ignorant powers of this world. This site, then, is a call for all women to arise from the ignorance of this world, and lead their men into the true freedom as the Divine Offspring of the Most High God who is the Creator of All that Exists.





About The Authors:  This and other articles on the Divine relationship of men and women could not have been written separately by either a man or woman -- but rather, could only be composed by a man and woman who themselves overcame their gender limitations, and embraced a higher reality that can only be manifest when the product of the two is greater than the sum of its physical parts.   And this Manifestation of the Divine Union is exactly what is presented in the Gospel of Thomas where it is taught: Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female".    Why must the division of male and female be overcome?  Because our pre-existent soul that is the true being that we are, is a Being Of Light that has existed since the dawn of time -- it is neither male nor female -- and is the sum total of all the lifetimes our soul has lived (see  

This and other articles on the Divine Marriage and Divine Pattern of Creation is therefore authored by Allan and Flo Cronshaw -- who have been soul mates and fellow seekers of TheWay for thousands of years as we calculate time and lives.   While it is true that Allan acknowledges that he lived at the time of Yeshua/Jesus, and was one of the Master's Disciples (see The Death Of The Religion Of Jesus), it is also true that Allan and Flo's ability to restore the memory and essence of their long relationship over the course of countless lives is because they possess the Key of Knowledge that few others understand.   This Key of Knowledge that Yeshua accused the men of religiosity of throwing away, cannot be possessed by either men or women, unless they can acquire it by retrieving it from the Essence of the Divine Pattern of Creation where it is embedded in the Third Force of Creation which only develops when the male/female polarities are in a state of Absolute Harmony and Oneness.   Thus, the Ultimate Truth that men seek cannot be found in books or the outer forms and symbols of the Bible and other Sacred Writings, unless the Key of Knowledge is possessed by the Disciples of TheWay who seek to know the Mysteries of God and Creation.   For the Key of Knowledge is neither preserved in books, sacred writings, or the doctrines and philosophy of men -- but rather, it can only be found by men and women who enter into a Sacred Union, and manifest the Key within themselves in the manner that our Creator God intended when he gave Adam a wife.   

As spiritual travelers and disciples of TheWay, Allan and Flo have endeavored to perfect both their relationship as husband and wife over the course of many lifetimes, as well as their intimate relationship to the Most High God and Creator of all that Lives.   Allan is the author of many articles on what he calls the Divine Pattern of Creation (see Divine Marriage Index) -- and his spiritual knowledge and wisdom springs forth from the sacredness of the family that he and Flo have brought forth.   Allan is known to many in our present time as the soul who lived as the Brother of Yeshua/Jesus ( ), and is the leading force in the world-wide Ebionite restoral movement (see ).   In his article on The Divine Marriage (see Marriage), Allan demonstrates the far reaching dynamics of the male/female relationship.    





The scriptures are not historical accounts.   Genesis is not at all about the creation of the earth, and it is easily proven that the earth is a great deal older than what is portrayed in the Torah.   Of the PBS series The Bible's Buried Secrets,  archaeologist William Dever of the University of Arizona stated: "It challenges the Bible's stories if you want to read them literally, and that will disturb many people."   In further examining the problem: "The farther you go in the biblical text, the more difficult it is to find historical material in it," says David Ilan of the Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem. "The patriarchs go back to Genesis. Genesis is, for the most part, a compilation of myths, creation stories, things like that. And to find a historical core there is very difficult."   For instance, archaeologists have found evidence that a small group of Canaanite slaves escaped from Egypt — not the mass migration described in Exodus.    What both the believers and the critics have yet to understand and acknowledge, is the fact that the biblical authors who were Mystics, purposely wrote the scriptures with unhistorical assertions and events intertwined into the text, in order to inhibit the people from reading them literally or historically -- thereby forcing the intelligent seeker to look beyond what Paul portrayed as the "letter that killeth", and seek the inner esoteric meaning.    It is the position of many Biblical researchers that most of the Old Testament comes from other, more ancient writings. Even Jewish writers admit that most of the Hebrew writings were merely taken freely from Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and even Greek sources. Horace Meyer Kallen, at one time a professor at the Jewish New School of Social Research, said that the Book of Job was lifted bodily from an early and obscure Greek play. Scientist and author Immanuel Velikovsky admitted that there are "many parallels" between the Vedic Hymns and the Books of Joel and Isaiah. Hebrew scholar Zecharia Sitchin claimed that the Book of Genesis is based on the Sumerian creation myth. The story of Noah comes from the Sumerian legend of Gilgamesh. The Psalms were taken word for word from Akhenaton's Hymns to the Sun, written 600 years earlier in Egypt. The Ten Commandments were taken wholly from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. And so on through the books of the Old Testament.

The Inner Spiritual Meaning Of The Scriptures: The scriptures are allegorical -- and the inner knowledge of the scriptures are as a bridge between this world which Jesus portrayed as the Far Country in the parable of the prodigal son, and the Edenic Heavenly Kingdom -- the entrance to which lies within each of us.   So if it is true -- i.e., that the Torah and other scriptures are an allegory -- then how are we to believe the written word of God?  What should we believe?  And why wouldn't God just speak clearly with us and tell us what He wants?  The answer is very simple -- so simple, that it is overlooked by most of the biblical scholars and archeologists who claim that the Hebrews borrowed the folklore of the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Sumerians in the composition of the Torah and other scriptures.  And what is that simple answer?  The Bible was written by holy men who were able to commune directly with the Most High God.  Because they were under the vow of the Nazirite (see Nazirite Vow) and were able to enter the Spiritual Living Temple that exists within the inner Kingdom, they became cognizant of the Laws that inhibit natural man from being able to move beyond the natural barrier that separates this world from the inner parallel realm which Jesus called the Kingdom of God -- and like Noah who created a boat to transcend the old world with the new, they knew how to build a bridge from this world to the Kingdom -- and as Anointed (Messiah/Christ) Visionaries, they set about to create a series of Sacred Writings that would assist genuine seekers of Truth in their quest to find and enter the Presence of God.  But this was not an easy task!  The problem was that they had to put the body of these writings in a form that the people would accept, and then observe and manifest in their daily lives.  In view of the fact that the people were of a heathen mindset -- so heathen, that they created and worshiped the golden calf in the absence of Moses when he was receiving the Commandments of God.  So how could these Anointed holy men and women convey the higher concepts of TheWay and the Kingdom to such a people?   The resolution of the dilemma was the creation of a series of Sacred Writings where the Visionaries of the Most High took the common beliefs and traditions of the people, and presented them in such a way, that the knowledge of the Laws and the Higher Spiritual Reality of Creation was manifest within the text of the written word -- in such a way, that the holy men who kept, practiced, and sought the inner meaning of the written word, would perceive the workings of the Laws, and understand that if they applied this knowledge in their own lives, that they too would be able to enter the Inner Kingdom of God.   Moreover, there was the oral tradition -- i.e., the doctrines of Jewish Mysticism -- that conveyed to the disciple in search of Truth and the Inner Kingdom the knowledge of the Laws that obstructed their path into the Genuine Temple within the hearts and minds of mankind.

Adam & Eve Today: The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical, and is transpiring in the present -- right at this very moment -- and the Fall from the Garden of Eden is going on world-wide today.   Why?   Because Eve is presently being seduced by the Serpent -- Adam is unknowingly eating of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality -- and as personified in the parable of the prodigal son, mankind presently dwells in the Outer Darkness of Mind and Being -- aka the Far Country -- and remains under the control of the Citizen of the Far Country (aka the god of this world).  

There exists an essential base of Knowledge that is necessary to possess in order for the lost prodigal son to escape the clutches of the Citizen of the Far Country -- and this essential base of Knowledge was taught by Jesus to his core disciples and followers -- thrown away by the later Church of Rome -- and this base of Knowledge can be portrayed as Esoteric-Knowledge, only because of the inherent (carnal) blindness of mankind who remains limited and under the control of earth-consciousness, primarily because of the modern Fall of Adam and Eve that is presently transpiring.   The Gospel of Thomas declares: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you..." -- but because mankind does not at all understand what he sees as he looks out in this world, he remains a prisoner in the Outer Darkness of Mind and Being.   Further,  the Gospel of Thomas further declares: "But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty..." -- yet, modern man remains totally ignorant of Self and his own True Reality.  

In the third century 1 John 3:2 read somewhat differently than it does in our present translations.  Quoting from Origen’s Contra Celsum we read that “it doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like God, and shall see Him as He is”.  With regard to our becoming like God, Origen then writes regarding Matthew 5:48 that “...the virtue of man and of God is identical. And therefore we are taught to become ‘perfect,’ as our Father in heaven is perfect” The great truth that has been continually expressed by both Jewish and Christian visionaries is that the knowledge of the mysteries of God and the Divine Plan begins with the knowledge of ourselves as the Prodigal Sons of our Heavenly Father.   It is for this reason that the second-century Church Father Clement of Alexandria said that it is  “…the greatest of all lessons to know one's self.  For if one knows himself, he will know God; and knowing God, he will be made like God… and that man becomes God, since God so wills”.   In his treaties on The Soul and the Resurrection, St Gregory writes that “the Resurrection is no other thing than 'the re-constitution of our nature in its original form’”, and states that there will come a time “…when the complete whole of our race shall have been perfected from the first man to the last”.  This statement should provoke great thought in the reader who is under the misconception that our Heavenly Father would destroy or forever cut off one of his sons or daughters who are lost in this world.  If the whole of our race will one day be perfected from the first man to the last, then there are many grave misconceptions on the part of believers today. 

Perhaps the most important teaching which can be drawn from this Essential-Knowledge Base that has been thrown away by the Church of Rome -- and totally removed from our modern Gospels which were sanitized from a very pagan perspective once adopted by the fourth-century Church -- is the statement in the Gospel of Thomas where Jesus conveys to the disiples the process of how the lost prodigal son is to be returned to the Edenic Kingdom which is his True Source of Being -- i.e., Jesus was asked the question: They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."    How is it to be accomplished where "...when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female"

With respect to the foregoing, Jesus was asked the question: They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" -- and what follows is the process by which this restoral of Adam and Eve into AdamEve is accomplished.   And what is being portrayed can only be understood when it is understood that the statement whereby "...when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female" is also the answer to the question posed to Jesus when asked "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?" -- and that only when man and woman as a Holographic Cosmic Ovum and Sperm achieve Wholeness as a Cosmic Embryo where the man and woman have reunited Adam and Eve within themselves in Oneness, can the Cosmic Cycle of Life be Completed with the Return to Eden.   Quoting from The Twelve Within The Twelve and the Oneness Within The Morphic Field:

The Twelve Within The Twelve: Holographically, the pattern of the whole is replicated into each of the individual twelve spheres of mind as represented in the Image of the Tree of Life at the right.   Why is this important to understand?  What this means is that 1/12th of each sphere, is the vibration of the bottom Earthly (carnal/organic) Kingdom sphere.  And in the physical union of man and women, the energy that arises through the mind as represented in the pattern of the Tree of Life, is limited to the carnal/organic 1/12th of each of the upper spheres.   Thus, with the exception of the exchange of energies, no meaningful expansion of mind can take place -- and the vast majority of bio-energy or vital life-force, is lost into Nature.   Which means that the vast majority of the marriages of man remain physically-organic -- serving sexual, emotional and family-raising aspects of humanity.    

What does it mean that as the vital life-force is raised up through the mind of man, the energies are restricted only to the earth-element in each of the higher spheres of mind?  More importantly is the fact that in (carnal) organic man, because of the holographic twelve within the twelve, the whole of the person's thinking and perception of reality is limited to that Earth-sphere.   Which is why the multitude of people are portrayed as blind and unable to comprehend the concepts and teachings pertaining to the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom (see Gospel Mysteries).    And why in the Gospel account, the majority of people are portrayed as being "without" and only capable of being taught in the enigma of parables, while those who have embraced the process of transformation were spoken of as being In The House (see In The House).   The Gospel accounts state that Jesus only spoke to the multitude of hearers in the enigma of parables, it is imperative that we recognize that Jesus did not, and could not, speak and teach plainly to those who are portrayed as being "without" the House -- i.e.,  "And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it.  But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples" (Mark 4:33-34 NKJV).    The word translated "explained", in the phrase "And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples", literally translated from the Greek into English means to "unloose or untie" -- i.e., what has been "outside" the House.    The term "open and unloose" the mind, is was also used in the Gospel as the path to entering the Inner Kingdom (see Open And Unloose The Mind).


 Oneness In The Third-Force Morphic Field: In the same way that it is the joining of the generative essence of the mother and father that forms the one-cell embryo, it is the interaction of the chromosomes derived from the father which interact with the chromosomes derived from the mother within the embryo in the process of expansion, which forms the body-vessel on the next level of the holographic reality.  What this means is that the vital life-force from the male interacts with that of the female, bringing about the uniting and expansion of mind -- creating the Third-Force of higher reality as portrayed in the image on the right.   And this manifests what is portrayed above as the "morphic field" (see Gender Blindness And The Process Of Birth) that creates an atmosphere like environment of mind and spirit that immerses the male and female halves that make the husband and wife "one flesh".    And as the husband and wife begin the alchemical process of expansion and deepening of mind and being, instead of the bio-energy being lost into nature, the vital life-force is instead channeled within the body and mind of the joined husband and wife, and is instead utilized to bring about the transformative next stage of birth that was portrayed by Jesus as necessary to entering the Kingdom -- i.e., ultimately permitting and bringing about the return of the prodigal son to his Source.  

The Gospel of the Nazirenes preserves an important teaching that was removed from the scriptures published by the Church.   In this saying reference is made to the preservation of the male seed -- i.e., "My work is to teach and to heal the children of men, and he that is born of God keeps his seed within him."  Why keep one's seed within one's self?   That seed is the power of regeneration -- and, as portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son, one can squander it away on "riotous living" in this, the Far Country -- or one can utilize this bio-energy for the regeneration of self.   In view of the fact that the male retains the original pattern of "XY" (whereas, woman is "XX"), there exists the prospect of self-generation.   But this is very difficult -- and is totally contrary to the Laws of Nature.   Far more easy is to live as husband and wife in a Divinely Consecrated Marriage, where the seed/bio-energy is totally utilized within the construct of the Union for the expansion and deepening of the man and woman's mind and being.  

As stated in the above, in the conception of the physical body in the form of the embryo in one's mother's womb, prior to the actual conception where the sperm and ovum merge into a single cell embryo, the sperm and ovum must split in order to retain the human 46 chromosomes-- i.e., 23 from the mother, and 23 from the father.   But this 46 chromosome limit while in a divided state, limits the person to that level which can be portrayed as organic human consciousness.   Further, from the perspective of a holographic allegorical pattern, the initial splitting of the sperm and ovum can (within the pattern) be portrayed as the separation of Adam and Eve within the physical womb of the mother.   In contradistinction, when a husband and wife enter into a Divine Marriage -- creating a Morphic Field that forms a type of atmosphere in which they personally dwell -- a Morphic Field that insulates them from the rest of mankind -- they are then returned to the original 92 chromosomes which, prior to splitting to bring about human conception, can be portrayed as "XYXX".   And it is the interaction of the husband and wife on this 96 chromosome level of being within the Embryo of the Morphic Field which was formed by the Divine Marriage, that enables the husband and wife to expand beyond the organic human level of consciousness -- as stated in the 22nd saying of the Gospel of Thomas in the words: Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female ...then will you enter the kingdom".  

In Organic Man, the vital life-force which begins in the lower Earth Sphere, rises up into the Foundation Sphere where it is then tested.   The Foundation Sphere is connected to the Soul-Matrix, and is the seat of who you are based upon the accomplishments of all the past lives that your higher soul-self has lived (see Soul-Symphony - Time - Soul-Octaves - Spiritual Cathedral).    The Foundation Sphere can be portrayed as being strongly influenced by what can be called each person's Spiritual DNA.   The Church Father Origen wrote that: “Every soul... comes into this world strengthened by the victories or weakened by the defeats of its previous life” (Origen, De Principiis).   Those souls who have accomplished much in their past, will be able to conserve and channel more vital life-force within themselves -- thereby possessing greater insight and understanding of what they see and understand.    Those who can be portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son as having squandered away their inheritance on "riotous" living -- expelling their Generative-Power and bio-energy on the things of this world -- because the energy can't be balanced in the Center (Tree of Life), it moves out into the lower spheres of the Tree of Duality.   And if it is (male) Earth-Logic or (feminine) Earth-Intuition, it lacks the balance to be channeled within, and the bio-energy becomes lost into Nature.   Thus, the outer columns of the Tree of Life which are the True of Duality, generate thoughts and impressions that are portrayed in the allegory of Genesis as the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality that the eating of which brings death.      

As stated in the above, the Linear-Logic which is male, and the Intuitive which is female, not only perceives the world differently, but often from opposite and sometimes conflicting perspectives.   Yet with all paradoxical opposites, each side of the equation is not only equally valid -- but in the Divine Design is intended to be resolved when the third-force balance of Mind is elevated to a higher plane.    And when rightly understood, all man and woman need is each other -- developing and raising up both the Linear and the Intuitive into a state of Mental and Spiritual to where the Third-Force of Mind exists on a Higher Enlightened Plane.

Lack of Development Beyond The Organic: The question can rightly be asked: Why don't we observe this higher development of mind among married couples?   In the undeveloped mind, the Generative-Power and bio-energy or vital life-force rises up only through the earth-sphere of each of the twelve spheres of mind -- thereby limiting the consciousness of the person to earth-consciousness.   In much the same way, because the interaction of male and female in our culture is only on a sexual or emotional level, no higher level of interaction can take place.   By remaining carnal or organic, only 1/12th of each sphere is utilized.   The process of expansion and deepening of the mind, is intended to develop each of the 11/12ths of each sphere of mind beyond the organic earth-level of consciousness -- thereby enabling the person (man and woman) to utilize those higher spheres of mind beyond the earth-limitations.  

The Tree of Duality (aka Knowledge of Good and Evil) is named as such, because the gender-based impressions of man and woman are opposite polarities that are each representative of 1/3rd of the Whole.    In the Triangle on the right, male and female can be portrayed as the opposite outer points on the horizontal line -- each thought and impression polarized to opposite and often conflicting perceptions of reality -- each needed to complete its opposite.   In an organic relationship, the third-force balance is on the same horizontal plane, and in most instances is predominated by either the feminine or masculine outer columns or points of the Tree of Duality.   In the diagram at the right, the angles that form the Triangle are representations of the Laws that bring about balance on a higher plane and Wholeness/Completion -- which must be represented in the threefold equality of the angles or Laws.   Consensus is not enough.   Neither is agreement.  The duality of the male/female thoughts and impressions must become elevated and matured in their interaction on a higher plane.  Quoting from The Opening And Unlocking Of The Mind:


One of the greatest lessons the people of our modern culture must learn is that equal does not mean the same.  Perhaps this is best expressed in the introduction of the long ignored book Brain Sex, by Anne Moir and David Jessel, where they wrote: "Men are different from women. They are equal only in their common membership of the same species, humankind. To maintain that they are the same in aptitude, skill or behaviour is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie".   The key to the dilemma that confronts us today is further seen in the words of the authors with respect to their opposition to the ideas we teach our children in our modern-day politically correct culture: "What you will read in this book about the differences between men and women may make both sexes angry or smug. Both reactions are wrong. If women have reason to rage, it is not because science has set at naught their hard-won struggle towards equality; their wrath should rather be directed at those who have sought to misdirect and deny them their very essence". The book then goes on to embrace the very real statement that "Women should contribute their specific female gifts rather than waste their energies in the pursuit of a sort of surrogate masculinity. A woman’s greater imagination can solve intractable problems - be they professional or domestic - at one apparently intuitive stroke."   More recently another (female) researcher named Dr Luan Brizendine has authored a book named The Female Mind.   Dr. Brizendine, whose book is based on her own clinical work and analyses of more than 1,000 scientific studies, added: "There is no unisex brain.  Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values and their very reality.  I know it is not politically correct to say this but I've been torn for years between my politics and what science is telling us.  I believe women actually perceive the world differently from men.  If women attend to those differences they can make better decisions about how to manage their lives."   These more informed decisions are basically impossible for most women in today's culture because of the biological lie that is being promoted due to political correctness.   The problem is that because we dwell in a world that is generally defined by a male linear perspective, the true nature and depth of the feminine mind is largely an unexplored realm of vast substance and opportunity.   In fact, once this far reaching reality is truly realized, one must begin to acknowledge that even men are severely anchored and inhibited by their own and societies ignorance with respect to the higher purpose and untapped potential of the female mind.  In this respect, woman is the missing element in (male) man's search for God and the meaning of life -- and vise versa.

From the perspective reality of the Tree of Duality, the perceptive-impressions of man and woman are representative of 1/3rd of the Whole -- and without the developmental balance that elevates them above the organic horizontal level, no real growth, expansion or deepening of mind can be brought about.  And it is this limiting factor that keeps man and woman earth-bound, that is the reason for the male/female divided realities of mind to be portrayed as the Forbidden Fruit of the Tree of Duality.


The Genesis account of the seduction of Eve and the eating of the forbidden fruit by Adam is a continual occurrence in this world.   Where some cultures exist that enslave women -- often making them second class citizens -- other cultures seduce women by making them think they are the same as their male counterparts -- and they portray success as achieving success independently of men.   Because both men and women as personified in the allegory of Adam and Eve have equally eaten the fruit of the Tree of Duality which the Serpent has provided, they equally remain prisoners in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of Mind and Being (see Outer Darkness).   And so long as they remain in their divided state of Cosmic Duality, they will remain incomplete in a state of perpetual slavery and subjugation to the Citizen of this, the Far Country.   

Until modern man comes to understand the great void of human duality that has seduced him into the illusion that man and woman are separate and independent of each other -- that success can be achieved singularly and separately from each other in their divided condition -- that the Commandments in the Bible are representative of an outdated model of morality -- and that modern recreational sex is the way to go. 

The Price Of Ignoring The Warning Of The Apostles: If what Paul and the other Gospel Authors stated is true, and there exist higher realities and dimensions of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see Mysteries Of The Gospel ) -- and by virtue of the immaturity of the faith-based believers brought about by an embryonic condition of mind which Paul portrayed as the "natural" mind of man -- and the limitations of this embryonic condition of mind even inhibited Jesus from conveying the true spiritual meaning of the scriptures, and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom to all but his inner core of disciples (see In The House - Taught In Parables) -- which means that the biblical authors were therefore powerless to explain in detail many of the most important Gospel teachings and concepts in the literal text of the New Testament -- then the spiritually mature author's of the scriptures who were themselves enlightened to these higher realities, remained virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the people with a list of do's and don'ts -- so that the faith-based believers will be in a position where they will be better able to evolve to a mature understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.   To totally ignore these do's and don'ts, without knowing the consequence of one's choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded.  

Why Can't Truth Exist In This World?  In what could be seen as a rather bazaar statement, in the Epistle of Peter to James the statement is made that if the esoteric body of Truth that Jesus could only reveal to his inner core of disciples was to become lost and thrown away, that " will remain even for those who really seek the truth, always to wander in error"!!!  Which provokes the question: Could such a thing be true?   And perhaps even more important, what could possibly cause such a condition to exist that would make it virtually impossible for seekers to find the Truth?   The Gospel portrays this physical realm as the "outer darkness" of mind and being -- Plato's Cave portrays this world as a Cave of Illusions -- modern physicists portray physical matter as a type of "blemish" that forms within the intersecting forces in an unseen field -- and what we do perceive with our physical senses, can be portrayed as a three-dimensional allegorical image of a higher twelve-dimensional reality that, because of the limitations of this physical realm, the complete image can't manifest (see The Outer Darkness).  Which is why it is warned: "There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov 14:12).  Why?   Because what you see is only a partial representation of what is real -- i.e., a three-dimensional allegorical image of a higher twelve-dimensional reality that can't fully manifest in this realm.   And that what we see is an allegorical shadow-image, is the reason why the Gospel of Thomas declares: (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you...".   Therefore, the seeker must develop the ability to perceive and understand with Wholeness -- what is beyond the three-dimensional limitations of this realm -- but to even begin to accomplish this, he must expand his perceptive vision and understanding to behold with the necessary Wholeness to perceive from a more complete twelve-dimensional perspective.   How can modern man even begin to bring this expanded perceptive vision about, when he is in denial of the existence of anything beyond the three-dimensional shadow-images which he sees with his physical senses?        

When Paul stated to the baptized believers that he himself had instructed: "And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.  I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal" (1 Cor 3:1-3 NKJ) -- what he was stating was that until they deepen and expand their conscious mind beyond the organic three-dimensional limitations, they could only receive the entry-level "milk" of the Gospel message, because their carnal mind could not comprehend the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.   And this is confirmed in the statement of Paul:  “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (1 Cor 2:14 NKJ).     

When Jesus was asked why he did not speak plainly to the multitudes of people, he stated to his disciples: "Unto you is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand..." (Mark 4:11-12).   Why did they  "...see, and not perceive; and ...hear, and not understand..."?   Because of the three-dimensional limitations of man's physical organic senses and comprehension.  


Academia And The Feminist Cultural War On Women: Is there a war on women?   And if there is, who is waging this war?  Perhaps this question can better be answered by suggesting that there is, and for the most part there has always been a war on the Intuitive -- and since by her inherent nature, woman is very much the embodiment of the Intuitive Spheres of Mind as patterned in the Tree of Life, it can rightly be stated that the war on women is not only carried on by academia,  patriarchal religious systems, our culture, but also the Feminists who in many respects are themselves female misogynists who wage war against their own femininity.   While men and women are equal, they are anything but the same. 

If it were possible for us to arise and observe the cultures of this world from the vantage point of a higher plane of greater enlightened vision, would we observe the alleged war on women that some political and cultural pundits and ideologues portray?  And if we could, what would this war look like to us?   What we as man and woman fail to realize is the fact that from the vantage point of the higher reality of the Soul, all earthly realities are seen for what they truly are.    From this enlightened elevated vantage point, we would be able to see the truth of all truths -- the facts of all realities -- and we would be able to perceive and comprehend the causal factors of all events that transpire in this physical world.   Theoretically, no lie would exist unexposed -- no event would be concealed -- no deception would go uncovered -- no secret could remain unrevealed -- and no mystery would exist that would be beyond our comprehension.   And at this elevated vantage point which each of us will encounter in the future when we get to evaluate the life we have been living in this world, no unexplained or unknown phenomena would, or could exist.   And it will very quickly become apparent that privacy and seclusion is very much an illusion.   Therefore, if we could prematurely enter this higher plane of soul-mind, it would be impossible for us to be misguided by some counterfeit clergy, an unfaithful spouse, a lying friend, a charlatan politician, or a seductive ideologue who would lead us in the wrong direction.  In fact, the past, present and future would lie before us with all causal factors revealed. 

Drawing upon the experiences summarized in the Wikipedia (see Life Review) of many who have experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE), it is stated that (quoting) Subjects frequently describe their experience as panoramic, 3-D or holographic. During a life review, the subject's perception is reported to include not only their own perspective in increased vividness, as if they were reliving a given episode itself, but that of all other parties they interact with at each point being reviewed. ...The term 3D is employed to approximate the inclusion of different physical perspectives onto a scene; the intensity of a life review was described by one individual as enabling him to count every nearby mosquito; but equally common is the description of feeling the emotional experience of the other parties, including in one case virtually everyone in a room. While some accounts appear to describe scenes as selected, others more commonly narrate the experience as including things they had, probably naturally, long ago entirely forgotten, with "nothing left out." Experiencers commonly describe the intense vividness and detail as making them feel more alive than when normally conscious.   Most things were pleasant to see, some things made me very embarrassed. In fact, revulsion and guilt took away any good feelings, making me so very sorry for certain things I had said or done. I hadn't just seen what I had done, but I felt and knew the repercussions of my actions. I felt the injury or pain of those who suffered because of my selfish or inappropriate behavior.  

What we fail to realize and understand is the fact that this higher elevated vantage point not only exists within each of us, but is in fact the reality of our True-Self that is a Being of Light ( ) that exists at greatly varying stages of spiritual maturity and evolution.  Which also means that a person does not have to physically die to experience an NDE, and can in fact enter this higher plane at will, in order to see and experience perceptive vision and knowing from this elevated reality that organic man for the most part remains ignorant of.   Notice that in the above they describe the experience as from a "holographic" perspective -- being able to simultaneously perceive and experience the episode from the perception of both themselves, and the other people involved.   Which provokes the question: How can it be possible to perceive our own thoughts and actions in a review of our life, while at the same time perceiving the thoughts and perceptive-reactions of others?   The answer is that at a deeper level, we are all connected.  A fact which parallels the position of Ralph Waldo Emerson in his writing on the Soul of man where it is stated that  " some level, the souls of all people are connected" (see The Soul).  

In the subheading entitled Jesus The Law Professor, I demonstrate that the foundation of Jesus' teachings were as relevant to be taught in the classrooms of academia, as the subject of any religious group.   And in the subheading This World As A Living Bio-Feedback Organism, I explore the reality of the Natural Laws of Creation that returns to each individual person the fruit of their own words, thoughts, desires and deeds.   The fact that we are connected on a deeper level, also means that we remain connected to the same souls over the course of many lifetimes -- often switching sides between aggressor and victim -- until which time all debts incurred with our brothers and sisters are rectified.   The fact is further explored that man as the lost prodigal son does not remember his more distant past (see Does Not Remember).   And those who owe debts to their brothers and sisters, remain in what Jesus portrayed as The Prison -- wherein, no spiritual advancement can be achieved so long at these debts remain unsatisfied -- from life, to life, to life.   And I raise this issue herein, because the Linear-polarized mind of man remains virtually blind to these underlying factors that has molded his present life -- while the Intuitive-polarized mind of woman naturally possess far greater insight into the underlying causal factors.   In the dynamics of the male/female interaction, if the husband assists his wife in the development of her Intuitive spheres of mind, his own Intuitive insights will begin to develop.  But since these Intuitive-perceptions are in most instances beyond his natural Linear insights, few men actually develop these important aspects of mind.   Moreover, in view of the fact that from the perspective of academia, only what is physically seen is perceived to be valid and real, most women fail to develop beyond a very limited organic ability.  

When the ancient wise men and visionaries of the past set forth the need to Know Thyself, reference was being made to our True-Self that consciously exists on this elevated Soul-Plane of existence.   And it is our own inward divided nature and reality that alienates the person we are in this world -- permitting our True-Self to remain an unknown enigma -- and often it is our beliefs and limited awareness and thinking that maintains the inner barrier of separation which can be portrayed as dwelling in the "outer darkness" of mind and being (see   Further, it is our own carnal nature and lack of higher development which condition of mind alienates and maintains a wall of separation between the physical being we are in this world, and the higher reality of our eternal soul that has existed since the very dawn of time.    Outside of our having an NDE, most men remain totally ignorant of this higher soul-plane of existence, because it cannot be accessed through the Linear spheres of mind -- but resides within the almost exclusive domain of the feminine-Intuitive perception that lies dormant in most women.   And while men do possess the potential to develop these Intuitive abilities, they are natural abilities for the spiritually mature woman. 

In the Holographic Divine Pattern of Creation that is replicated throughout all that exists, woman is the embodiment of the Intuitive Nature and Realities of Mind.   And as such, there has always existed not only a separation, but also a conflict between the Intuitive-Feminine, and the Linear-Masculine aspects of Mind -- a conflict that wages within each of us -- a conflict that has caused mankind to perpetually eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Duality -- the eating of which has maintained both man and woman in a perpetual state of slavery under the direct control of what the Bible often portrays as the god of this world.   And in the parable of the prodigal son, the son will remain in this, the Far Country, until which time he "comes to his senses", and begins the Journey in TheWay of his return to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination.    But, as Jesus stated, the process by which the Journey is made, is through bringing about the necessary subsequent stages of birth -- which, when rightly understood, changes everything we think we know about both the true reality of man and woman, the nature and purpose of the scriptures, as well as the reality of the lives we have been living in this world.  And this reality of man and woman which is not at all understood by the vast majority of the world's religions, is demonstrated in the 22nd saying of the Gospel of Thomas  where Jesus is asked by his disciples how the Kingdom is to be entered?   To which Jesus replied: "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom." 

With respect to the alleged war on woman, the foregoing statement attributed to Jesus not only changes everything, but it puts the reality of life in a totally different perspective.   The question now becomes: How is the division of male and female overcome and negated, to the degree where the two become ONE?   And what if this condition of ONENESS is not achieved?  Do we get to enter the Kingdom anyway?   Which also provokes the question: If there is indeed a war on women, how does this war effect man's entrance into the Kingdom, and his ultimate return to what is portrayed as Eden?  

If you could for just a minute perceive reality from the higher elevated plane through the eyes of the soul, you would immediately see that not only is there a war on woman who is the embodiment of the Intuitive spheres of mind, but also a war inhibiting mankind from fulfilling the above words of Jesus with respect to gaining entrance into the Kingdom.   Which provokes the question: And to the one who does not accomplish the fulfillment of these words of Jesus, what will be their fate?   As set forth in the Revelation, they will continue to "go out" until this condition of return is brought about -- i.e., "He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more" (Rev 3:12 NKJ).   If the objective is to restore the ONENESS of Adam to that condition before the separation of Adam and Eve within each of us -- thereby achieving a renewed condition of Wholeness -- then it is the objective of the god of this world which is personified as the Citizen of the Far Country, to maintain absolute control over the lost prodigal son who is immersed in a life of squandering away his inheritance through "riotous living", from bringing about that condition within himself, where those aspects of mind and being that are personified in the symbols of Adam and Eve, from reuniting into that previous state which is personified prior to the proverbial Fall of Man.  

From the personification of the allegorical account of Adam and Eve as presented in the Genesis account, what is portrayed as the eating of the fruit of the Tree of Duality, continues to this present time-frame.   Because we fail to understand the allegorical portrayal of Eve as the embodiment of mankind's Intuitive spheres of mind within the pattern of the Tree of Life, we remain ignorant of what is being presented as a divided reality of our own mind and being that causes us to remain under the control of the earth-bound consciousness -- allegorically portrayed as the serpent in the garden, the Citizen of the Far Country, or the god of this world.   From the organic male Linear mindset, the Intuitive perceptions of the feminine simply does not compute.   So they basically remain discarded and not acted upon.   And thus, so long as the Linear spheres of mind fails to properly interact with the Intuitive, mankind remains a prisoner of the Citizen of the Far Country.     

Throughout the above article on the Tree of Life and the Divine Marriage, I demonstrate where the very thoughts and impressions which mankind generates within himself, are processed through a divided reality which the scriptures portray as the Tree of Duality -- aka the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that according to the allegorical account, brings death to the eater thereof.  Which provokes the proverbial question: While the account in Genesis is allegorical -- and therefore, the name Adam means man, or mankind -- and therefore must be understood as being a relevant pattern that is universal to all people spanning all time-frames -- it must then be understood that the condition portrayed as death from eating the forbidden fruit portrayed in the Genesis account, has absolutely nothing to do with physical death (see The Dead Know Nothing).   But what this also means is that all men and women have equally eaten the fruit of the Tree of Duality -- and therefore must be nourished by the fruit of the Tree of Life to bring about the Promise of the scriptures -- i.e., quoting the intro above: "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever" (Gen 3:22-23).   Thus, the promise is that those who eat the fruit of the Tree of Life, will live forever.  That the Tree of Life is something that all of mankind can gain entrance to, and eat the fruit thereof, is demonstrated in the statement in the Revelation: "'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God'" (Rev 2:7).

When the pattern of our own mind is understood as existing within the portrayal of the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life which is presented throughout this article and to the right, the term death must then be understood is in reference to our condition of inward separation and division -- which separation creates a condition of abject ignorance of our own higher soul and spiritual reality.   And it is this self-ignorance that is the basis of the adage to Know Thyself (see   Which means that the scriptures are not at all historical accounts as interpreted by Fundamentalists -- and when the scriptures are correctly used as the Key of Knowledge (see and turned within our own mind and being, the many scriptural portrayals of the blind being healed, is therefore the blindness of the lost prodigal son to his own own higher soul and spiritual reality -- which plight must be understood within the context of the parable of the prodigal son who has journeyed into what the Gospel account of Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" (see ) -- which condition parallels the analogy of Plato's Cave.   Which means that the reference to death in the Genesis account from eating the fruit of the Tree of Duality, is representative of a condition of our own mind and being in the present time-frame -- and is also making reference to our separation from our True-Self, and from the Heavenly Kingdom which in the parable, we abandoned to journey into this, the Far Country.  

When rightly understood, what is allegorically portrayed as the Fall of Man, is actually portraying that condition within each person that has been brought about by the division of the male and female columns of the Tree of Life within us -- with each of the outer divided male/female columns representing the Tree of Duality -- by which  the eating of the fruit brings about a condition of death.   Which of course raises the question: In the above article ( I present the fact that men and women generate opposite polarity impressions and thoughts that act as a type of food for the mind that when brought together and re-merged, have the potential to initiate the expansion, deepening and transformation of Mind.   Modern intellectuals who are representative of the hierarchy of academia, can't even begin to grasp this principle of consciousness and the expansion of mind, because from their perspective all knowledge is acquired through the study of man's wisdom throughout the ages.   And thus, from an allegorical perspective, this body of intellectuals have eaten of the fruit of the Tree of Duality -- and from a higher perspective, they exist in a state of mental-death.   Why mental death?   Because they lack any understanding of the Source of Superior Knowledge that exists at the Core of every man, woman and child -- and not only does the body of intellectuals who rule over the halls of academia not understand how to access and draw upon this inner Supreme Source of Knowledge -- but their very method of learning and acquiring knowledge, slams the door to tap into this Source of Knowledge that greatly exceeds the massive libraries of academia.   The Intuitive spheres of mind cannot develop in a classroom environment.   Neither can the Intuitive develop by reading and studying books that were written from a Linear perspective.    And when rightly understood, the whole environment of modern academia is waging war upon the Intuitive -- keeping mankind earth-bound in his thinking and consciousness.   In the original first-century teachings on seeking only the True Prophet as one's personal teacher and instructor (see True Prophet), the ability to fulfill the Gospel and learn directly from the True Prophet who is the personification of the Indwelling Logos/Son of God, is directly dependent upon the development of the Intuitive spheres of mind.   Mental and Spiritual Maturity can only be achieved through the interaction of the Linear and Intuitive as personified in the symbolism of Adam and Eve, which aspects of mind must be reunited within the individual.   Which reuniting is personified in the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas: "...and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."  When we come to understand that holographically, man's physical reality is in fact a pattern for not only higher levels of mind and spirit, but also what can be portrayed as the Macrocosm of the Cosmic Tree of Life of Creation itself -- then it must be understood that the divided male and female impressions impose a type of death upon the individual, and universally all of mankind?  What is therefore presented in the allegorical account of Adam and Eve, is the absolute need for the divided Principles of Mind as personified in the Tree of Duality, to be "fruitful and multiply" within the Divine Pattern of the Tree of Life, in order to bring about the next stage of birth.  

Holographically, we can then begin to understand the higher reality of mind by using the pattern on a physical level to comprehend mankind's higher universal reality.   In the same way that a sperm or ovum that does not join with its opposite cannot develop into an embryo -- and in the separation, even the opportunity for Life is lost -- without this joining of male and female the embryo and fetus cannot even begin to sufficiently evolve to be born into this world -- and in accord with the holographic pattern, this is also true on the next mental level of being where man and woman represent cosmic opposites that must be joined together as one, in order to bring about the next subsequent level of birth.   

In the above article I demonstrate that while man and woman are equal, they are not the same -- to the degree that they represent opposite polarities of mind and being.    In view of the reality that man and woman represent opposite halves of the whole on this plane -- and one third of the equation on a higher evolved plane -- then to portray them as the same except for their biological reproductive roles as is being promoted throughout modern western culture, is an outright denial of the truth.   As halves of each other, while men and women are equal, they are anything but the same -- and to be ignorant  of this reality, must be as I portray in an article on Harvard University as the boondoggle of abject ignorance (see Harvard).  And when it is understood that male and female are in fact, opposite halves of a single equation -- and what you impose on one half, you invoke on its opposite -- what we have is the Academia and Feminist Cultural War on Mankind as a Whole. 

In the (above) subheading entitled Lack Of Development Beyond The Organic, I demonstrate that our present politically correct Feminist-based culture is "...based on a biological and scientific lie".   But the bottom line is that woman is half of the whole on this plane -- and as half of the whole, a woman is a woman, because a man is a man -- and thus, the unique expressions, abilities and potential of man and woman, inhibits and suppresses certain abilities in the opposite sex, and these unique gender-based abilities are the direct expression of who each of us is as a man and woman.   A man is a man with unique masculine gender-based abilities, because a woman is a woman with unique feminine opposite gender-based abilities.   The male polarity has certain aspects and powers of mind and being that are Naturally Suppressed by the Laws of Nature, in order to strengthen and manifest other aspects and powers of mind -- and these aspects and powers that are naturally manifest in the male polarity, are reversed in the feminine polarity.   And this divided reality of mind and being is necessary to bring about an expansion and deepening of consciousness, mind and being, beyond mankind's physical limitations. 

When you attempt to program young girls to think and act in a more masculine artificial role -- and by doing so, you in effect suppress the natural feminine abilities in young girls that are virtually absent in the male gender -- then what you have is a Franken-Culture of deformed individuals who can no longer fulfill their intended potential or divine role.   A woman is a woman -- possessing divine and unique abilities that are gender-suppressed in her male counterpart -- because a man is a man.   A woman's unique weaknesses and strengths are all necessary to manifest positive attributes of Mind and Being, when Completed within an evolved male/female union.   By her very nature a woman has inherit weaknesses in relation to her male counterpart -- and a woman's gender-based weakness are absolutely necessary in order to create an environment within herself where she is able to receive from her opposite male-gender, and then supercharge the resulting transformative force within her mind and being -- returning this transformed power back into her male opposite in his gender-based reflective weaknesses, in order to raise up the two (joined man and woman) onto a Higher Plane.   In accord with the Natural Laws of Consciousness and Creation, all growth and development is brought about through the balanced interaction of opposites.   With respect to the true statement: "Show me your strenghts, and I'll show you your weaknesses", the opposite is also true: "Show me your weaknesses, and I'll show you your strengths".   There is a necessary relationship between the physical and the mental -- and there is an important reason why women are physically weaker than her male counterpart.   Only when we begin to understand that what is perceived as a weakness is in fact a manifest strength on another level of mind and being, can we even begin to comprehend the true dynamics of the male and female reality within the Holographic Divine Pattern of Creation.  When rightly understood, the perceived physical weaknesses of woman in relationship to her male opposite, is actually manifest strengths of mind that is necessary to achieve Wholeness and Completion.   On one level woman is weaker than her male counterpart, because on another level woman is stronger than her male opposite.   And the weaknesses of both genders are in accord with the Laws of Creation, necessary to manifest the strengths associated with each gender -- which are necessary for the process of interaction growth and development.  

Unlike man and woman as physically manifest in this world, our True-Self -- i.e., our higher Soul-Self -- is asexual (perfect balance of male and female), and is a Being of Light (see ).   Therefore, while it is true that our Soul and True-Self is neither male nor female, the Soul's asexual reality is based upon the principle of Wholeness -- i.e., the male and female polarities are in Absolute Balance -- as portrayed in the symbol of the Yin and Yang within the mind of a man at the right.  In the allegorical account of Genesis, the Adam that was portrayed prior to the separation of Eve existed in a state of Adam/Eve (Male/Female) Oneness.   And the emergence of Eve being drawn from the side of Adam, was merely the separation of the two half's of the Self -- a necessary reality to bring about growth and development from the Alpha of ignorance, to the Omega of Enlightened Light and Knowing. 

The Wisdom of the ancient mystics and visionaries expressed the need and objective to Know Thyself (see ).  But what exactly does that mean?   The Gospel of Thomas confirms the Wisdom of the ancients where Jesus declares: "...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty".   And once it is realized that our true self is a Being of Light that is the balance of male/female opposites in their Manifest Oneness, our reality can further be declared that without the merger of the (outer) divided male and female columns of the Tree of Duality, that it will remain impossible for us to ever fulfill the adage to Know Thyself.   And this merger of the male/female columns of the Tree of Duality can be seen in the Gospel of Thomas statement of Jesus as to what we must do to enter into the Promised Kingdom: They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"  Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."  Why?  Because the mental impressions of divided man and woman are incomplete -- and in the same way that the offspring that makes them "one flesh" is brought about through the joining of their essence in sexual congress, so too is the division of the Tree of Duality merged in the Tree of Life through the two becoming "one flesh" on a mental level of being.   From the perspective of the Holographic Divine Pattern, what is true on a physical level, is also true on a mental and spiritual level.  Therefore, in the foregoing I am not in any measure making reference to the child-bearing role of women -- but rather, unique mental and spiritual attributes that are essential to the development of man and woman beyond the organic physical level.   In fact, when rightly understood, the procreation role of man and woman is a byproduct -- i.e., an allegorical symbol of the potential of man and woman to bring about the expansion and deepening of important innate and latent abilities beyond the organic physical level -- important abilities and attributes that are crucial to the higher development of both man and woman as a Whole.   Which means that the higher purpose of sex is not physical procreation (which is a byproduct) -- but the gender opposites and sexual interaction is necessary because of the Wholistic Reality of Sex (see The Holographic Pattern Of Sex).  

When rightly understood in the relationship of body, mind and spirit, the appearance of physical weaknesses on another level is merely the gateway and presence of manifest mental and spiritual strengths.   Everyone knows that there are areas where woman is substantially weaker than her male counterpart -- but these apparent weaknesses are merely the result of superior mental and spiritual strengths at crucial points in the being of woman -- and vice versa in the inherent weaknesses of man to woman, and the relationship of these inherent gender-based strengths in the opposite male polarity.   The perceived weaknesses are the manifestation of the negative/reflective/receiving polarity, that enables receptivity of its opposite positive polarity, that is the environment necessary to achieve Wholeness and Completion.   In like manner, within the mind and being of the male there are receptive aspects that can be perceived as inherent gender-weaknesses, and these receptive aspects of mind are necessary to receive from woman and achieve Wholeness and Completion.   The more receptive to the opposite polarities within the male and female genders, the greater the potential to bring about Wholeness and Completion.  

What can be perceived to be a weakness of a woman within the dynamics of the gender interaction on a mental level, is actually a strength due to the ability to reflect, receive and raise up the opposite polarity/gender impressions that, in organic man, is the vital life-force that is lost into Nature in the parable of the prodigal son where his inheritance is squandered away on "riotous living" -- a carnal condition that renders him mentally and spiritually destitute (see Prodigal Son).   Thus, when rightly understood, the very Intuitive attributes of mind and being that are suppressed as young girls are programmed to think in a male Linear manner, are representative of the suppression of strengths within the dynamics of the male/female relationship and the Essence of Achieving Wholeness and Completion.  

We should therefore pose the question: What constitutes success in life?   In accord with the Holographic Divine Pattern of Creation, success is accomplished by remerging the proverbial Adam and Eve on all levels of one's own being -- reuniting them as "one flesh".   As stated in the words of Jesus that were removed from the corrupted Gospels of the Church of Rome, but has been preserved in the Gospel of Thomas: "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."   The references to the "two [that must be made] one" -- "the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside" -- "the above like the below" -- and the "male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female" -- are all portraying aspects of mind and being within the pattern of the twelve spheres of the Tree of Life.    As are the twelve tribes of Israel, as well as the twelve disciples of Christ.   And the foregoing must be achieved within the individual, in order to enable the lost prodigal son to return to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination.  

On a physical level, this pattern is demonstrated in the merging of sperm and ovum which enables the two opposites (male/female) to develop and attain birth -- with the offspring being the perfect balance of father and mother.   But in a holographic reality, the pattern is replicated on every level of being -- and when rightly understood within the construct of the Divine Pattern of Creation, what is true on the physical level, is also true on the mental and spiritual levels of being.   Therefore, when an infant is born in this world, they enter this realm as a Cosmic Ovum and Sperm where the next level of joining must be brought about (see Man As A Cosmic Ovum And Sperm).   Where the birth process in our mother's womb began with the merging of male/female essence which initiated the process of physical birth, our entrance in this world was into a mental-womb where we must develop all attributes of mind to become Whole and Complete on that (mental) level of being.   As presented in the above, in the Gospel of John when Jesus was asked about entering the Kingdom, Jesus stated to Nicodemus: You must bring about the next stage of birth -- i.e., Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).   And in the same way that on a physical level the joining of the male/female essence is necessary in physical congress to initiate birth, so too is the joining of male/female opposites on our present level necessary to bring about the next stage of birth.  

Birth and Completion on a physical level is a very simple process of the joining of the male sperm and female ovum which forms an embryo -- to complete the pattern of the physical, only one sperm and one ovum are necessary to fulfill the pattern.   What we fail to understand with respect to the development of the embryo into a fetus, is the reality that it is the continued interaction of the male/female chromosomes within the embryo in the process of expansion, that forms the fetus.    And in our inability to comprehend the pattern of development, we fail to apply this knowledge to how the mind evolves through the process of expansion and deepening.  

One of the many problems encountered on a mental level that is present on a physical level, is the fact that to develop and bring about mental wholeness and completion, freewill must exist -- and we must possess the freedom to live out our choices.   Which necessitates the reality that this world must be a Living Bio-Feedback Organism which insures man's development of mind.   And because the soul must have the freewill to live out and learn from its choices -- often switching polarities within the construct of these choices from life to life.  Therefore, the process of development of the mind MUST be brought about over the course of many lifetimes (see ) -- an important original teaching that was suppressed by the emperors who ruled over the Church.   Which means that while these individual choices we make in our daily lives in most instances fail to bring about and initiate the next stage of birth, the many varied lives as a man or woman does achieve the necessary developments of mind that will in the future bring about success by enabling the person to achieve the next stage of Soul-Birth.   That the same soul often must live a series of subsequent lives where gender is reversed, in order to stimulate development from opposite columns of the Tree of Duality, is a reality imposed upon the lost prodigal sons by virtue of the Natural Laws of Creation.   The question of course remains as to how many meaningless lives must the soul live, before any real progress towards development is brought about?   Most souls have yet to make any real and substantial progress -- but they do have eternity to work out what the few are able to accomplish in a very short span of lives.   According to Edgar Cayce, the soul who lived as the historical man Jesus accomplished the necessary succession of births over the course of thirty (30) lifetimes.  

In order to fulfill her own Divine Role within the Divine Pattern of Creation, organic woman must develop all her innate and latent abilities and attributes that provides her her unique transformative abilities.   The author's of the book Brain Sex (see Lack Of Development Beyond The Organic) portrays the attempt on the part of our politically correct feminist culture as an attempt to suppress these transformative abilities, and recreate woman as a "surrogate male" -- concluding that "...If women have reason to rage, it is not because science has set at naught their hard-won struggle towards equality; their wrath should rather be directed at those who have sought to misdirect and deny them their very essence".  Further, by inhibiting the development of woman's natural feminine strengths and abilities that in most instances remain virtually absent in her male counterpart and opposite half, mankind as a whole has been mentally and spiritually flat-lined.   And this fact is apparent in the folly of our culture-driven politically correct academia that attempts to ignore and evade even acknowledging the vast storehouse of knowledge and reality it remains in abject denial of -- even when directly confronted by indisputable facts.  

In the Genesis account woman is portrayed as having been drawn from man -- thus, she is a part of him -- as a help-meet -- but few people actually understand what this term which was translated out of the Hebrew actually means.   In Hebrew the two words that "help meet" are derived from are the words "ezer" and the word "'k’enegdo".   Ezer which is commonly translated as "help" is really a rich word with a much deeper meaning.  In her book Eve and the Choice Made in Eden, Beverly Campbell explains,

“According to biblical scholar David Freedman, the Hebrew word translated into English as “help” is ezer. This word is a combination of two roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save,” and the other meaning “to be strong.” Just as the roots merged into one word, so did their meanings. At first ezer meant either “to save” or “to be strong,” but in time, said Freedman, ezer “ was always interpreted as ‘to help’ a mixture of both nuances.”

Diana Webb in her book Forgotten Women of God also clarifies this word by explaining,

"The noun ezer occurs 21 times in the Hebrew Bible. In eight of these instances the word means “savior”. These examples are easy to identify because they are associated with other expressions of deliverance or saving. Elsewhere in the Bible, the root ezer means “strength.... the word is most frequently used to describe how God is an ezer to man. "

When rightly understood, woman is the most immediate savior of man, because she is the opposite polarity that has the potential to Complete Him.   When it is pointed out that in the Gospels Jesus portrays the celibate alternative, while this is true, celibacy must be understood from a different perspective.   Quoting the above subheading Oneness In The Third-Force Morphic Field: The Gospel of the Nazirenes preserves an important teaching that was removed from the scriptures published by the Church.   In this saying reference is made to the preservation of the male seed -- i.e., "My work is to teach and to heal the children of men, and he that is born of God keeps his seed within him."  Why keep one's seed within one's self?   That seed is the power of regeneration -- and, as portrayed in the parable of the prodigal son, one can squander it away on "riotous living" in this, the Far Country -- or one can utilize this bio-energy for the regeneration of self.   In view of the fact that the male retains the original pattern of "XY" (whereas, woman is "XX"), there exists the prospect of self-generation.   But this is very difficult -- and is totally contrary to the Laws of Nature.   Far more easy is to live as husband and wife in a Divinely Consecrated Marriage, where the seed/bio-energy is totally utilized within the construct of the Union for the expansion and deepening of the man and woman's mind and being.  

In the case of the celibate developmental path, the Intuitive spheres of mind are easily suppressed by the outward focused Linear spheres of mind.   It is therefore easy for the Linear to dismiss the Intuitive inner perceptions.   While modern academia can produce many intelligent and knowledgeable men and women, they remain "naturally" limited without the interaction of the opposite spheres of mind in the outer (male/female) columns of the Tree of Life.   And this interactive development is necessary to overcome the physical limitations of what can be portrayed as organic (physical) consciousness.   In contradistinction, as a wife and Soul-Partner develops in relation to her husband, her natural Intuitive perceptions can be discussed and explored.   Moreover, woman inherently possess abilities that are gender-suppressed in her male counterpart -- she is then able to draw upon these strengths and innate abilities to bring them into the Marriage Union -- which dynamic interactions enables the innate abilities of both husband and wife to further develop beyond the organic physical limitations associated with normal male/female consciousness.    Through the dynamic interaction, a wise husband is then able to explore and expose himself to these expanded conditions of mind and consciousness, by assisting his wife to explore her strengths within the construct of the Union.   Woman's natural abilities enables her to more easily draw upon the past -- including the accomplishments the the husband and wife brought into the relationship in the present.   Man's natural abilities enable him to plot their course as seekers going forward in their lives together.   Woman possess greater inner vision and insight than does her male counterpart.   And these greatly expanded perceptions are invaluable to the development of the Union as they seek the necessary Wholeness that can achieve the next stage of birth together as "one flesh".   These extended perceptions and abilities remain virtually absent on a celibate path.  

Lastly, in the case of Soul-Seeker Spouses who work to resume their past Marriage in the present, the Natural Laws of Creation re-establish the accomplishments of a Husband and Wife as they bring their relationship forward from life to life.   Woman's Natural abilities which provide her greater access and insight into their past together, as well as inner dimensions of Soul-Mind, creates an environment that enables the Husband and Wife to more easily manifest their developed strengths in the present relationship.   This advantage for Husband and Wife seekers which is supported by the Natural Laws of Creation, it totally lacking in the case of a celibate path.   

In understanding the dynamics of the holographic Divine Pattern, in the same way that it is the ovum of woman that receives the sperm from man to bring forth offspring that is the embodiment of the essence of both father and mother, on a higher level it is woman who is able to receive the Generative Power from man -- and when channeled and raised up within herself and returned, possesses the alchemical transformative power to bring about the expansion and deepening of Mind and Being.   When a sperm and ovum are united as an embryo in the womb of woman, it is the interaction of the polarities of male and female DNA that initiates and brings about the growth of the embryo into a fetus, and a fetus into a newborn.  As stated above, one of the realities which our modern science has yet to understand, is the fact that after forming an embryo, the process of the cells forming the body of the fetus, is brought about with the continued interaction of the male and female chromosomes within the cells that continue the reproductive action.  

In accord with the holographic Divine Pattern, the process of mental expansion is repeated on the next level of development after physical birth.   In the same way that the union of man and woman forms a Cosmic Embryo -- and it is the interaction of the male and female impressions that brings about the necessary development of the Cosmic Embryo that has been formed in the union of man and woman -- initiating the expansion and deepening of mind that evolves the Embryo into a Cosmic Fetus -- whereby the human environment is able to attain the next stage of Soul-Birth.   And without this alchemical expansion and deepening, both man and woman remain flat-lined and totally organic and physical in their thinking and mindset.   In the Genesis Account the word used to portray woman means that she is man's most immediate savior, because without her, man remains incomplete and flat-lined on an organic physical level that renders him mentally and spiritually impotent. 

The statement of Jesus as preserved in the Gospel of Thomas -- i.e., "...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty" -- is based upon the pattern of mind as presented in the saying that "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom" -- because without the interaction and merger of opposites that the Cosmic Ovum and Sperm into a Cosmic Embryo and Fetus, all advancement beyond the organic physical level which Paul portrayed as the "natural" mind of man that is incapable of comprehending the higher reality of the soul and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, will impede and inhibit the growth of the individual.    And as presented in the allegorical account of Genesis, the inherent reflective power of woman is the necessary Transformative Power to initiate and bring about the process of growth and development beyond the organic physical level of mind and being.   

In many instances, those who can be portrayed as hard-core radical Feminists, are little more than women misogynists who despise the essence of their own femininity.   While the Genesis Account of Adam and Eve is allegorical, what we observe unfolding in our present feminist driven politically correct culture is a true serpent attempting to seduce young girls into abandoning both their feminine essence and their unique and ultra-important gifts and attributes that are divinely bestowed upon them as a women.   As stated by Dr. Luan Brizendine in her book, The Female Mind: "...Girls arrive already wired as girls, and boys arrive already wired as boys. Their brains are different by the time they're born, and their brains are what drive their impulses, values and their very reality.  I know it is not politically correct to say this but I've been torn for years between my politics and what science is telling us.  I believe women actually perceive the world differently from men."    And it is these vast differences and their innate undeveloped strengths -- strengths that are often totally lacking in the opposite gender -- that is the ultimate key to their success. 

Women by their very nature, possess inherent abilities that are absent in males of an organic mindset, and these inherent abilities or woman must be developed into strengths within the dynamics of the male/female interactive relationship.   The problem in academia is seen in the fact that the male Linear spheres of mind rule -- leaving no place for the feminine Intuitive.   Quoting from The Holographic Pattern Of Sex:

While men and women have interacted sexually, emotionally and culturally since the dawn of time itself, their gain is usually at a snails pace at best.   It is not until both the man and woman become cognizant of the mental void that immersed each of them in opposite prisons -- becoming conscious of their own shortfalls and genetically inherited strengths -- that they can begin to solve the perplexing riddle of the gender differences.    And becoming cognizant of ones voids as a man or woman, is merely the beginning of the path to overcome the shackles of those voids that inhibit man's progress.

Spiritual Alchemy represents the transformation of self that fulfills the requirement that makes the two "one flesh" -- and by brining this transformation about, enables the seeker/disciple to restore Wholeness within themselves.   In the many allegorical accounts presented in the Gospels, Jesus healed by brining about Wholeness -- but few believers understand what this means.    In the allegorical account of Genesis, Adam was in Wholeness only when Eve was united to him -- and they are often portrayed as such in Jewish Mysticism.    In the same way that the second day of Creation in the Genesis account is the only day not portrayed as being good, all division and separation brings death from the perspective of the higher reality of being.   Adam and Eve were warned not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Duality (aka Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) -- and yet, few biblical students are able to take this allegorical reality, and extend the pattern into every aspect of life.   

On a level of mind, the individual thoughts of a man or woman, represent the fruit of the Tree of Duality.   And in the same way that an ovum or sperm can be seen individually, it must also be understood that from an individual perspective, the destiny of an individual ovum or sperm is death.    And in taking the pattern to the next level of Creation and birth, this is also true of man and woman.   On a mental level, the thoughts, perceptions and impressions of a man and woman, represent the fruit of the Tree of Duality.   And in the same way that in the allegory of the Genesis Account, man was banished from the Garden so they could not put forth their hand and eat also of the Tree of Life and inherit Eternal Life, the duality of man and woman can only be overcome when they join and become "one flesh", in a Divine Marriage .   And you must take the fruit of duality which is the gender based mindset, thoughts and impressions, and bring about a third-force balance that bears the fruit of the Tree of Life.

In revisiting some of the foundational concepts that reveals to us the higher spiritual reality, the statement in the Encyclopedia Britannica under the heading, The History of Christian Mysticism, that "...From this perspective mysticism played a vital part in the early church. Early Christianity was a religion of the spirit that expressed itself in the heightening and enlargement of human consciousness” (see Heightening And Expansion Of Mind), with that of Einstein's that "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." (see Intuitive vs Rational-linear) -- it is the interaction of higher elevated thoughts and impressions (see Impressions As Food), and the resonance of the husband and wife within a Divine Marriage builds what Rupert Sheldrake portrays as a Morphic Field (see Gender Blindness And Birth) that only the husband and wife have access to -- which evolves the Union through the interaction of the Intuitive-Feminine and the Linear-Male.   

From the perspective of modern academia, knowledge is the cumulative wisdom recorded in their countless books and historical records -- and there is virtually no place for the Intuitive to access the Inner Source of Knowledge that lies beyond the domain of man's books and libraries of wisdom.   In fact, the vast majority of Intuitive-based Knowledge is totally rejected by academia as worthless speculation.   If you can't prove it from a Linear perspective, then it is not valid and has no place in the domain of academia.   

When our culture attempts to program women to compete and think in a linear male perspective, not only does her innate intuitive spheres of mind remain undeveloped and atrophied, but in her academic linear-based development,  she fails to mature and develop the necessary gender-based attributes that is able to complete her opposite male half.   Thus, she is no longer able to fulfill her divine role as the "help-meet" (savior) that forms the necessary embryo that enables the next level of birth to be brought about within the construct of the Divine Marriage.   In failing to understand that what is perceived as inherent weaknesses from a male linear perspective, is actually strengths from the opposite feminine paradoxical perspective -- along with our Franken-culture's attempt to re-form young girls into surrogate-men -- i.e., pseudo-men who are are trained to think from a linear perspective the same as men with the exception of their reproductive roles -- our politically correct Feminist driven culture is denying both men and women the very key to inheriting their full potential and Divine Destiny.  

While such women who are highly trained and educated by modern academia are able to find and achieve high degrees of success from the perspective of the culture of this world, their development will be limited and flat-lined at a certain stage of their development.   Every religion the world over conveys the reality that success from the perspective of this world for both man and woman, does not in any manner equate to higher development and what would constitute spiritual success.   In view of the fact that for the most part, modern academia is in totally denial of man's higher soul and spiritual natures and realities, absolutely no provision exists within academia which is designed to develop woman's innate Intuitive abilities that are virtually lacking in her male counterpart.   And from the perspective of mankind's higher soul and spiritual reality, in failing to fulfill the divine role as a "help-meet" that has the alchemical power to complete her male opposite, she will remain alienated from her higher Soul-Self that is Eternal.   Or, as portrayed in the Gospel of Thomas -- i.e., "...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty".   Without achieving the next stage of Soul-Birth, it will remain impossible for a woman to become At-One with their True-Self that is neither male nor female -- but the dynamic balance of all opposites.   And in suppressing and inhibiting the development of woman's inherent natural Intuitive abilities that are gender-suppressed and often totally absent in her male counterpart, both man and woman suffer the consequences as they are flat-lined at a certain organic stage of their development.  


Not To Understand

Why Casual And Uncommitted Sex

Is Condemned In The Bible

Is to Remain Profoundly Ignorant And Lost


  The Consequence Of Ignorance: Is Ignorance Bliss?  There is an important reason why the Bible condemns Adultery and sex outside of marriage.   There is an important reason that has absolutely nothing to do with pro-creation as to why the Bible condemns homosexuality.   And while it has been difficult and even impossible for the spiritually immature faith-based believer to understand the important reasons why these prohibitions were set forth in the scriptures, to ignore the prohibitions, is to inhibit mental development and spiritual progress beyond a very elementary level of comprehension and manifest reality. 

If what the other Gospel Authors state is true, and there exist higher realities and dimensions of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see Mysteries Of The Gospel ) -- and by virtue of the immaturity of the faith-based believers brought about by an embryonic and immature condition of mind which the biblical authors portrayed as the "natural" organic mind of man -- and the limitations of this embryonic condition of mind even inhibited Jesus from conveying the true meaning of the scriptures, and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom to all but his inner core of disciples (see In The House - Taught In Parables) -- which means that the biblical authors were therefore powerless to explain in detail many of the most important Gospel teachings and concepts in the literal text of the New Testament -- then the spiritually mature author's of the scriptures who were themselves enlightened to these higher realities, remained virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the people with a list of do's and don'ts -- so that the faith-based believers will be in a position where they will be better able to evolve to a mature understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay. To totally ignore these do's and don'ts, without knowing the consequence of one's choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded -- to play Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver -- is to walk barefoot in a pit of poisonous vipers.    While this present article was written many years ago, there is a section in the newly authored article The Three Lies entitled Man And Woman as the Cosmic Ovum And Sperm, that will present to the reader important knowledge that has been censored -- and that is generally unknown to our modern culture.    Why does the Bible reject unmarried sex?   Why did Jesus even condemn visual lust played out in one's mind?   Why is casual sex prohibited in the scriptures?    Why does both the Old and New Testaments equally condemn homosexuality?   Not to know the answers to these questions, is to walk blindfolded into heavy freeway traffic.    Knowledge is Power -- and when proper knowledge is applied to one's life, the person becomes empowered to prevail over all forces in opposition to one's success.   The informed mind can succeed, where the uninformed and ignorant will fail. 

Not only does modern man not understand the underlying reasons that the scriptures reject casual sex, but our modern culture which is based upon junk science -- a junk science that is not only easily demonstrated to be counterfeit -- but is also the cause of the suppression of scientific findings of fact that would force informed people to immediately reject the folly and tenets of our modern culture which enslaves the ignorant.   While freedom and choice is good -- anytime that we act blindly without knowing the consequences of our actions, we are putting ourselves in great danger.   And in many ways the prevailing ignorance of most young women in our modern culture, can very much be likened to a blind date with a serial killer who is in search of his next victim.   Not to understand the scientific and spiritual principles presented at the link which holographically demonstrates that man and woman is very much a  Cosmic Ovum And Sperm that is endeavoring to bring about the next level of birth within the mind and being of the individual -- is to remain in the abyss of self-ignorance.     

  The Holographic Reality Of Gender: What does it mean to portray man and woman as a  Cosmic Ovum And Sperm?   I use the term hologram to portray a reality where the pattern of the whole is imprinted into each of its lesser parts.   This reality is often stated in the words, as above, so below -- or the microcosm is a miniature image of the Macrocosm -- defined as: Macrocosm and microcosm is an ancient Greek Neo-Platonic schema of seeing the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos, from the largest scale (macrocosm or universe-level) all the way down to the smallest scale (microcosm or sub-sub-atomic or even metaphysical-level). In the system the midpoint is Man, who summarizes the cosmos..    And one of the realities would be seen in the fact that in a holographic reality, the lowest common denominator would be a pattern of each subsequent higher level of being.   If man and woman is created in the image of God, and the lowest expression of that pattern-image is the gender divide of sperm and ovum, then man and woman on the next level must be understood to be a  Cosmic Ovum And Sperm.   But more importantly is the fact that the same Laws that are applicable to the sperm and ovum as a microcosmic pattern, are equally true at the next level of man and woman at their level as a  Cosmic Ovum And Sperm.   

Quoting from The Holographic Pattern Of Sex: In beginning to understand the above patterns of a hologram, what man perceives as sex and procreation, is merely a sub-pattern in the physical that is true at each higher level within the holographic Divine Pattern.   In the same way that an ovum and sperm must become united and evolved in order to bring about the manifestation of human life, when man and woman are understood as a cosmic sperm and ovum on the next level of the hologram (see Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image) -- and it is recognized that male and female is representative of half of the whole from a higher soul-perspective -- then the dynamics of the male/female relationship must be seen and understood as two halves coming together in order to create a soul-level embryo within themselves.    In the same way that the two halves of the heart cannot be seen as separate from each other -- and in like manner, the two lungs, the two testis and ovaries, and the two halves/hemispheres of the brain -- it is not until man and woman are understood as two halves of the one, that the biblical reality of the Divine Marriage can be understood.   As stated in the above in  The Trinity And The Divine Pattern Of Creation, a most important teaching which was removed from the Gospels is preserved in the Second Epistle of Clement where Jesus teaches on the coming of the Kingdom in the words: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.    How can  "...the male with the female [be] neither male nor female’”?  The answer: When the two become "one flesh" within a Spiritual Divine Marriage -- which holographically merges the husband/wife into a spiritual embryo in the pattern of the physical embryo that becomes a fetus.   As stated in the above quotation: "Biologist Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance also depends upon similarity in vibration... loving couples -- resonate in more focused zones of vibration; they have access to their own "private frequency.' In fact, Sheldrake goes even further and suggests that morphic fields can explain how human memory operates. Instead of being stored in our brains, he suggests that memories are stored in the morphic field. Our brains then pick them up via resonance, like radios tuning to their own private stations."    

Not only can the dynamic spiritual-embryo of husband and wife generate the necessary impressions which are used to bring about the Heightening And Expansion Of Mind that enables them to comprehend at a higher and more enlightened level than the rest of mankind -- but they have access to a very personalized morphic field.    In the findings of Sheldrake: "Morphic field is a term introduced by Sheldrake. He proposes that there is a field within and around a morphic unit which organizes its characteristic structure and pattern of activity. According to this concept, the morphic field underlies the formation and behaviour of holons and morphic units, and can be set up by the repetition of similar acts or thoughts. The hypothesis is that a particular form belonging to a certain group, which has already established its (collective) morphic field, will tune into that morphic field. The particular form will read the collective information through the process of morphic resonance, using it to guide its own development. This development of the particular form will then provide, again through morphic resonance, a feedback to the morphic field of that group, thus strengthening it with its own experience, resulting in new information being added (i.e. stored in the database). (see Morphic Field).  

In the case of a Spiritual Divine Marriage, the Morphic Field becomes the expanded spheres of mind of the husband and wife, which harmonious resonance provides them access to, to the exclusion of all other people.   But, when the dynamics of male and female is rightfully understood, what is presented in Sheldrake's morphic field is only the beginning of the process.    Because of the Oneness and Wholeness of the Marriage which brings together the divided spheres of the Tree of Duality (see The Trinity And The Divine Pattern Of Creation) -- which Wholeness and Unity provides access to what is portrayed as the fruit of the Tree of Life -- this fulfillment of the Laws and Forces opens a gateway for both husband and wife to manifest and access their higher soul-selves (see Man As An Embryonic Soul-Image) that is the true being that they are.    

The scriptures condemn adultery and sex outside of the marriage union, because as stated in the above in Gender Blindness, the people (and especially the woman) remains connected on an etheric level to each person they have had sex with.   Since it is the dynamics of sexual interaction and the exchange of bodily fluids that unites the two halves into one unit, then the impressions from each previous sexual partner uses these ætheric connections.   That these connections in the Ætheric Fields of the people involved in the sexual unions often result in the bombardment of negative thoughts, is a reality that was known and understood by the Mystic authors of the Torah and Gospels.   Further, the disruptions caused by these connections in the Ætheric Field of the individual, are often the cause of physical disease and maladies, because these negative connections not only interfere with the flow of vital life-force, but drain the person of necessary energy needed to bring about the expansion of the mind, through connections to others.     In the case of the Woman at the Well who could not receive the Living Waters due to the fact that she did not have a husband (see Woman At The Well), her connection to five other men was easily seen and detected by Jesus, because the connections were observed in her Ætheric Field/Mind.   Moreover, because she was anchored to five men -- and could not therefore even have a husband -- her lifestyle and mindset inhibited her from receiving the Living Waters of the Spirit.   And it was for this very reason with respect to connections in the Ætheric Field/Mind that anchored people to this world, that Jesus condemned even looking on another person who was not your spouse with lust -- i.e., "You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matt 5:27-28 NKJ - see Divine Pattern).   Did Jesus pronounce in the Gospels that it's OK to embrace the culture of this world -- to pursue the life of a whore, or in the case of men, to be a whoremonger?   No, in fact he stated to the woman at the well that she could not receive the Living Waters, because of her (Ætheric) connections to five other men who inhibited her from even having a husband.  




The Consequence Of Ignorance

The Holographic Reality Of Gender

The Law - All Things Contain Their Opposite

Woman Is Like The Bible -- Greatly Misunderstood

The Dual Reality Of Woman (From The Zohar)

The Pandora's Box Of The Feminist Movement

The Paradox Of The Sexes And The Kingdom Of God

Equality Is Not The Same

The Sexes Are Not The Same

Woman's Strength Is In Her Differences -- Men Confused By Feminism

Cosmic Ovum And Sperm

The Necessity Of Harmonic Balance

The Child Of Truth

The Requirement Of A Paired Reality And Reverse Polarity

Alchemy - The Invocation Of Higher Reality

The Detriment Of Social-Re-engineering

The Wisdom Of The Mystics

What Should We Teach Our Children

Sex Centers Of Man And Woman Paired

The Warning Of Death To Adam And Eve

The Process Of Re-Birth

Sex As A Sacred Sacrament

The Merger Of Mind During Sacred Sex

The Biblical Warnings On Sex


   Why Is Sexual Immorality Condemned? 

Multiple Wives And Husbands

Heavenly Unions

Higher Consciousness And Spiritual Birth

Women Polarized Positive At Breasts

The Real Meaning Of The Term Help Meet





In the beginning God Created " in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" (Gen 1:27 NKJ) -- and only those who know and are able to move within the Divine Pattern of Creation and are able to merge the polarities of male/female together, and re-form the Divine Image within themselves, can ever know our Creator God.  Thus, all counterfeit religious doctrines and institutions -- all counterfeit philosophies -- all of man's governments that fail to serve his needs -- all of man's abounding ignorance -- all of man's sufferings and hardships -- all of man's uncountable number of solutions that fail to resolve the hunger in his soul or quench his thirst for the true eternal waters of life -- are all the result of man's inability to embrace the Divine Pattern of Creation and manifest his own Higher Reality in his Life.   In the same way that man and woman cannot be understood separately from one another, the very level of true spiritual success can only be measured and defined by the essence of a man or woman's relationship to their marriage partner.   In the same way that the very first words of man (Adam) was to make the two "one flesh", once it is realized that all of Creation is imprinted with the Divine Pattern of Male/Female, it is then understood that the objective of life is to make the divided nature of man One: "When the Lord was asked by a certain man, when should his kingdom come, he said unto him, when two shall be one and the without as the within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female”   

The Law -- All Things Contain Their Opposite: While it can be said that the women's liberation movement was both good and necessary, it is also true that because those who led the movement were totally ignorant of how the feminine power of body, mind and spirit moves within the Divine Pattern of Creation, the result of the Feminist movement has created a new form of slavery -- a form of slavery that the modern woman who is virtually unaware of her own inherent powers of mind and spirit has little perception of!   And while it can be said that the modern woman has broken free from the shackles of what she sees as male dominance, she has unknowingly succeeded in alienating herself from her own strengths and essence of being that should be her birth-right.   In the Divine Pattern of Creation the polarities of male and female are equal -- but equal does not mean the same.    And while in some cultural ways the modern feminist movement has succeeded in making women into surrogate men as they endeavor to reinterpret woman's role in an attempt to make them appear to be the same as men, the suppression of the feminine power of mind and spirit has been devastating not only to women, but to both the  men in their lives and especially the children who have been totally severed from their own higher reality!   The truth is that because the polarities of male and female are equal on the cosmic scheme of higher reality, neither the men or the women are able to evolve beyond the level of the opposite sex.


  Woman is like the Bible -- Greatly Misunderstood While there are many who open the Bible, the great majority of people are blind to the inner secrets of the written word -- and in most instances, even those who call themselves religious and champion the Word of God, are as ignorant to the true meaning of the Sacred Scriptures as is the non-believing critics who denigrate and oppose the Truths that they do not possess the mental and spiritual depth to comprehend and understand.     Woman is a great deal more than she appears to be on the surface, and like the scriptures, the Jewish Mystic have long warned those who look only upon the physical body of the text:  "Thus the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in the next world. Thus David said: 'Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law' (Psalms 119:18), that is to say, the things that are underneath. See now. The most visible part of a man are the clothes that he has on, and they who lack understanding, when they look at the man, are apt not to see more in him than these clothes. In reality, however, it is the body of the man that constitutes the pride of his clothes, and his soul constitutes the pride of his body" (The Zohar; Edited by Gershom G. Scholem, Zohar- The Book of Splendor, Basic Readings from the Kabbalah [New York, Schocken Books, 1949]).   

In the same way that one cannot simply read the scriptures and ascertain the Word of G-d, neither can one look upon the physical form of woman and comprehend her dynamic role in the Divine Pattern of Creation!  In fact, it is for this very reason that the Mystic portrays the scriptures in a feminine form when he warns that "...the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments".   Thus, in the same way that the Mystic warns those who see only the flesh of the scriptures: "...woe to the man who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in the next world" -- the same reality is true of woman.   What this means is that those who see only the outer garb -- regardless of how dedicated they are to the study of the outer words/flesh -- have never actually gazed upon the True Woman or Word of G-d!    

Thus, in the manner of the sacred writings that we call scriptures, while few woman are able to perceive and realize their own true feminine potential, the plight of the modern woman has been made even more difficult and complex by a league of feminist who have totally alienated themselves from their own true feminine reality.   In severing themselves from the Divine Feminine Power, they have not only imprisoned themselves in lives of greater servitude to the profound ignorance of the darkness they have embraced, but have made their husbands and children all the more the residents of the hell they have unleashed. 


  The Dual Reality of Woman (From the Zohar):  Because all that exists was created within a Divine Pattern from the highest to the lowest aspect of absolute reality, all things possess the attributes of positive and negative.   Both men and women, therefore, are imbued with these polarities.   In the biblical portrayal of woman, the evil nature is presented in the personification of Lilith, the mythological first wife of Adam.   Quoting from the Zohar, which is the centerpiece of the sacred teachings and knowledge of Jewish Mysticism:  "Come and see: There is a female, a spirit of all spirits, and her name is Lilith, and she was at first with Adam. And in the hour when Adam was created and his body became completed, a thousand spirits from the left [evil] side clung to that body until the Holy One, blessed be He, shouted at them and drove them away. And Adam was lying, a body without a spirit, and his appearance was green, and all those spirits surrounded him.    In that hour a cloud descended an pushed away all those spirits.    And when Adam stood up, his female was attached to his side. And that holy spirit which was in him spread out to this side and that side, and grew here and there, and thus became complete. Thereafter the Holy One, blessed be He, sawed Adam into two, and made the female. And He brought her to Adam in her perfection like a bride to the canopy.    When Lilith saw this, she fled. And she is in the cities of the sea, and she is still trying to harm the sons of the world.



The Pandora's Box of the Feminist Movement: In the modern-day Feminist philosophy of separation, whereby equality is interpreted to mean that except for the biological functioning of the body the two sexes are the same, it can be said that the modern Feminist movement represents the continued Power of Lilith at work in the hearts of men and women today.   Thus, because the true spiritual role of woman has been reinterpreted in a counterfeit manner, the evils of Lilith are portrayed as the plagues that have been unleashed upon mankind by the opening of Pandora's Box.


The Story of Pandora

At first the life of man on earth was happier than it is now, and then miseries and discontents gradually crept in. Prometheus and Epimetheus created men only, not women.  When Zeus was angry with mankind, he devised the worst punishment he could think of, and invented Woman. Hephaestus, the smith of the gods, was instructed to form her from the earth and make her irresistibly beautiful. Each of the gods gave her his own special gift of skill, and from this she was called Pandora, "all gifted" When she was perfected with every gift and arrayed in all her loveliness, this treacherous treasure was taken down to earth by Hermes, the messenger god who wears winged helmet and sandals to speed his flight, and given to Prometheus' foolish brother Epimetheus. Now Prometheus had warned his brother not to accept anything from Zeus, even if it looked like a gift sent in friendship; but Epimetheus as usual acted first and thought afterwards. He accepted the maiden from Hermes and led her into his house, and with her a great jar - some say a box or chest - which the gods had sent with her, telling her to keep it safely but never think of opening it.  This was too much for a lively girl like Pandora, who among her gifts was endowed with the first feminine curiosity. After restraining it for a little while, she at last gave in and lifted the lid from the jar, and from that moment began the sorrows of mankind. For each of the gods had stored in it the worst thing he was able to give, and wonderful as had been the gifts with which they endowed her, just as dreadful were the evils that rushed eagerly from the jar in a black stinking cloud like pestilent insects - sickness and suffering, hatred and jealousy and greed, and all the other cruel things that freeze the heart and bring on old age.  Pandora tried to clap the lid on the jar again, but it was too late. The happy childhood of mankind had gone forever, and with it the Golden Age when life was easy. From then on man had to wrest a hard living by his own labour from the unfriendly ground.  Only one good thing came to man in the jar and remains to comfort him in his distress, and that is the spirit of Hope.



Woman Holds The Key: To those who are able to see through the garb of the scriptures, the above story of Pandora is very much like that of Eve in the Garden of Eden.   The very first words of Adam sets the theme of the entire Bible when he said: "The LORD God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him... So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame" (Gen 2:18-25 NIV).   In this word which is above translated "helper", is also the root meaning of against.   Thus, woman, as with all manifestations of the feminine polarity of Creation, contains the paradoxical nature of helper, or the power of the adversary which alienates man from God and his true source of being.   In the same way that the very first words of man (Adam) was to make the two "one flesh", once it is realized that all of Creation is imprinted with the Divine Pattern of Male/Female, it is then understood that the objective of life is to make the divided nature of man One: "When the Lord was asked by a certain man, when should his kingdom come, he said unto him, when two shall be one and the without as the within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female”  Thus, while woman can unleash the powers of Hell, within the paradoxical Sacred Union of man and woman lies the Key to the Kingdom!

  The Paradox of the Sexes and the Kingdom of God: All of Creation has been brought forth within the Divine Pattern of Male/Female.   While this far-reaching reality is difficult to perceive in our present-day scriptures that are incomplete by virtue of their being edited by the 4th century Roman Church (see ), this Divine Pattern is easily perceived in the scriptures used by the Essenes, Ebionites and Nazirenes.  Thus, in the 64th chapter of the Gospel of the Nazirenes (see Chapter 64 ) it teaches: "Yeshua/Jesus came to a certain fountain near Bethany, around which grew twelve palm trees, where he often went with his disciples to teach them of the mysteries of the kingdom, and there he sat beneath the shade of the trees and his disciples with him. And one of them said, Master, it is written of old, The ELOHIM made man in their own image, male and female created they them. Why do you say then that God is One? And Yeshua said to them, In God there is neither male nor female and yet both are One, and God is the two in One. He is She and She is He. The ELOHIM --our God--is perfect, infinite, and One. As in the man, the Father is manifest, and the Mother hidden; so in the woman, the Mother is manifest, and the Father hidden. Therefore shall the name of the Father and the Mother be equally hallowed, for they are the great powers of God, and the one is not without the other, in the One God. Adore God, above you, beneath you, on the right hand, on the left hand, before you, behind you, within you, around you. Truly, there is but One God, who is all in all, and in whom all things do consist, the fount of all life and all substance, without beginning and without end. The things which are seen and pass away are the manifestations of the unseen which are eternal, that from the visible things of nature you may reach to the invisible things of the Godhead; and by that which is natural, attain that which is spiritual. Verily, the ELOHIM created man in the divine image male and female, and all nature is in the image of God, therefore God is both male and female, not divided, but the two in One, undivided, and eternal, by whom and in whom are all things, visible and invisible. From the eternal they flow, to the eternal they return. The spirit to spirit, soul to Soul, mind to Mind, sense to Sense, life to Life, form to Form, dust to Dust. In the beginning God Willed and there came forth the beloved son, the divine love, and the beloved daughter, the holy wisdom, equally proceeding from the one eternal fount; and of these are the generations of the spirits of God, and sons and daughters of the eternal. And these descend to earth, and dwell with men and teach them the ways of God, to love the laws of the eternal, and obey them, that in them they may find salvation." 

Those who possess the wisdom to comprehend the far-reaching ramifications of these words, and are able to put these sacred truths into practice within their own relationship as husband and wife, are those who are able to be lifted above the organic dominion of this earthly realm, and enter the Presence of the Most High God who dwells in the Edenic Kingdom of Origination which exists within man/woman.  Thus, it was for this reason that Yeshua/Jesus taught: "When the Lord was asked by a certain man, when should his kingdom come, he said unto him, when two shall be one and the without as the within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female” 

  Equal Is Not The Same: All of Creation is imbued with the Divine Pattern of our Creator God.  Thus, all that exists has been brought forth and manifest in a threefold nature and form.  Men and women are imbued with the Divine Polarities of Creation -- and as Divine Expressions of the One God, they each are imbued with their spheres of influence that is often lacking in their opposite polarity/gender -- and domain of each as separate halves of the One, that must be recognized in man's search for eternal Truth and Light.   In the same way that God is One, and within the One is the polarities of male/female in Absolute Harmony, man and women are intended to function as husband and wife in the manner of a single unit -- and from this single unit it born the Third Force of Creation that is the Creative Force of all that exists.   The problem is that man, who is the offspring of God, possesses freewill -- and is therefore able to create his own destiny in his search for Truth, Light and his Source of Being.   Those few who possess what the Bible refers to as the Key of Knowledge, know how to invoke the Polarities of Creation to bring about the birth and re-birth of Truth in their lives.   Once you deviate from that formula, it is difficult to make rules, because everything depends upon the Laws one is born under, and the past life experiences of the people involved.   While many men and women endeavor to re-create their lives in the manner of their own personal or cultural philosophy, because they are attempting to function outside the Divine Pattern of Creation, it can be said that in many ways they have unleashed the darkness of Pandora's Box upon themselves and the people they influence.  Why?  Because the Divine Powers of Creation and the Knowledge of the Mysteries of God can only be manifest by those who overcome their own divided nature and merge the polarities of male/female into a single unit that invokes the cosmic harmonic balance within and without their Marriage.   

Being imbued with the Divine Pattern, men and women are opposites throughout every aspect of their being.  The man representing the primal reality is the more complete as seen in his genetic "XY" factor, with the woman being "XX".   What this means is that while women are totally lacking in important qualities possessed by men, women have twice of the factors controlled by the "X" -- and this reality comes into play when it is realized that few men can invoke that "X" because it is suppressed within them by the dominant "Y".   Woman, therefore, can be likened to the philosophers stone upon which the alchemical process of transmuting the physical into man's higher spiritual reality is manifest.  Because women are "XX", they are more wholistic than their male counterparts because they can more easily utilize both sides of the physical brain.  And while they lack the initializing power possessed by the male that begins the process of transformation, their wholistic reflective nature enables them to transmute the lower essence of man into a higher and more refined reality.   And while this wholistic nature enables them to see and perceive what the male does not, because the two sides are opposite, women are often overwhelmed by indecision because they can't make up their minds as to which path or action to follow.   The male, on the other hand, is more focused and direct in his vision and approaches to life, and therefore has the power to unleash the forces of creation and manifest new and extended realities.  With respect to the male and female natures, one is not better or superior to the other -- and from a cosmic perspective, they are integral elements (halves) of each other.   

  The Sexes Are Not Interchangeable:  In the ancient cultures the wise men of old understood the dynamic relationship of the sexes.  Therefore, women had spheres of power/domain that men were not permitted to enter into -- and vice versa.   In ancient Greece the prophetess was known as the Sybil, and she was the personification of a wisdom that could not be possessed by males.   But this ancient wisdom is no longer understood by the people in our modern-day culture.

In many ways our present-day society is on the path of destruction because they have failed to recognize and develop the qualities of both men and women -- and especially women by casting them in the role of surrogate men.   In the same way that men and women are not interchangeable with respect to their biological roles as mother and father, neither are they interchangeable with respect to their powers of mind and spirit.  In the same way that two men or two woman cannot make a husband and wife, the polarities of male/female possess far-reaching realities of the mind and spirit that cannot be realized by men and women who are of a natural organic (carnal) mindset.   The great reality that our society has therefore failed to recognize is not only the fact that equal does not mean the same, but also the individual reality of each of the sexes is limited by the mental and spiritual depth of the men/women in their relationships to each other.   What this means is that one of the primary elements to man's quest for wisdom and knowledge is in direct proportion to the depth of his/her relationship to their husband/wife.   

  Woman's Strength Is In Her Differences -- Men Confused By Feminism:  While men and women are equal -- and this is especially true with respect to their spheres of power -- being opposite, they are neither the same nor are they interchangeable as our modern-day culture has attempted to bring about with its artificial and counterfeit politically correct philosophies.   In fact, women's strengths are for the most part undeveloped in our preset-day society, because of the Feminist agenda that men and women are the same.   In an enlightened society it would be realized that young girls and boys should be educated and matured separately in accordance with their inherent strengths and weaknesses.   It is normal for young boys to be aggressive -- and this aggressiveness should be channeled into positive endeavors.   It is a great disservice done to young boys by our feminist culture which is attempting to create kinder, gentler, feeling men that resemble women.  In like manner, young girls possess a power of mind that is almost absent in boys.   We are doing young girls a great disservice when we program them to think and compete with males.   All that women desire in men can only become manifest when men are permitted to become real men, and young girls are taught that their greatest strengths are in those areas where men are the weakest.   Young men make better husbands when they learn that girls possess powers of mind that they do not -- when they (young boys) learn that they possess limitations in areas where women rule -- and when they learn that their wives are the solution that God gave them to their physical/mental dilemma that manifests their own higher reality.   Young girls make better wives when they realize that there are spheres of domain that they are totally unqualified to venture into -- that in many areas it can be said that their husbands are immature children, and by growing their husbands, they are raising up their own stature -- and that men and women should compliment and never compete.    Young boys and girls must understand that their own souls are asexual, and the gender limitations of their body must be overcome by manifesting their own opposite polarity of mind and being in the extended reality of the spouse.   And that because their true self is neither male nor female, unless they can manifest their whole self through their relationship with their husband/wife, they can never become the true self they are at the essence of their being.   

  Our Gender Casts Us In The Role Of Sperm or Egg At The Next Level of Creation: The man known as the Apostle Paul attempted to put man's higher reality into its proper perspective when he warned that the "natural" mind of man would look upon the higher Mysteries of God as "foolishness" (1 Cor 2:14).   One of the foremost truths that every book of the Bible attempts to unsuccessfully convey to the reader is the fact that the people of a "natural" mind will be incapable of perceiving the true inner wisdom of the written word, and will create many manmade doctrines in an attempt to explain what is beyond their carnal comprehension.   Paul writes that there is a key to the dilemma, and all things in this world are a "pattern... and form" of man's higher reality.   What that means is that if we are able to perceive ourselves within the Pattern, we can then apply this knowledge to our own higher reality -- and by applying this knowledge we would then be able to receive the Divine Wisdom that enlightens the understanding beyond human comprehension.

In our present time we are confusing young men -- teachings them that except for their biological differences, men and women are the same.   A young woman cannot be one of the guys, and neither can a young man be one of the girls.   They are as different as night and day, and these difference are not only of the utmost importance, but they should be cultivated rather than philosophically homogenized by a politically correct culture as we are presently doing.   Young men have no idea that in the cosmic scheme of reality that they are flawed by virtue of their state of incompletion -- and it is woman who completes a man, and vice versa.   This completion is brought about by the fact that woman is everything that a man is not, and vice versa.   This completion is a reality because in the cosmic scheme of Creation all things exist within the Divine Pattern -- with our physical birth being only the first of three stages of birth -- resulting in the fact that our gender polarity imbues us with the reality of being the next level of a sperm or egg that must be joined as One, if we are to further evolve and experience the next stage of soul/mind birth.    As in the reality of our physical biology, those sperm (men) that fail to unite themselves to an egg, will die -- and those eggs (women) who fail to unite themselves to a sperm and are never fertilized, will be cast away.   This joining is not completed by virtue of the sexual relationship -- sex is merely the beginning -- but rather, it is the joining and merging of the minds that impregnates and brings about the next stage of soul birth within the Husband and Wife.   And I am not speaking here about marriages of compatibility, companionship, or a physically and emotionally sustaining relationship -- but rather, one of mental/soul and spiritual depth that is beyond human ("natural minded") perception and definition.    

Men and women are paradoxical opposites -- individual opposing realities in conflict -- and while each of the paradoxical opposites are conflicting, both are each equally true -- with the higher truth being the product of the Third Force of Creation that is born from the two and is greater than the sum of its original dualistic parts.   When we therefore attempt to erase and homogenize the differences as is done in our modern-day politically correct culture, we inhibit the process of birth from taking place within the people.   Philosophically, our modern feminist culture that portrays the two sexes as equal and the same, is responsible for bringing about the miscarriage of the people who are imbued with this counterfeit manner of thinking.  

As I will demonstrate further down in this article, the next stage of birth is one of soul/mind, and only those who emerge from the male/female paradoxes associated with the polarities of men and women in the reality of a genuine husband and wife who become "one flesh", can be born into the next stage of life. 

  The Need For Harmonic Balance: Any time that one polarity rules the other, there is always great danger just around the corner.   While men are focused and possess the power to invoke laws and bring about change, their narrow focus blinds them to both the realities that they cannot easily see, as well as areas where their minds do not easily function.   On a purely physical level we can observe this in young boys who will take great chances regardless of the fact that they are on the path of self-destruction.   On the other hand, young girls are wholistic, but they are also unfocused and are easily deceived and seduced.   Men will take chances regardless of the consequences, women will attempt to negotiate or find a solution and will accept what is the status quo, rather than sacrifice in order to embrace new horizons.   Women should rule the inner house, men the outer -- and together they should bring about higher realty.

Where reality truly takes on horizons that the carnal mind is incapable of dealing with, is in those areas of mind where the female is male and the male is female -- and it is here where the "X" factor comes into play in the reality of the male.   While it is true that the woman is totally lacking in an area where the man is dominant, her power becomes manifest when she can take this force which is imparted to her by her husband, raise it up, and then embrace the reality of the male when she returns this power to her husband in areas of mind that he is polarized receptive (female).   And herein lies the true dilemma to the sexes:  In the same way that she cannot physically self-impregnate herself, neither can she invoke on a mental and spiritual level of being through self-initiation what she does not possess by virtue of her gender-polarity -- and must receive it from her husband.  This physical world in which we presently dwell is a reflection of man's higher reality, and what exists on earth in the physical is merely a symbol and form of our own higher mental and spiritual reality.   Therefore, in the pattern of child-birth we can understand that woman must receive the essence of life from the man, mingle what is received with her own essence, and raise up the product of the two in the formation of the Third Force of Creation.   

  The Child Of Truth: In the same way that neither a man or woman can independently bring forth a child, neither are they independently able to form the child of truth and spirit independently within themselves, and apart from the other polarity of the sexes.   All the major religions today only possess the forms and symbols of higher reality, because they have basically been corrupted by the doctrines of men who did not possess the Key of Knowledge.   All the earth religions that are especially embraced by women who possess greater psychic and intuitive powers than their male counterparts, all fall far from the mark because without the balance of the opposite polarity they cannot possess the Key of Knowledge.    And while mankind is immersed in a sea of religious and non-religious philosophy, dogma and doctrine that is presented as truth by those who champion its cause, these philosophies can only contain fragmentary truths because they were not conceived from the Essence of the Divine Pattern of Creation. 

As with the creation of physical life, the woman receives from the man and raises the offspring of the two into a higher level of being.   But in the enfoldment of higher mind and spirit, there is a point where this vital life-force must be returned to the male source of origination, and further joint cultivation is necessary if higher spiritual states are to become manifest in the life of the husband and wife.   And in the same way that a woman cannot self-impregnate, neither can the man activate the "X" factor that is suppressed in him, unless he is receptive (female) to receiving from his wife -- and in the intermingling of the two male/female natures, what he receives was originally given to his wife from himself prior to being raised up to a higher reality.   All of life exists in the Divine Pattern of Creation -- and in the same way that a child is born through the harmonic balance of the two, so also is the child of the higher mind and spirit!

  The Requirement Of A Paired Reality And Reverse Polarity: The Hebrew/Christian Mystic has long warned us that the physical form is merely an allegorical symbol of higher consciousness.   On the cosmic scheme of man's quest for higher spiritual manifestation, there must be a paired reality at the bottom which initiates the process of bringing forth the reality of higher mind and spiritual manifestation, and this paired reality must then be raised up at the level where the polarity of gender reverses -- i.e., where the woman become male and the man female -- and is exchanged at an elevated level of mind and being.  This complicates the relationship to the level that men and women of a natural (carnal) mindset generally cannot deal with -- and this reality is one of the foundational principles as to why the sexual liberation movement has done more to harm women than help them.   Because of their wholistic qualities, the mind of women are open, defused and unfocused in those areas of mind where men are focused and initiating.  On the other hand, in those higher areas of mind that is elevated above what would be considered to be the natural organic sphere of this world, the woman becomes focused and initiating, while the male is defused and unfocused.  Thus, in the balance of the two, a reverse polarity must take place for the reality of higher mind and spirit to be conceived and born

  Alchemy -- The Invocation of Higher Reality: In order to invoke the higher reality where man and woman are One, and they are able to exist within the Third Force of Creation, there must be Unity between the upper and lower levels of being.   The key to the dilemma is seen in the fact that a reverse polarity must exist, and the husband must receive back what he originally imparted to the wife, and the wife can only return what was originally imparted to her by her husband.  In order to accomplish this alchemy of the sexes, the husband/wife must meet the biblical criteria of "one flesh".   And herein lies the problems that can only be comprehended when one is able to perceive reality from a heightened cosmic scale.   The more polluted the woman is by other men who were past sexual partners, the more difficult it is to achieve and bring about this higher reality of being which is defined as a True Spiritual Wife.   Why?  Because an etheric connection remains with all her past sexual partners that continues to funnel into her the thoughts and impressions of her lovers from the past.  It is difficult, therefore, to manifest and reflect the thoughts and essence of her husband, when she is being bombarded with the thoughts of other men who remain connected to her on an etheric level of being.   In like manner, the more that the power of the man is siphoned off into nature by virtue of the women (past sexual partners) that he continues to connect to (as in a harem), the more difficult it is for him to become a True Spiritual Husband.   And while these limitations can be overcome to some degree by true soul mates, or with what would be considered occult knowledge and power, these things are generally beyond the ability of most people who are neither true soul mates or have ever possessed this knowledge or powers.

Detriment of Social Re-engineering: In today's society modern social re-engineers have deemed the biblical lifestyle of conservative sexuality and marital fidelity as being antiquated and outmoded -- but is it?   Even many supposed religious authorities have questioned the validity of the biblical authors -- and have in recent years especially attacked what they view as the extreme and outmoded morality of the Epistles of Paul.   Is his theology out-of-date, as many assert today?   Or did he possess a vision of this material world that our modern science is only now beginning to comprehend?   And while quantum physics demonstrates the reality of a pattern within which all of Creation moves -- the Unified Field theory demonstrates that what we perceive as physical matter is merely a blemish in the interaction field which is the true source of reality -- the new vision of a holographic universe conveys to us the reality that the universe is a Great Mind -- it is the findings known as Bell’s Theorem which demonstrates a reality that modern social re-engineers are simply not prepared to contemplate the results of.   In the case of paired particles that are separated, Bell proved that if the polarity of one is changed, the polarity of the other particle is also changed even though there is no physical connection.  When this discovery was first revealed, it was realized that our whole perception of the universe was in error, and this revolutionary discovery was called a “profound discovery of science” (see Bells Theorem ).  If Bell's Theorem and other modern finding of quantum physics is applied to the relationship of husband and wife and the Divine Pattern of Creation, then many of our present-day cultural positions would have to be radically re-evaluated.   If it is true that sexual partners not only remain connected on an etheric level, resulting in the fact that they continue to strongly influence each other throughout the rest of their lives, then intelligent people would have to re-think their rejection of traditional biblical values.   Once we add in the the equation the teachings of Hebrew/Christian Mystics that God can only be realized by men and women who have become “One Flesh”, and overcome their own states of masculine/feminine division, only then can we begin to realize why our present promiscuous lifestyle has been deemed the pollution of the flesh by the prophets who authored the Bible!    

  The Wisdom of the Mystics: Were the authors of the Bible narrow-minded old men who feared sexual variety, expression and bliss?   Or, in their elevated vision of the world and Creation, did they perceive and observe great truths that the majority of people who see only a very limited spectrum of the frequencies of Creation are blind to?   Once the ramifications are understood in the light of the findings of modern science (see Science), these are perhaps the paramount questions with which the people in our present time are confronted with!   

How can the two become “One Flesh” and enter into a state of total harmony, when both Bell’s theorem and the prophets of old agree that we remain intimately connected to all those with whom we engage in sexual congress?   Moreover, when Bell's Theorem and the knowledge of modern quantum physics are taken to the next step, and made applicable to the individual lives of the people, the scientist has proven that those we have engaged in sexual relations in the past, continue to impact and color our thinking throughout all of our lives.   That Hebrew/Christian Mystics knew this fact, is the primary reason why Orthodox Jews do not shake hands, and no one can even touch an Hassidic Rebbe except his wife.   While not the same as sex, the reality of life is that a lesser connection is made with each person we touch or come into contact with.  Is the Hassidic Rebbe superstitious as many would believe today?  Or does he not want his mystical powers of mind to be bled off into nature by contact with people who are themselves grounded in the earth?

  What Should We Teach Our Children:  If, then, we are truly the advocates of freedom and choice that we proclaim to be today, shouldn’t we make this knowledge available to our children when we teach them sex education in school?   Shouldn’t we convey to them the reality that if they engage in sex with a variety of partners as is being advocated today, that they may never be able to enter into a marriage in the genuine biblical sense, and they will never be able to become “One Flesh” with their spouse?   What difference does it make?  In not being able to enter into a Genuine Marriage, they may never be able to enter into the next stage of birth that transmutes our temporal nature into one of soul-permanence.

Quite contrary to the modern Darwinist perception of Creation which continues to be taught to our children today, the only explanation for Bell’s theorem that can possibly be arrived at is the realization that the particles remain connected in a realm beyond the three-dimensions in which we presently dwell.   Since there is no physical connection, this connection that causes the split particles to simultaneously change polarity must exist in a dimension beyond our normal perception -- an etheric dimension that is beyond the ability of our physical eyes which are composed of earth matter to detect.  Thus, this intimate connection is in fact metaphysical. 

What does this mean to us?   It not only tells us that Darwin’s theories and ideas pertaining to Creation was in grave error, but is confirmation that what we see with our physical senses is merely a very limited and partial view of reality -- an extended reality we fail to see because of the impairment of our perception of the world -- which extended reality is in fact the controlling force in our lives.   Ultimately, what this means is that at best, we possess merely the illusion of freedom and choice.   If it is true that visionaries of the past who we have ignorantly portrayed as narrow-minded sexually frustrated old men, took the position they championed because they saw the result and impact of the heathen, hedonistic and self-indulgent promiscuous lifestyle of the people of the Nations, then the joke is truly on us when we condemn what we do not understand! 

Only when we begin to truly comprehend the far-reaching aspects of this profound truth, are we able to understand the many warnings of both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.   Where the people of the simple faith imagine that God keeps a running tally with regard to a person’s deeds and miss-deeds in their life in which they will later be judged, the truth and reality of the scriptures is better represented in the words of Gary Zukav (The Dancing Wu Li Masters) when he wrote: “Bell’s theorem not only suggests that the world is quite different than it seems, it demands it... Physicists have ‘proved’ rationally that our rational ideas about the world in which we live are profoundly deficient”.   And when we rationally analyze these words of the modern scientist, don’t we also have to admit that the Bible continually states exactly the same thing? 

Sex centers of men and women paired: In accordance with the Divine Pattern of Creation, the sex centers of a man and a woman are as twin particles that have been paired when the soul, which is asexual, entered a physical body as one polarity (half) or the other. What this means is that via the exchange of seamen and bodily fluids by husband and wife, a conduit is opened through which the thoughts of each of the individuals are able to mingle. In a Genuine Marriage where the two become physically and mentally of One Mind, the Seven Spiritual Centers within each of the two, begin to move in harmony and balance, and the biblical reality of One Flesh becomes manifest in the lives of the husband and wife.  The seven spiritual centers which are portrayed in the picture, connect to man's spiritual mind, while the Hebrew/Christian Mystic has portrayed this inner human reality in the symbolism of The Tree of Life and its twelve spheres which connect with the soul and higher mind of man.  

  The Warning of Death To Adam And Eve:  In the Genesis account of Creation man is warned that if he eats the fruit of the Tree of Duality (the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), that he will die.   Because the scriptures convey sacred truths in the form of allegorical symbols and forms, few students of the Bible are able to comprehend the great wisdom that is being conveyed.   The most prevalent and all-encompassing fruit of duality that confronts every man and woman is that created by their differences as male and female.   Only when this division is overcome when the man and woman are able to enter into a Divinely Consecrated Marriage where the two become "one flesh", can the fruit of the Tree of Life be eaten.  What this means is that the death the scriptures makes reference to will be brought about by virtue of the inability to bring about the next stages of birth that Yeshua/Jesus warned was absolutely necessary in order to enter into the Kingdom of God and experience what the Bible calls Life.     

  The Process of Re-Birth: As demonstrated in the article on the threefold birth (see Birth), what we experience as the physical birth into this realm is merely the first of three stages of birth that we must bring about in order to inherit the promise of the scriptures and enter into Life.   The problem is that in the same way that man is born into this life by the intermingling of the physical essence of male and female, man is born into the next stage of birth through the merging of the paradoxes of mind which are polarized and manifest in the opposite mindsets and reality of man and woman.   What this means is that when man and woman become Husband and Wife in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, this higher reality will begin to form within them -- and they will begin to receive the fruit of the Tree of Life.   Those men and women, on the other hand, who only enter into carnal and superficial unions which are purely sexual in nature, will continue to eat the fruit of the Tree of Duality -- and they will inherit the death spoken of in the scriptures. 

  Sex as a Sacred Sacrament: When used properly within the form of a Divinely Ordained Marriage, sex is the Temple Sacrament that bridges the physical divide -- the catalyst that enables the husband and wife to create new life within themselves in the endeavor to make and grow the two into a state of Oneness.   But though the connection of thoughts and impressions is beyond the conscious awareness of the average person, in relation to the true depth and dimension of marriage, it is only the beginning of the process.  As a husband and wife begins to enter into a spiritual meditative sexual relationship, the raising up of the energies gives birth to Higher Consciousness.    

  The Merger of minds during Sacred Sex: When a man and woman in a Genuine Spiritual Marriage equally purifies and cleanses their physical bodies so as to make them conducive to an environment of Higher Consciousness -- eliminating all defilements and physical/mental pollutants which enables a higher vibratory frequency of vital life-force from God to flow through their bodies which effectually saturates their minds with a spiritually vibrant flow of Illuming Light Energy -- consecrating their minds to the seeking and living of Higher Truth -- and both equally begin to explore the sexual relationship in a meditative manner where it is the energies that move and permeate their being in the endeavor to open the inner door of Higher Consciousness and the Kingdom within them -- a totally unexpected thing begins to happen.  Because the mind is not the brain, as medical science erroneously believes -- but rather, the mind is the field or etheric body which surrounds and animates the physical body -- in meditative sex the mind of each not only begins to intermingle, but the mind of the woman is able to enter into that of her husband, and the mind of the male is able to enter into the body of the wife.  Each will be able to perceive themselves from the perspective of their spouse and opposite sex.  The result is a sacred connection not only between the husband and wife wherein the two physical forms become a common platform that each equally inhabit, but inner gender based suppressed polarities begin to manifest in the life of both husband and wife.  Initially, the feminine nature of the male and the masculine nature of the female begins to manifest in the body of their respective spouse during these extended periods of meditative Sacred Sex.  In time, the two begin to become complete within themselves as each becomes Whole as the polarity of male and female is merged and the consciousness is transformed through the emergence of a higher soul reality that is neither male nor female -- but something greater that the two.  This becomes a truly spiritually transforming experience which is multidimensional in a transcendent nature, that gives a totally new comprehension of the biblical reality where the husband knew his wife.   

  The Biblical Warnings On Sex:  Therefore, it is only when we begin to perceive the higher spiritual reality of sex, that we can understand the grave warning of the Apostle when he wrote: "Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For ‘the two,’ He says, ‘shall become one flesh’ ...Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body" (1 Cor 6:15-20 NKJ).  From the perspective of the Hebrew/Christian holy man, a spouse who is connected to some other person outside of the union of husband and wife -- a person whose mind and thinking is being influenced and affected by other men and women -- is simply not a desirable spouse to attempt a sacred union with.  From a spiritual perspective, such a union would be built upon  polluted and defiled ground, and thus lead to (spiritual) death.  From the position of the Hebrew/Christian scriptures, in a true marriage that transcends the three-dimensional limitations of this world, it is important that the two (husband/wife) reflect only each other. The problem is that this merger of mind and spirit is very difficult to achieve when the thinking of either party is being influenced and  colored by others who are outside the union.  And while the fact is demonstrated that Jesus healed Mary Magdalene, this healing conveys to us that it is not impossible.   It must be recognized, though, that the historical Mary was not a mere philosophical believer as most Christians in our present time, and there are a whole host of other elements that must be brought into the relationship in order to overcome the obstacles of wanton sex. In this respect, the Hebrew holy men advocated a rather strict lifestyle by modern standards, because they knew that the majority of people are simply not capable of working at this elevated level of being where they would be able to overcome the pollution of the sexual immorality that is rampant today.

What is the saying: When you have sex with someone, you are by proxy having sex with everyone who has had sex with that person. Taking this to its next logical step, in an intimate union the people your partner had sex with will continue to be a secondary presence throughout the relationship. Once we begin to understand that man is a good deal more than the physical body we observe with our physical senses, and that people remain connected on a mental level through the exchange of bodily fluids during sex, we can then begin to understand the desire for a spouse who is pure from outside influences in a spiritual religion.

When Paul preached to the Gentiles that it would be better for a man not to touch a woman, as seen in the words: “Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman” (1 Cor 7:1 NKJ) -- this was in part based upon the heathen life-style that the Gentile converts had been living.  Because they were polluted by their past, they were unable to enter into a Genuine Spiritual Marriage -- therefore, in many cases it would be better for them not even engage in sex, and instead live in the manner of the Eastern religions who abstained from sex.  On the other hand, this was not the case with the Hebrews who lived in accordance with the Laws and the Commandments of the Most High God as presented in the scriptures.

In the revelation of this spiritual and scientific knowledge, we can once again begin to observe the paradoxical nature of truth. It is the same power -- that of sex -- which can assist man in his quest to enter into the Kingdom, or can bring about his demise by cementing his consciousness to the culture of this world -- thereby making it earthbound. In the religion of Jesus where he set forth the absolute need to be in the world and not of it, this earthbound connection brings about spiritual death -- and even if the person claims to be a Christian, they will not inherit the eternal life of the Promise of the New Covenant.

When a man and woman who are disciples of the Light -- i.e., they have dedicated their lives to the search for Truth -- living in accordance with the Royal Law of the Most High, and move together in TheWay -- are able to harness their sexual energy in a Consecrated Union and Marriage -- they eat the fruit if the Tree of Life and the door to higher reality and consciousness can more easily be opened to them. On the other hand, when men and women use this same sexual energy for unrestrained indulgences with multiple partners, their sexual centers not only become connected to others who are deeply imbedded in the culture of this world, but this use of the Divine Gift of Sexuality actually limits their level of thinking and perception of life itself to that of a very carnal, sense-bound, materialistic and surface understanding.   In many respects their wanton lifestyle brings about their own death and demise -- i.e., they make themselves common, and can never rise above the level of their many sexual partners who anchor their bodies and minds to the things of this world. The critic will of course counter with the idea that since it is good to love, then why not love everyone --  thus, the philosophy of the nations with respect to their orgies and unrestrained open relationships. The problem is that sex opens a conduit and creates an attachment upon which the thoughts of the other person rides upon. The sexual relationship between men and women were designed in this manner because as a male or female, they are each half a polarity with respect to their souls which are asexual. The exchange of bodily fluids is the initial means by which the physical bodies  become bonded -- which is the beginning of the process of becoming One Flesh -- and this bonding enables the thoughts of the other to connect within each of the marriage partners. In a genuine marriage this assists the two to become One, and the polarities of male and female to be negated in the manifestation of higher reality. If, though, the parties have had sex with others who are outside the marriage, then these thoughts of these extra-marriage people are beyond the reach of the respective partners to the marriage -- and thus, can limit and even obstruct the birth of the higher reality from even being formed. The idea is to use the body and the forces of nature to your own greater good. 

  Why Is Sexual Immorality Condemned: To understand why sexual fidelity is required in the scriptures, one has to first understand to whom and for whom the scriptures are written?  Of primary importance is to understand that in most instances, sin is knowledge not lived.   Thus the statement: “That servant who knows his master's will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:47-48 NIV).   What this means is that each person's life is evaluated in accord with their personal level of advancement and knowledge i.e.,  "...From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked”.    For the vast majority of mankind, sex is not a sin, so long as it is not coerced or in any manner forced.   In the Blog article entitled Should Christians Embrace Genuine Spiritual Marriage? Civil Union vs Marriage (copied into the below), the case is made that sex is a natural expression, and all people have the civil right to choose their sexual partners and orientation.   But a True Marriage is a Spiritual Sacrament -- as is the sexual union within such a Marriage (see The Sacrament Of Marriage).   And as a Spiritual Sacrament, the requirements of a True Marriage is Spiritually Ordained from On High, and cannot be defined or redefined by man.   Those who fail to achieve and maintain the Requirements, cannot be participants in the Spiritual Sacrament.  

Sexual immorality is condemned in the scriptures, because it is an inhibiting factor in the development of the Union which is the foundation for the third-force higher spheres of mind that provide us access to our True-Self, as well as the Higher Source of Knowledge.  In order to evolve the mind to where we can begin to tap into the Higher Source of Knowledge that in most people lies beyond the holographic barrier within each person, the thought-impressions between the opposite polarities (male/female) must be exchanged, raised up, and again exchanged at a higher level.   This is necessary in order to evolve the third-force  of the male/female opposites beyond the limitations of earth-frequencies.   When the Gospel of Thomas states that you must "...make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom" (see Gospel of Thomas saying #22), it becomes very difficult to even impossible to bring about the required merger, when the woman is connected to men other than her husband.   And Paul correctly presents the problem when he writes to the Congregation at Corinth: "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh'".  When Jesus said to the woman at the well that she was unable to go and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18), we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus and other spiritually advanced souls are able to see into Ætheric (Field) dimensions that man in his natural organic condition cannot.  What Jesus was observing when he made this statement, was the stream of vital life-force from five different men with whom the woman had sex, as a connective thought-stream entering into her.  Moreover, when Jesus told her that even the man she was with at present could not be her husband in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was that because of the polluted environment that she has permitted her body to become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband.  Since on one level you stay connected to whom ever you have had sex with, there is only the exchange of low-level thought-impressions which cannot be exchanged at a higher level -- and only drive the person into confusion and meaningless carnal thinking.  Thus, mentally and spiritually grounding the people to the mundane earth. And while the more advanced the soul, the more they are able to deal with adverse body environmental conditions, in most instances even these few become warped in their perception and thinking. In the same way that a genetic imbalance in a developing embryo creates mental impairment and conditions such as Down Syndrome, the same is true on the next higher holographic level with the bombardment of low-level thoughts from people who one has been previously connected to. In the same way that the two sides of the ear must move and resonate together, so too must husband and wife.

For the first time modern science has proven the wisdom of the mystic -- i.e., that a woman remains connected to every man she has ever had sex with -- which is noted in the recent American Journal Of Medicine article entitled: Male microchimerism in women without sons: Quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history.   Directly quoting the article it states: "Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse."   Researchers have found that any man a woman has unprotected sex with, will also permanently store their DNA with hers.   The findings have demonstrated that DNA belonging to men (detected by the presence of Y chromosomes) in women.  They could find these by taking blood samples from various body parts and brain tissue.  Male DNA can exist inside cells in women's bodies for decades. This effect was given the name microchimerism. The most studied cause of microchimerism is that originating from the male fetus into their pregnant mothers. However, women who have never been pregnant also had male DNA in their cells, and it has been concluded that this was also through sexual intercourse.  Semen contains lymphocytes and other cells of the male which can pass into the bloodstream and continue to persist inside the organs of women.   This deposit of male DNA in the woman's brain is the means by which the woman and the man maintain a connection in the physical -- enabling the thought impressions to connect on an etheric level.   Writing on the foregoing sexual reality that modern science is only now coming to discover, Alanna Ketter wrote the following:

Source: Collective Evolution author Alanna Ketter: This Study Will Make You Think Twice About Who You Are Getting Into Bed With

I find this extremely fascinating because a spiritual friend and mentor once told me that every time you sleep with somebody you are taking on a part of them within you. I thought of this as a powerful metaphor, that we were keeping a part of them energetically. Needless to say, it made me reflect on certain things from my past and this whole analogy really made a lot of sense. But, to learn that there is actual scientific proof to back this up and that it is a physical thing, that it is more than just energy, is pretty astounding. The idea that as women we are capable of taking on actual physical DNA from the men that we sleep with was an extremely eye opening piece of information to stumble across.

This science puts a whole new meaning on sexual intercourse as a whole. It is a very sacred and spiritual act and, in my opinion, should be regarded as such. A lot of people are misusing sex and have forgotten what it is meant for and how important and consecrated it really is. I think I speak for a lot of women out there in saying that I know what this is like and have had experiences in the past with giving away sex somewhat freely because of insecurity, or to please or impress a man without actually even realizing how irresponsible this was. Because at the time, it was just sex, and when you are completely disconnected from yourself, it doesn’t seem like it’s a big deal. Now being older and more connected to my spiritual self I realize that sex is not something that is meant to be thrown around and given out so freely, it is a sacred act that creates a bond between two people that love and care about each other. It is so important for us (humanity) to realize this. There is a lot of power and amazing potential within this act and it has the ability to connect us with our true selves.

Many of us are holding onto a lot of sexual baggage from our past, and it is not my intent to make anyone regret past experiences. Rather, to let go and embrace what the past has taught us and move forward with this knowledge and consider it wisely. With this information I’m sure you will think twice about who you are ending up in bed with...

The above picture was used in one of the publications of the foregoing article by Alanna Ketter.   And while the picture attempts to portray a defiled physical woman as a sexual partner, it very well presents what can be portrayed as spiritual defilement and death by virtue of the woman being flat-lined and earth-bound by virtue of her connection to many sexual partners.  

In the magazine The Scientist the article entitled Swapping DNA In The Womb it is stated that: "The findings are the first demonstration of microchimerism—in which cells that originated in one individual integrate into the tissues of another—in the human brain, and could have implications for disease."  Concluding that: “Knowing cells are in the brain brings home the idea that we’re a little more diverse than we thought we were,” said Nelson. “So conceptually, it may be more appropriate to think of ourselves as an ecosystem rather than a single genetic template.”   The article then goes on an explains that: "Researchers have suspected that the human brain may harbor microchimeric cells, which are present in other human organs, and previous studies in mice have shown that such foreign cells can break through the blood-brain barrier. But the study, led by Lee Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, revealed that microchimeric cells could not only migrate to the brain, but do so frequently: more than 60 percent of autopsied brains contained DNA from another individual.  ...To quantify microchimerism in the brain, Nelson and colleagues selectively looked for a gene found on the Y chromosome in brain sections from 59 female cadavers. ...In total, the researchers found that 37 women harbored such foreign genes in their brains. They also found evidence of cells in the brain, suggesting that microchimeric cells can and do cross the blood-brain barrier."

That the DNA of a husband begins to deposit and even merge with that of his wife, is of the utmost importance in the process of bonding that enables the two to become "one flesh".   But when a women can be portrayed " an ecosystem rather than a single genetic template.”, such a body-environment where a woman is connected to a number of previous sexual partners, is detrimental to the two becoming "one flesh".   Thus, inhibiting the alchemical transformational process presented in the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas: Jesus said to them, "...when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female ...then will you enter the kingdom."   And to the woman who had been caught in adultery, Jesus said: "Go and sin no more” (John 8:1-11).   Why?   Because a woman who is connected to many male sexual partners -- making herself " ecosystem" where the DNA of past sexual partners has joined with her own -- will have great difficulty joining with a husband, and therefore cannot fulfill the biological role of the two becoming "one flesh".   

From the perspective of the mystic Samael Aun Weor (see Gnostic Teachings - What Is Adultery?): "Since a woman’s body is a passive and receptive element, it is clear that her body collects and stores more of the results of the sexual acts than all of those men who commit adultery with her; those results are atomic substances from the men with whom she has had sexual intercourse. Therefore, when someone has sexual intercourse with a person who has been with another partner or other partners, both then absorb the atomic essences of the other partners and poison themselves with them. This is a very grave problem for those brothers and sisters who are dissolving the “I” because then, not only do they have to fight against their own errors and defects, but more over, they have to fight against the errors and defects of those other partners with whom they had sexual intercourse."   And this is why the scriptures state: "And the man that committeth adultery with [another] man's wife, [even he] that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death" (Leviticus 20:10).   And why it is written: "Three evil deeds [that create suffering] depending upon the body are: killing, stealing, and committing adultery." (Buddha, from The Practice of Dhyâna).   "Adultery can be committed with the eyes" - (Jewish, Leviticus Rabba 23)   "Commit no adultery. This law is broken by even looking at the wife of another with a lustful mind" - Buddha.   "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" - Jesus, in Matthew 5.      An interesting position is presented in confirmation of the above in the publication Hinduism Today in the article on A Mystical View Of Adultery where it states:

The adulteress has a karma to bear that affects many generations of her relatives and friends, for she is psychically connected to every man with whom she has had intercourse. A mystic could see a fog-like psychic tube connecting their astral bodies that will not disintegrate for many years. The adulteress may have many of these tubes, especially if she is a woman for hire. A man is connected in the same way to all women he has been with. It is through these psychic tubes, which are like the umbilical cord connecting a baby to its mother, that the energies flow, and the karmas as well--good, bad and mixed.

A husband and wife who were both virgins at marriage have only a singular psychic tube through which energies pass between them. If their relationship is pure and they are intellectually and emotionally compatible, they automatically control their karmas of dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Their children are lovingly raised, because they are never entangled in family feuding. There is no fight involved, because no intruder has established a new psychic umbilical cord with either spouse, which would cause disruption between them and impending havoc to the children.

Once an astral, psychic tube is established between two people through sexual encounters, it becomes a telepathic channel, conveying thoughts, feelings and emotions. This is an important connection for married couples, tying them intimately together. Those who are married and have fidelity know that it is possible to feel the spouse's moods and emotions and even read his or her thoughts, all of which are conveyed through this psychic laser beam or subtle astral pranic channel. For those who have had sexual encounters with several of the opposite sex, the psychic connections become confusing. It would be like watching four, five or more TV programs at the same time, all day long and especially during the night. Small wonder they experience stress of which the cause eludes even the best psychiatrists.

In addition to the above, modern science has recognized what can be called the "bonding hormone" in the form of the secretion of oxytocin when a woman hugs with a man.  "It's like a hormone of attachment, you might say," said Carol Rinkleib Ellison, a clinical psychologist in private practice in Loomis, California and former assistant clinical psychiatry professor at the University of California, San Francisco. "It creates feelings of calm and closeness" (see The Effects Of Oxytocin).    Thus, the Britannica states that "Oxytocin and its receptors also play a role in pro-social behaviours, including in social motivation, social recognition, trust, and pair-bonding" -- and hugging and close interaction, is an integral part of the pair-bonding sexual process.   In the article at Your Hormones, it states that "More recently, oxytocin has been suggested to be an important player in social behaviour.  In the brain, oxytocin acts as a chemical messenger and has been shown to be important in human behaviours including sexual arousal, recognition, trust, anxiety and mother-infant bonding. As a result, oxytocin has been called the ‘love hormone’ or ‘cuddle chemical’."   The foregoing provokes the question:  What is it that you want out of life?  Quoting from the article The Real Meaning Of Help Meet:

In Hebrew the two words that "help meet" are derived from are the words "ezer" and the word 'k’enegdo".   Ezer which is commonly translated as "help" is really a rich word with a much deeper meaning. In her book Eve and the Choice Made in Eden, Beverly Campbell explains, “According to biblical scholar David Freedman, the Hebrew word translated thee into English as “help” is ezer. This word is a combination of two roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save,” and the other meaning “to be strong.” Just as the roots merged into one word, so did their meanings. At first ezer meant either “to save” or “to be strong,” but in time, said Freedman, ezer “ was always interpreted as ‘to help’ a mixture of both nuances.”  Diana Webb in her book Forgotten Women of God also clarifies this word by explaining, "The noun ezer occurs 21 times in the Hebrew Bible. In eight of these instances the word means “savior”. These examples are easy to identify because they are associated with other expressions of deliverance or saving. Elsewhere in the Bible, the root ezer means “strength.... the word is most frequently used to describe how God is an ezer to man. "


From a biological-spiritual perspective, woman as personified in the allegorical account of Eve,  is man's (Adam) most immediate savior.   She not only Completes him,  but she has the unique ability to draw him up from the excesses of his positively-charged lower nature -- returning back to him the necessary impressions as a mental food on a higher plane, that brings about higher expansion and deepening of mind.   Which is why in the Spiritual Communities of the past, all contact with a young female was always chaperoned.   To the wise and spiritually enlightened men of the past, what a young woman brings to the marriage is of an immeasurable importance.   Again quoting Beverly Campbell: "Thus, it seems that through imprecise translation, our understanding of the powerful words used originally to describe Eve’s role have been diminished. As a result, our understanding or Mother Eve has also been diminished. Suppose we had all, male and female alike, been taught to understand Genesis 2:18 as something like the following, 'It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a companion of strength and power who has a saving power and is equal with him'.”   When a woman permits herself to become attached to a number of men, this "saving power" is greatly diminished, and she can no longer fulfill her intended role.   Thus, the woman that has permitted herself to become spiritually polluted through many connections with men other than her husband, can no longer garner her feminine power that enables her to Complete and Raise Up her husband -- and in the process, Completing herself Spiritually.   A woman who is attached to other men, cannot fulfill the dynamic spiritual role of the feminine within the construct of the Laws of Creation.   And while this may appear extreme by modern cultural standards where casual and hookup sex has become a part of the recreational sex environment, the reality of life is seen in the fact that choices have consequences.  There is a reason why the Bible condemns fornication and adultery -- and not to understand that reason, is to become entrapped in a condition of spiritual ignorance.  If what Paul and the other Gospel Authors stated is true, and there exist higher realities and dimensions of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see Mysteries Of The Gospel ) -- and by virtue of the immaturity of the faith-based believers brought about by an embryonic condition of mind which Paul portrayed as the "natural" mind of man -- and the limitations of this embryonic condition of mind even inhibited Jesus from conveying the true meaning of the scriptures, and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom to all but his inner core of disciples (see In The House - Taught In Parables) -- which means that the biblical authors were therefore powerless to explain in detail many of the most important Gospel teachings and concepts in the literal text of the New Testament -- then the spiritually mature author's of the scriptures who were themselves enlightened to these higher realities, remained virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the people with a list of do's and don'ts -- so that the faith-based believers will be in a position where they will be better able to evolve to a mature understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.  To totally ignore these do's and don'ts, without knowing the consequence of one's choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded.      

In the same way that the embryo which formed each persons physical body was made up of the ovum and sperm that became ONE in their mother's womb, when rightly understood this world is merely the next higher level of womb -- i.e., a mental womb. And much of this is explained at The Esoteric Feminine Mystique. That you enter this world as a Cosmic Ovum or Sperm, means that at best you are only one third of the whole -- and the purpose of sex is to connect up the two halves on this plane (man and woman) so the higher reality of the Third-Force that is formed by the joining of the two can be brought about on a higher-plane. And with the interaction of the opposites (male/female spheres of mind), this has the potential to form and manifest what can be portrayed as a morphic field where the two are not only made "one flesh", but that the higher areas of mind and being can form and evolve the relationship (see Gender Blindness And The Process Of Birth).  When the man and woman live in a Divine Union, then there is an exchange, interaction and raising up of the minds as the higher mental spheres develop and connect the person you are in this world with your higher soul-self.  But in order for this to happen, the man and woman must interact on all levels of their being -- as equal and united halves.  If the woman is connected to a man other than her husband, then this interaction of the spheres of mind is not possible -- and the vital life-force is lost into nature.  In the case of a man, these other women are as dependents that drain him of his vital life-force -- rather than reflect and raise him up as with a true wife.   And thus, because this necessary interaction of opposites cannot take place, the  remain flat-lined. I expanded upon this process to some degree on the Know Thyself article under the heading The Divine Pattern Of Mind And Being.


In another recent study: Study: Women Carry DNA From Every Man They’ve Ever Been With Women retain and carry living DNA from every man with whom they have sexual intercourse, according to a new study by the University of Seattle and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.  Quoting the below finding: "Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims and swims until it crashes headlong into a wall, and then it attaches and burrows into your flesh. If it’s in your mouth it swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes. Then it digs in. It enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and spine.  Like something out of a scifi movie, it becomes a part of you and you can’t get rid of it.  We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse."

The study, which discovered the startling information by accident, was originally trying to determine if women who have been pregnant with a son might be more predisposed to certain neurological diseases that occur more frequently in males.  But as the scientists picked apart the female brain, the study began to veer wildly off course. As it turns out, the female brain is even more mysterious than we previously thought.

The study found that female brains often harbor “male microchimerism“, or in other words, the presence of male DNA that originated from another individual, and are genetically distinct from the cells that make up the rest of the woman.

According to the study: “63% of the females (37 of 59) tested harbored male microchimerism in the brain. Male microchimerism was present in multiple brain regions.”

So 63% of women carry male DNA cells that live in their brains. Obviously the researchers wanted to know where the male DNA came from.

Anyone care to guess? From the women’s fathers? No. Your father’s DNA combines with your mother’s to create your unique DNA. So where else could it come from?

Through the study the researchers assumed that the most likely answer was that all male DNA found living in the female brain came from a male pregnancy. That was the safe, politically correct assumption. But these researchers were living in denial.

Because when they autopsied the brains of women who had never even been pregnant, let alone with a male child, they STILL found male DNA cells prevalent in the female brain.

At this point the scientists didn’t know what the hell was going on. Confused, they did their best to hide the evidence until they could understand and explain it. They buried it in numerous sub studies and articles, but if you sift through them all you will find the damning statement, the one line that gives the game away and explains exactly where these male DNA cells come from.

What are they so afraid of?

“CONCLUSIONS: Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. Male microchimerism was significantly more frequent and levels were higher in women with induced abortion than in women with other pregnancy histories. Further studies are needed to determine specific origins of male microchimerism in women.“

So according to the scientists, the possible sources of the male DNA cells living in the women’s brains are:

an abortion the woman didn’t know about
a male twin that vanished
an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation
sexual intercourse
Considering the fact that 63% of women have male DNA cells residing in the recesses of their brain, which of the above possibilities do you think is the most likely origin of the male DNA?

The first three options apply to a very small percentage of women. They couldn’t possibly account for the 63% figure. The fourth option? It’s rather more common.

The answer is 4. Sex.

This has very important ramifications for women. Every male you absorb spermatazoa from becomes a living part of you for life. The women autopsied in this study were elderly. Some had been carrying the living male DNA inside them for well over 50 years.

Sperm is alive. It is living cells. When it is injected into you it swims and swims until it crashes headlong into a wall, and then it attaches and burrows into your flesh. If it’s in your mouth it swims and climbs into your nasal passages, inner ear, and behind your eyes. Then it digs in. It enters your blood stream and collects in your brain and spine.  Like something out of a scifi movie, it becomes a part of you and you can’t get rid of it.  We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse.


Male Microchimerism in the Human Female Brain

Male microchimerism in women without sons: quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history




In addition to the above, modern science has recognized what can be called the "bonding hormone" in the form of the secretion of oxytocin when a woman hugs with a man.  "It's like a hormone of attachment, you might say," said Carol Rinkleib Ellison, a clinical psychologist in private practice in Loomis, California and former assistant clinical psychiatry professor at the University of California, San Francisco. "It creates feelings of calm and closeness" (see The Effects Of Oxytocin).    Thus, the Britannica states that "Oxytocin and its receptors also play a role in pro-social behaviours, including in social motivation, social recognition, trust, and pair-bonding" -- and hugging and close interaction, is an integral part of the pair-bonding sexual process.   In the article at Your Hormones, it states that "More recently, oxytocin has been suggested to be an important player in social behaviour.  In the brain, oxytocin acts as a chemical messenger and has been shown to be important in human behaviours including sexual arousal, recognition, trust, anxiety and mother-infant bonding. As a result, oxytocin has been called the ‘love hormone’ or ‘cuddle chemical’."   The foregoing provokes the question:  What is it that you want out of life?  Quoting from the article The Real Meaning Of Help Meet:

In Hebrew the two words that "help meet" are derived from are the words "ezer" and the word 'k’enegdo".   Ezer which is commonly translated as "help" is really a rich word with a much deeper meaning. In her book Eve and the Choice Made in Eden, Beverly Campbell explains, “According to biblical scholar David Freedman, the Hebrew word translated thee into English as “help” is ezer. This word is a combination of two roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save,” and the other meaning “to be strong.” Just as the roots merged into one word, so did their meanings. At first ezer meant either “to save” or “to be strong,” but in time, said Freedman, ezer “ was always interpreted as ‘to help’ a mixture of both nuances.”  Diana Webb in her book Forgotten Women of God also clarifies this word by explaining, "The noun ezer occurs 21 times in the Hebrew Bible. In eight of these instances the word means “savior”. These examples are easy to identify because they are associated with other expressions of deliverance or saving. Elsewhere in the Bible, the root ezer means “strength.... the word is most frequently used to describe how God is an ezer to man. "


From a biological-spiritual perspective, woman as personified in the allegorical account of Eve,  is man's (Adam) most immediate savior.   She not only Completes him,  but she has the unique ability to draw him up from the excesses of his positively-charged lower nature -- returning back to him the necessary impressions as a mental food on a higher plane, that brings about higher expansion and deepening of mind.   Which is why in the Spiritual Communities of the past, all contact with a young female was always chaperoned.   To the wise and spiritually enlightened men of the past, what a young woman brings to the marriage is of an immeasurable importance.   Again quoting Beverly Campbell: "Thus, it seems that through imprecise translation, our understanding of the powerful words used originally to describe Eve’s role have been diminished. As a result, our understanding or Mother Eve has also been diminished. Suppose we had all, male and female alike, been taught to understand Genesis 2:18 as something like the following, 'It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a companion of strength and power who has a saving power and is equal with him'.”   When a woman permits herself to become attached to a number of men, this "saving power" is greatly diminished, and she can no longer fulfill her intended role.   Thus, the woman that has permitted herself to become spiritually polluted through many connections with men other than her husband, can no longer garner her feminine power that enables her to Complete and Raise Up her husband -- and in the process, Completing herself Spiritually.   A woman who is attached to other men, cannot fulfill the dynamic spiritual role of the feminine within the construct of the Laws of Creation.   And while this may appear extreme by modern cultural standards where casual and hookup sex has become a part of the recreational sex environment, the reality of life is seen in the fact that choices have consequences.  There is a reason why the Bible condemns fornication and adultery -- and not to understand that reason, is to become entrapped in a condition of spiritual ignorance.  If what Paul and the other Gospel Authors stated is true, and there exist higher realities and dimensions of being that are totally inconceivable to the mind of the undeveloped faith-based believer (see Mysteries Of The Gospel ) -- and by virtue of the immaturity of the faith-based believers brought about by an embryonic condition of mind which Paul portrayed as the "natural" mind of man -- and the limitations of this embryonic condition of mind even inhibited Jesus from conveying the true meaning of the scriptures, and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom to all but his inner core of disciples (see In The House - Taught In Parables) -- which means that the biblical authors were therefore powerless to explain in detail many of the most important Gospel teachings and concepts in the literal text of the New Testament -- then the spiritually mature author's of the scriptures who were themselves enlightened to these higher realities, remained virtually powerless to do anything more than to provide the people with a list of do's and don'ts -- so that the faith-based believers will be in a position where they will be better able to evolve to a mature understanding and comprehension of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay.  To totally ignore these do's and don'ts, without knowing the consequence of one's choices and actions, is paramount to walking out onto a freeway blindfolded.      

In the same way that the embryo which formed each persons physical body was made up of the ovum and sperm that became ONE in their mother's womb, when rightly understood this world is merely the next higher level of womb -- i.e., a mental womb. And much of this is explained at The Esoteric Feminine Mystique. That you enter this world as a Cosmic Ovum or Sperm, means that at best you are only one third of the whole -- and the purpose of sex is to connect up the two halves on this plane (man and woman) so the higher reality of the Third-Force that is formed by the joining of the two can be brought about on a higher-plane. And with the interaction of the opposites (male/female spheres of mind), this has the potential to form and manifest what can be portrayed as a morphic field where the two are not only made "one flesh", but that the higher areas of mind and being can form and evolve the relationship (see Gender Blindness And The Process Of Birth).  When the man and woman live in a Divine Union, then there is an exchange, interaction and raising up of the minds as the higher mental spheres develop and connect the person you are in this world with your higher soul-self.  But in order for this to happen, the man and woman must interact on all levels of their being -- as equal and united halves.  If the woman is connected to a man other than her husband, then this interaction of the spheres of mind is not possible -- and the vital life-force is lost into nature.  In the case of a man, these other women are as dependents that drain him of his vital life-force -- rather than reflect and raise him up as with a true wife.   And thus, because this necessary interaction of opposites cannot take place, the  remain flat-lined. I expanded upon this process to some degree on the Know Thyself article under the heading The Divine Pattern Of Mind And Being.

    What You Didn't Know About Casual Sex - Cutting AKA Cords - A Letter To Crystal: Some time after writing the above on Sexual Immorality, a FaceBook entry came across my inbox entitled What You Didn't Know About Casual Sex.   As stated in the below, my wife has helped other women to cut the Aka Cords that connect sexual partners -- and one of the statements that I took particular notice of in the Blog article that Crystal wrote was her profound wisdom in the advice that few women today have any understanding of: "Never Have Sex With Someone You Don't Want To Become".   Below is my letter to Crystal the author of What You Didn't Know About Casual Sex, and I have copied her article into the below. 

Letter To Crystal


We seem to have written somewhat parallel articles attesting to the same fact that our modern culture wants to ignore.   My article is entitled Why Is Sexual Immorality Condemned In The Bible (see ) which is drawn from a subheading on the Soul-Self website at Sexual Immorality .  Your article entitled What You Didn't Know About Casual Sex, is at

I particularly liked your closing statement: "Never Have Sex With Someone You Don't Want To Become".    While I agree with much of what you write -- and my wife has herself taught other women how to sever the aka chords which connect sexual partners -- I am also aware that while the cutting of these chords can lessen the effects and influence of sexual partners, the connection can never be totally erased.  And since I am writing from the perspective of achieving the next stage of birth where you actually manifest your Higher or Soul-Self in the body -- which is very difficult to achieve -- and this is the objective of the scriptures (see ) -- I would have to take the position that an informed seeker would not want to even engage in the behavior of casual sex.  You are also correct that in spirit (quoting you)  In the spirit or astral world, sex is seen as very sacred, not only because of the laws which religions have placed on it.  It is sacred because it involves the soul and spirit which are divine in nature.   

The original disciples of TheWay who were led by the man known today as Jesus, understood the intricacies of sex and the male/female relationship in the process of completing the four stages of birth necessary to achieve Soul-Wholeness and Completion.   And as an informed writer, you may be greatly interested in the relationship of male and female as set forth in my Gospel of Thomas subheading entitled The Unwanted Truth That Makes Men Free @ .   Which demonstrates that traditional religion is virtually worthless for its intended original objective.  And it is the sacredness of the relationship of male/female that is why I portray our emergence from the womb of our mother, into the womb of mother-earth as a Cosmic Ovum and Sperm (see ).  And I detail how a man and woman can invoke the Natural Laws and manifest their unique feminine and masculine strengths to create the foundation within themselves to manifest the necessary environment to bring the subsequent stages of birth about (see The Esoteric Feminine Mystique ).   

I applaud your efforts at making this spiritual reality of the Facts of Life available to the sincere seeker. 

GodSpeed in TheWay,


Allan Cronshaw



What You Didn’t Know About Casual Sex

Our modern world is very open to casual sex.  Also known as free sex or liberated sex, it is the intimate physical union of two bodies without emotional attachments.   Any form of sexual coupling that is entered into, no matter how long or short which is without commitment, responsibility and most of all, love fall under this.

Casual sex comes in the following guises:

  1. One night stand (with someone you know or a stranger)

  2. Friends with benefits

  3. Sexual orgies

  4. Sexual experimentation and exploration

  5. Cyber Sex

  6. Porn Sex with masturbation

  7. Phone Sex Services

  8. Paid Actual Sex

  9. Random Hand Jobs and Oral Sex


Many engage in this form of sexual release primarily because they don’t want any “complication” which usually comes with having sex in a closed relationship. They see this as an easier way to enjoy sex without the litany of responsibilities and emotional, even financial baggage that come with being committed.  Males who are masters at this can even get away with unwanted pregnancies. 

The media, through movies, TV shows, soap operas,  comedy shows, advertisements and music depict sex as fun, free and accessible (because you can do it with anyone), romantic, healing and all the good things you were programmed to believe. The internet, even books and printed articles portray casual sex as easy, natural, stress-free, liberating and fun. Our society has been fed the information that this is a primal urge which man cannot control and so, he has to release it.  In turn, he becomes healthier, happier, focused and productive.   

People who freely engage in it usually believe that they are not hurting anyone with what they are doing because it is not forced or done without the other’s liking. Well, they are so wrong.  The word “hurt” is an understatement to all the negative effects of such acts.

Casual sex has never been as good and safe as we were made to believe.  The person’s spirit is greatly harmed.  When there is something sick or broken in one’s spirit, it will affect the physical body, including his social and psychological state.

Let me show you how this happens by first explaining what sex is in general.

We have been taught that sex is just the act of physical intercourse with another.  It may be done with an opposite or same gender partner.   It is first preceded by physical attraction, then arousal and ends with the act of coitus itself.  Well, sex is so much deeper than that.

Unseen Depths of the Sexual Act

When one has sex with another, not only do their bodies join.  Their souls or astral bodies unite as well. There is an absolute merging of the body, mind and spirit. There can never be a harmless random “casual” union because it involves a person’s whole being.  In the spirit or astral world, sex is seen as very sacred, not only because of the laws which religions have placed on it.  It is sacred because it involves the soul and spirit which are divine in nature. 

Even if you had sex just for 30 seconds, it still involved the union of each other’s auric fields. And it has long term effects that will transcend one’s generation and lifetime.

During the sexual union, both bodies emit a certain degree of light.  When this is emitted, souls in the spirit world, waiting to incarnate on earth eagerly watch.  When there is much love and pure devotion between the couple, they emit very bright beams of light.  These forms of coupling attract incarnating souls that are of higher awareness and spiritual development.  Children born out of this union are kind-hearted, balanced and more loving. On the other hand, partners who do intercourse without love, emit a grayish light.  These attract incarnating souls that are less experienced and have very low spiritual wisdom.  If pregnancy happens, children born will become very insecure, problematic and rebellious.

Remember that the aura of each person engaged in the sexual act is open to each other.  Contained in one’s aura are the person’s personality, habits, attitudes, talents and capabilities, spiritual debts and karma, blessings and curses, illnesses and diseases (including sickness that will still manifest later in life) and all sorts of emotional baggage.  When there is complete union of the auras, all that one has in his auric field melds with all that there is in hers. 

In a husband and wife relationship, it is a common occurrence that the woman easily senses if her husband is lying or has been unfaithful or is still in an extra-marital affair.  How do wives get this psychic ability?  

As a married couple, their auras are always united and her soul easily “sees” and “feels” into his aura.  Her conscious mind is not aware but her spirit mind is, and so she senses this infidelity.  Also, have you ever noticed that the longer a couple stays married (and sexually intimate), the more they seem to “look alike” even if they each have very different facial features?  It is the blending of the couple’s auras that makes people perceive such a resemblance.

An important factor that we should take note of is that the presence of love is powerful and significant in the safety of both souls during the sexual act itself. If the act is caused by love, this light energy serves as a force field against negative energies hovering around the couple’s space. Their auras are exclusively open only to each other and are penetrable only by the same level of light energies. 


If there is no love, and lust is the primal cause of the act, both persons are open for dark energies to enter both their fields.  Negative entities of this kind hook themselves deep into the aura of the chosen partner and will feed from the host indefinitely.  Lustful entities are highly attracted to this kind of lustful union.  The person chosen to be the prey of these types of “demons” will be more and more lustful and will crave for more similar unions.  That is why people who have tried casual sex once tend to have succeeding free sex events.  Also, they become afraid and unwilling to enter a committed relationship.  Or if they ever enter into a committed relationship, they will still be unfaithful or promiscuous after a while.

Another occurrence during intercourse is soul fragmentation.  This happens whether it be a union with or without love.  As soon as both bodies and soul separate, part of the soul body of one partner is taken by the other and vice versa.  This leaves both souls fragmented or both their souls are not whole anymore. Part has been taken by the other, leaving a feeling of incompleteness or insufficiency to the other.  If a major part has been taken away, this results to severe depression, emotional incapacity, psychological issues and withdrawal.

In deep loving relationships, soul fragmentation happens in chunks. Couples who love each other tend to give almost all of themselves and at the same time, want to take almost the whole being of the other. This emotion is put into spiritual action during the sexual union. They fragment each other’s soul and the exchange is done with full permission.   When a partner leaves, he/she takes with him/her that which was originally part of the other. That is why it takes years for one to truly and completely move on or get over the other partner if they get separated or one dies.  This gives credibility to the lines, “I feel so broken and empty now that she’s gone”, and, “He took my heart with him when he left”.

In a non-loving casual sex scenario, fragmentation happens but in very different ways.  The fragmentation occurs because one is only attracted to that part of the person.  The soul that is needy of that particular attribute takes it away from the other’s soul.  This leaves the other feeling something is missing and yet clueless about it.  The person fragmented or unwhole will feel emptiness, a sense of unfulfillment and unfaithfulness. He/she will constantly have multiple partners, because of the subconscious need to search for the soul’s missing parts.

It is also interesting to note that during the sexual union, both partners tend to feed on each other’s energy and the ingestion is very powerful.  It is usually the weaker one that feeds on the stronger.  Here is an example.  Have you ever noticed a steady couple with the man being years older from his mate and yet it seems like the woman looks almost as matured as him?  What caused this could be explained this way:  The man, being older, has a weaker life force as compared to his woman.  Every time they have sex, he tends to suck much of the woman’s youth energy.  This makes him physically stronger and potent and leaves the woman, partially depleted of her youthful energy and appearance. She, out of her love for him, was unaware yet shared part of her youth to him. And because the imparting of such energy was done in love, she will look older but she will not be sickly. 

This feeding also happens in cases where there is no love involved. It is a form of energy vampirism because the energy sucked from the sex partner was not given willingly by the other soul. For example, an old rich man pays for the sexual service of a young female.  This old man will feed off her youth during the opening of their auras without her conscious permission.  She has been vampired and preyed upon, by the old man, of energy she unwilling lost and this will result to her looking haggard and feeling weak. If this young lady goes on having paid sex with older men, she will, soon enough look old and will have all kinds of recurrent infections and diseases.

The case just mentioned is not far from rape or forced sex scenarios.  Victims of this kind of sexual union become depressed and sickly.  How did this come to be?  Let me explain in a simple scientific way.

When anyone or a female, for example, is forced into sex, her body undergoes severe stress.  This stress triggers an alarm from her hypothalamus (a tiny region at the base of the brain).  This electrical and chemical alarm signals her adrenal glands to secrete two stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones suppress the digestive, reproductive and immune systems to allow a focus of energy for a fight or flight reaction.  If the stress stays for too long, her body will begin to weaken because the three bodily systems are not processing normally.  Much acid will be produced from the digestive system and released into the blood stream.  This makes the body acidic and such an environment is host to all illnesses and diseases.  The immune system is continually placed on a halt, thereby making the body open and weak against sickness.  The reproductive system which is still suppressed, will exhibit symptoms of hormonal imbalances in the female and sex related problems.


The Aftermath of Casual Sex

Casual Sex is not shallow at all and the trail of devastation it brings to the persons involved is horrendous.

Since the astral bodies (spirit bodies) and auras of both partners unite during liberated sex, many traits, habits and vices that one has will be shared by the other.  Aside from those, all unpleasant energies and karma, including present and future illnesses will be passed to the other. Even unfavorable spirits attached to one will be received by the other. Curses will also be shared.

Casual sex is never motivated by love.   A negative feeling, like lust or fear is what fuels it. Since this act is empowered by a negative source, only the dark and bad in one’s aura is transferred to the other. Have you ever heard of a poor prostitute who became instantly rich after having sex with a rich man (Unless the rich man falls in love with the prostitute and takes her as his permanent mate)? No.  It is usually the rich man who will have financial difficulties after such acts.  The “richness” of the man was not shared to the prostitute because there were the negative energies of lust for the flesh (rich man) and fear to have no money (prostitute) in the act.  This allowed the energy of financial difficulty from the prostitute to transfer to the rich man.  (Please note that I have nothing against prostitutes.  I have deep respect for them as humans and for braving such difficulties and risks just to earn a living for their loved ones.)

In a loving sexual relationship, even the good talents, gifts, abilities and blessings can be passed to each other.  Love will allow the movement of positive baggage from one aura to another.

After intercourse, the person will begin experiencing whatever sense of reality the other one has.  Events and incidences commonly attracted by the other will now be magnetized by this person.  Even the other’s emotional state and vices will manifest in this person’s life.

Unexplained sadness, emptiness, confusion or guilt are the early symptoms one will experience after casual sex.  One’s way of thinking will begin to change and get distorted.  One will begin liking different things or activities. Habits will shift, including hobbies. Mood changes will be frequent, including feeling easily drained and sick. Even changing tastes and lifestyles will manifest in a short time.  Eventually, the deep effects of a fragmented soul will surface causing depression and hopelessness. In the end, one’s authentic self will be will be drowned and lost.

I recall a singer friend of mine several years ago.  I knew her as someone who didn’t drink alcoholic beverage.  She once had this infatuation with one of her admirers.  He was a middle aged business man who frequented the lounge she was working at.  He always looked haggard and he would always drink several bottles of beer before leaving.  He watched her perform almost every night.   She finally went to bed with him around three times for a span of two weeks.  I noticed subtle changes in her in their early casual sex activities.  She was harsher in her words and she began looking tired all the time.  What really called my attention was her suddenly fancy in beer drinking.

A close relative of mine is another example of the sharing of bad luck in casual sex.  He was a very successful business man.  He had a fine wife and a beautiful family.  All was well in his life until he entered into a new type of business which required him to buy-out his clients through wine and women.  This strategy was essential to win certain contracts.  He was earning millions with just a single deal.  Because he always had to up stay late away from his family, his wife started demanding that he just quit that kind of business.  He got fed up with her bickering and began sleeping with the high class prostitutes he used to win his clients with.  He eventually found one of them whom he chose to have regular sexual relations with. He was promiscuous for years. He spiraled into alcoholism.  I used to admire him for his refined, dignified and classy personality but he changed.  He turned into a vulgar and cheaply dressed gambler.  In as fast as 3 years, his businesses were shutting down one by one.  His children were going astray and his wife was always sick and depressed (She too was affected by the negative karma passed on to her by her husband).  He himself began having health problems.  They sold their properties one after the other just to be able to pay their bills.  In the end, he died very poor because of incurable diseases and he was not even able to afford any form of hospitalization.

This relative of mine shared the karmic load of the prostitutes he had casual sex with.  These women were poor and they had no choice but to sell their bodies to survive.  He absorbed these negativities in his aura.   He too experienced their poverty.  His aura was open as well to other negative entities that fed on him until his death.  Promiscuity, alcoholism, gambling and the extreme changes in his personality were obvious effects.

I would like to add that the detrimental effects of casual sex go beyond a person’s generation. The dark energies which the person inherited from his casual sex partner will stay with him and flourish even to his children and grand children. These opportunistic beings are transferred when one’s child is born.  They will stay and camp close to the child until the time comes that they succeed in gaining entrance to its aura through vices such as free sex, drugs, alcoholism, smoking, gaming addiction, pornography or other forms of destructive activities. Once they gain entrance, the vicious cycle of desolating the soul begins. If not healed, these negative entities will live within their bloodline for generations.

When I was analyzing this relative’s story, I discovered that his father was also a womanizer.  My relative was an only son.  He lost his promiscuous father early in life and he alone worked his way to financial success, until the dark entities his father unknowingly passed to him, found a way to gain entrance into his aura.  These dark beings set him up by using money.  Then they prepared more traps until he fell into free sex.  This let them gain entrance into his astral body and his life.

I just learned recently this relative’s son got separated from his wife because she caught him sleeping around. He also was doing drugs already.   This is a sign that the so called “demons” that ruined his grandfather and father had gained access into his life, as well.

This explains why we often notice that patterns are repeated through generations.  For example, a drunkard usually had an alcoholic parent.  A philandering wife had an unfaithful parent. A drug addict had drug addicts for parents.  A heavy chain smoker had a parent just like him, and so on.

It is essential to know that when you engage in casual sex, you not only receive whatever karma and negative baggage your partner has. You also inherit all other loads this partner received from her/his other casual sex partners. Just imagine all the ugly and heavy burdens of so many people you don’t even know, transferring and taking permanent residence in your aura and taking control of your life! You essentially become someone you don’t know or you don’t ever want to be.

Liberated sex creates soul ties which transcend time and space. When one dies, if he was not healed of the ruin he did to his astral body, all that he received from others through casual sex will follow and affect him in future incarnations.  The unlearned lessons or karma of others, now his as well, will be added to the hurdles he will have to master and overcome in succeeding lifetimes.

Healing the Self

For you to be totally healed from the destruction brought about by casual sex,  you have to undergo spiritual cord cutting, entity attachment removal and soul retrieval.  These are usually done for you by expert healers and shamans.  But what if you live in a place where you can’t find any of these types of people?  And what if you don’t have the money to avail of their services?  Will you be doomed and should you start feeling hopeless?

I was born a healer.  I knew how to perform spiritual techniques long before I knew how to read.  As the years passed, I was informed of my mission:  TO TEACH AND REMIND HUMANITY (of who they really are) AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, TO RE-EMPOWER THEM.

I am including, in this article, my personal and tested method on how you can cut the cords you have between the people you had casual sex with and how to detach from spirits that have deeply attached themselves on you, by yourself.  You have the power to do this.  Believe that you could and it will happen.

I will write separately on Soul Fragmentation and Soul Retrieval.  These are different topics and how to do this is different. Also, soul retrieval takes a while.  The soul parts you lost through casual sex, after soul retrieval, may return in as fast as 5 minutes and as long as you can imagine.  

I purposely prioritized the spiritual cord cutting and spirit attachment methods to immediately put a stop to the pain in your life. These should also be done to avoid further harm you may cause to any partner you currently have. 

Soul Retrieval must be done as an immediate follow up because you have to be whole again.  Soul Fragmentation means one’s soul has parts missing.  This results to restlessness, constantly looking for “happiness” in things and people, hopelessness, a feeling of loss and severe depression and discontentment.  People with fragmented souls don’t find fulfillment in any relationship.  They eventually develop addictions and vices to satisfy a need or yearning they cannot identify.

As I said,  you have the free gift to heal yourself.  But if you doubt, it would be best to seek the professional  help of a shaman or experienced healer.

(For people who live in the Philippines, please think several times before seeking help from albularyos, manggagamots and peddlers in Quiapo.  You may be doing more harm to yourself if you are not careful.  Make sure you get help from true Light Healers.)

If you have engaged in casual sex and wish to end the destructive cycle, begin by admitting to yourself that you made a mistake.  You need to determine the cause of an illness in order for you to administer the proper cure.

Once you sincerely realize the wrong you have done to your body, recognize the damage you have also inflicted in the life of the one you had casual sex with.

“A humble and penitent heart is one that heaven listens to.” This is what my Higher Self told me when I was still so little, and I never forget it.  Be humble enough to admit and confess your mistake through prayer. 

  1.  Call on your Godhead, your Higher Self and all your protective guardians to assist you in this releasing.  Ask them to surround you, protect you and empower you to accomplish this task.  Ask them to shut your space away from all lower forms of entities and energies.

  1.  Call on your other selves from other lifetimes who also engaged in the same activity and unite with them in one body.  See yourself merging with each one of them until you all become one.

  1.  Call on your guardian healers to surround you. 

  1.  Visualize cords stemming from your body and connecting to the body of the one/s you had casual sex with. This will include people in this lifetime and all other incarnations you had.  These cords are what still link your aura and astral body to others.  Ask your healing guardians to help you see all these cords. 


  2. 5.  Ask your Godhead or Higher Self to give you the most powerful cutting device you will be using to sever all these cords from your body.  Say thank you and proceed by cutting each cord one by one until all cords have been cut.

  1.  See yourself free from the entanglements from these people and ask your healing guardians to assist you in sealing off the parts from which you cut the cords.  Seal these “wounds” with forgiveness and love.  If you don’t seal each part properly, these chords will grow back and re-attach to the same person again, so don’t be in a hurry in sealing.

  1.  After you have sealed your side, send your sincerest apologies to the ones you had casual sex with.  Send forgiveness as well, for the damage they have caused you.  Then say “I love you,” (and mean it).  Ask your healing guardians to help you seal their end of their severed cord with love.  This should be done so that they won’t attach themselves to other people.

8.   Now that you have been freed, ask your protective guardians to find all hiding and deeply latched negative energies and entities in your aura and astral body/soul.  Ask them to gently escort these entities away from your energy field and away from your space. Your guardians will know where to send them. Bid these entities goodbye and send them forgiveness, love and an honest from the heart, thank you.  Wait!  You must be wondering why you should be nice to these “demons” and worse, send them a sincere “thank you”. You must realize that these entities have played a crucial role in helping you learn more about life and pain. Their inflictions helped you gain strength in ways we will only realize in some other time.  They, no matter how dark, deserve our gratitude.  Never gloat at them or say anything damaging or hurting to them.  Instead, have mercy on them and send them healing so that they may find the way back to the light.  Learn to treat others the way you want to be treated when you have done something wrong. Remember that we learn from making mistakes and experiencing pain. So be nice.

  1.  Next, ask your healers to begin healing the deep wounds these entities caused you.  Ask them to energize you so that you look all brand new and shiny. 

  1.  With the help of your protectors, seal your aura, your astral body and physical body so that such entities will never be able to enter again.  Use a protective shield of your liking and program it with whatever you wish it to do. Say thank you and I love you to your shield.  These words will strengthen it further.

  1.  Lastly, look at all your guardians and thank them all so much for the assistance, healing and love they sent you.  Do the same with your Godhead and your Higher Self.  End your session by telling them and yourself that you will now be very cautious and protective of your physical and spiritual bodies.  Then, mean it.

These cord cutting and healing sessions are a very exhausting and laborious task.  Do it when you are not tired and when you are in a good mood. Don’t be in a hurry when you are in the process. This work is only for cutting the connections with other people and healing some of the damages.  Again, a different healing session is needed for Soul Retrieval. 

(For questions or assistance, you can email me : )

In closing, remember that your body, no matter how imperfect, is sacred.  It is where your divine soul resides. Treat your body with love and respect.  After all, it is the only one that you can really call yours in this life. If you want to be loved the right way, start by loving yourself, your body, the right way. When you do this, you will attract the same energy. You will find the kind of love you have always wanted.

Only give yourself (in sex) to someone you are willing to share your whole life with.  Reserve your body for someone you will love enough, to make you willing to accept all that this person can bring into your life: good or bad.  It is only love that can heal the hurts, pains and burdens another has.

Remember:  Never have sex with someone you don’t want to  become.

*All images courtesy of Google





Did Jesus Love The Woman At The Well?


What we see in the below statement by the Bachelorette is representative of what is being preached in the Churches, and is the total destruction of the Original Gospel Teachings and a negation of the process of achieving the necessary subsequent stages of birth.  From a Soul-Perspective, the duality of male and female is the manifestation of one half of what would constitute the necessary Wholeness to achieve the next stage of birth.  The Kingdom can only come when what is personified as the duality of Adam and Eve is restored in Oneness (see ).   Wholeness and the necessary subsequent stage of birth is achieved when the conditions of birth are present in the individual person -- as personified in The Second Epistle of Clement where this ultra-important teaching that was removed from the Gospels modern Christians use is quoted as stating: “Let us expect, therefore, hour by hour, the kingdom of God in love and righteousness, since we know not the day of the appearing of God. For the Lord Himself, being asked by one when His kingdom would come, replied, 'When two shall be one, that which is without as that which is within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female’”.  This important original teaching was preserved in the Gospel of Thomas in the statement:  "Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."    Quoting from Never Have Sex With Someone You Don't Want To Become - Sexual Immorality:  

It becomes very difficult to even impossible to bring about the required merger of the male and female opposite polarities, when the woman is connected to men other than her husband.   And Paul correctly presents the problem when he writes to the Congregation at Corinth: "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh'".  When Jesus said to the woman at the well that she was unable to go and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18), we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus and other spiritually advanced souls are able to see into Ætheric (Field) dimensions that man in his natural organic condition cannot.  What Jesus was observing when he made this statement, was the stream of vital life-force from five different men with whom the woman had sex, as a connective thought-stream entering into her.  Moreover, when Jesus told her that even the man she was with at present could not be her husband in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was that because of the polluted environment that she has permitted her body to become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband.  Since on one level you stay connected to whom ever you have had sex with, there is only the exchange of low-level thought-impressions which cannot be exchanged at a higher level -- and only drive the person into confusion and meaningless carnal thinking.  Thus, mentally and spiritually grounding the people to the mundane earth. And while the more advanced the soul, the more they are able to deal with adverse body environmental conditions, in most instances even these few become warped in their perception and thinking. In the same way that a genetic imbalance in a developing embryo creates mental impairment and conditions such as Down Syndrome, the same is true on the next higher holographic level with the bombardment of low-level thoughts from people who one has been previously connected to. In the same way that the two sides of the ear must move and resonate together, so too must husband and wife.
For the first time modern science has proven the wisdom of the mystic -- i.e., that a woman remains connected to every man she has ever had sex with -- which is noted in the recent American Journal Of Medicine article entitled: Male microchimerism in women without sons: Quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history.   Directly quoting the article it states: "Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse."   Researchers have found that any man a woman has unprotected sex with, will also permanently store their DNA with hers.   The findings have demonstrated that DNA belonging to men (detected by the presence of Y chromosomes) in women.  They could find these by taking blood samples from various body parts and brain tissue.  Male DNA can exist inside cells in women's bodies for decades. This effect was given the name microchimerism. The most studied cause of microchimerism is that originating from the male fetus into their pregnant mothers. However, women who have never been pregnant also had male DNA in their cells, and it has been concluded that this was also through sexual intercourse.  Semen contains lymphocytes and other cells of the male which can pass into the bloodstream and continue to persist inside the organs of women.   This deposit of male DNA in the woman's brain is the means by which the woman and the man maintain a connection in the physical -- enabling the thought impressions to connect on an etheric level.  


With respect to the below statement by the Bachelorette, Jesus loved the woman at the well who could not receive the Living Waters because of her sexual-connection to five men.  It has nothing to do with sin -- only one's inability to enter into a Divine Marriage where the duality of the two become one, which makes it virtually impossible to bring about the next stage of birth as portrayed in the words: "Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."   
“Regardless of anything that I've done, I can do whatever, I sin daily and Jesus still loves me. It's all washed and if the Lord doesn't judge me and it's all forgiven."









Natural Healing -- Lessening Sexual Aka Chord Connections

It seems more seekers are beginning to understand the dynamic Aka Cord connection as explored in my article at Sexual Immorality -- which Aka Cords inhibit peoples ability to enter into a Marriage -- thereby inhibiting the process explored in Gospel of Thomas saying 22 which reads: "Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom."

Quoting the foregoing link as to Why Is Sexual Immorality Condemned In The Bible: When the Gospel of Thomas states that you must "...make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; ...then will you enter the kingdom" (see Gospel of Thomas saying #22), it becomes very difficult to even impossible to bring about the required merger, when the woman is connected to men other than her husband.   And Paul correctly presents the problem when he writes to the Congregation at Corinth: "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh'".  When Jesus said to the woman at the well that she was unable to go and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18), we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus and other spiritually advanced souls are able to see into Ætheric (Field) dimensions that man in his natural organic condition cannot.  What Jesus was observing when he made this statement, was the stream of vital life-force from five different men with whom the woman had sex, as a connective thought-stream entering into her.  Moreover, when Jesus told her that even the man she was with at present could not be her husband in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was that because of the polluted environment that she has permitted her body to become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband. Since on one level you stay connected to whom ever you have had sex with, there is only the exchange of low-level thought-impressions which cannot be exchanged at a higher level -- and only drive the person into confusion and meaningless carnal thinking.  Thus, mentally and spiritually grounding the people to the mundane earth. And while the more advanced the soul, the more they are able to deal with adverse body environmental conditions, in most instances even these few become warped in their perception and thinking. 

More recent conformation of what I wrote can be found at Sexual Intimacy and Its Connection with Aural Energy at .   The article states: "But there is nothing such as casual or meaningless sex. When we get intimate with anybody we tend to receive their positivity or negativity and unknowingly incorporate it in our everyday lives. Even if we do not meet the other person ever again, or if we do have a continuous physical intimacy with our partner, each time we get into the act, we receive a part of their energy into our aura and leave a part of ours into theirs. So each time we have sex, we create an energy cord with our partner. Their thoughts, feelings, desires, etc., are left as impressions in our aura, which unless cleansed, stays with us.  If the same is done under the influence of alcohol, we lower our natural protective field, which further exposes us to negative & discordant energies. If we have sex with a positive person, we are bound to receive her/his positivity and vice-a-versa with a negative person. Jeffery Armstrong in his article, The Ancient Art and Science of Sexual Healing says, '..what could be accomplished by bringing the male and the female body together. The answer to this question is physical, biological, vital, mental, emotional, and spiritual. And since our bodies share characteristics with the animal realm, it is obviously possible for us to be pulled in both an upward and downward direction through our endowment of energies.'”

In our Ebionite Nazirene Community in North Carolina ( ), we have begun putting together a Spiritual Healing Center.  Many seekers have asked me what I did to clear out my body -- and while I attribute much of my own healing to the steam shower to ice water spinal immersion that I used to do almost daily, my wife Flo and I also did all that is suggested in the article under the heading of Cleanse Your Aura where it reads: Our energy system requires constant cleansing in order for it to be balanced and to keep us functioning properly. It is essential that we cleanse our aura of all the negativity and debris from time to time. Here are some simple and easy methods to remove unwanted energies left in your aura body through physical intimacy.aura-cleansing-relationship

  • Sunlight is man’s main food, but since we are unable to directly consume it, we absorb it by way of fruits, vegetable, etc. Therefore, it is best to step out into the sunlight every day for minimum 15 minutes. A conscious thought, ‘I am cleansing my aura of my sexual past’ can be extremely helpful in the cleansing process.

  • Water is a natural cleanser, which cleans the body both physically, emotionally and energetically. Therefore, a bath with sea salt or Epsom salt can remove stuck negativity in the body.

  • Forgiveness is a powerful tool to release trapped energy in our body. In the case of a hurtful relationship, by forgiving the other person as well as yourself for the act of sex can lead to acceptance and discharge of energy.

  • Nature is yet another way to connect to Mother Earth and replenish your energy. Walking barefoot or Earthing is a great way to feel energised, because Earth’s surface contains limitless, natural, healing energy.

  • Meditation, when practiced in any form is enlightening and emancipating. It strengthens the aura body and gives the practitioner a sense of knowledge about their energy field. Practicing White light meditation (imagining white light going in and black light out of the body) will also discharge the debris from your aura field.

  • Aura cleansing techniques with experts who have the knowledge of various methodologies for aura cleansing and combing is undoubtedly a great way to remove energy blocks, debris, negativity, etc.

The above mentioned techniques are only some measures to reduce the impact of casual sex. But if we want to get physically involved with someone, it is better to weigh the situation first. Sex is not good or bad, it is ecstatic and to truly experience the possibility of connecting higher states of awareness with peak sexual experiences, we have to first understand its significance.

The article also quotes statement by Jeffery Armstrong in his article, The Ancient Art and Science of Sexual Healing where he states, “..what could be accomplished by bringing the male and the female body together. The answer to this question is physical, biological, vital, mental, emotional, and spiritual. And since our bodies share characteristics with the animal realm, it is obviously possible for us to be pulled in both an upward and downward direction through our endowment of energies.”

Even few seekers understand man's lower animal nature (see Organic Man Ruled Over By His Lower Animal Nature ) -- or the impact that an untransformed lower animal nature has upon the evolution of Soul-Light (see The Evolving Soul ) -- and the reality of Mr. Armstrong's statement regarding the fact that modern recreational sex can move our consciousness in a "...downward direction through our endowment of energies.”  And the woman at the well could not receive the Living Waters, because her five husbands was anchoring her into her lower animal nature. 

My wife and I used to purchase 50 lb bags of Dead Sea Salt and bathe in it.  There is of course nothing like a flotation tank with salt water.  I used to ride my motorcycle along the beach in the early morning through the salt air -- but riding through early morning mountain dew also has a cleansing effect.  In our Ebionite Nazirene Community we have begun to pursue Quantum Touch, Re-birthing which utilizes the cleansing of connected breath, and Age Regression to explore the causal factors in one's previous lives our Soul has lived.  We are also pursuing what is called Polarity Healing.   And while it is impossible to totally sever the Aka Chord links, they can be greatly made less by using the above Natural Healing Expressions that have the capacity to free each seeker from the impact of their own past. 



  Invoking Grace In Response To Sexual Immorality: The vast majority of people reading this article have been seduced by our hedonist culture and spiritually disenfranchised academia, and have all engaged in sex with many partners.   Our modern culture promotes what can be portrayed as recreational sex.  Which provokes the question:  Is there a way to restore ourselves to a pure and undefiled state?   The answer is no.     While the Hawaiian Huna portrayed these connections with others as Aka chords -- which to some degree parallels the Hindu concept of chakra chords -- while there are ways that the connections between women and their past sexual partners can be weakened, with the possible exception of physical death, they can never be entirely eliminated.  The problem is seen in the fact that modern science is only now beginning to understand the connections that exist between people.   When I was a speaker at The Conference For Consciousness And Human Evolution (see LINK), I for the first time became aware of the work of Amit Goswami (see LINK).    Amit, who is a Theoretical physicist at the University of Oregon, had conducted an experiment whereby he demonstrated the basic connection that exists between people.   Amit selected two pairs of subjects. The first pair met and created a bond between them (aka cord). They were then separated; each was placed in a separate Faraday cage (a copper sealed space) and moved 20 meters from each other. They could not see each other and did not know the purpose of the experiment. When one of the subjects was stimulated by a rapidly flashing light, the other subject showed corresponding electrical activity in the visual cortex. The second set of subjects did not meet or bond and the rapid light stimulation of one subject’s brain did not influence the other subject’s brain waves.   Thus, while Amit established the very simple connective link that takes place between people -- a link which the Hawaiian Huna learned to heal by cutting this aka link -- the connections made through sexual interaction are not only permanent, but often transcend lifetimes.  

Many Hasidic Rabbis do not shake hands -- and do not touch anyone but their wives -- so as not to establish a connection with the other person which will impact their consciousness.   This difficult subject is somewhat explained at On Shaking Hands where it is stated: "What is the rationale for the Jewish prohibition on men and women touching, let alone shaking hands?  The prohibition of touching (in Hebrew negiah) goes back to the Book of Leviticus (18:6 and 18:19) and was developed further in the Talmud. A person who observes this prohibition is often called a shomer negiаh. It applied not only to close contact such as hugging and kissing, but also to shaking hands or patting on the back. The practice is generally followed by traditionally observant Jews, both men and women, including Hassidic Jews, and those who are referred to as Haredim." 

While attempting to cut the connections in the Ætheric does some good, it does not alleviate the problem entirely.  But with spiritual knowledge and the living of a Consecrated Life, the man and woman can move on and make greater progress together.  Over the course of time the connections do weaken, and the Law of Grace can be invoked which will further lessen the influences of those with whom we have had intimate connections in the past.   How is the Law of Grace Invoked?   Only through a change in mind and lifestyle -- along with assisting others in not making the same mistake.   When you convey to others the consequences of casual sex with a multitude of partners -- making them aware of the pitfalls -- then you invoke the Law of Grace by saving others from the pitfalls of your own past. 

A true Gnostic does not attempt to dissolve the "I" as stated by Samael Aun Weor above -- but rather, a seeker/disciple is able to use the ego-self as a catalyst to spawn greater growth and development.  The exchange of vital life-force has the potential to supply the Impressions that act as the final food in the Law of Octaves in the dynamic mental exchange between husband and wife.  When it is realized that the forbidden fruit of the (outer columns of the Tree of Life) is the male/female Impressions in the Tree of Duality that have not been brought together in the Center Column of the Tree of Life, then you can begin to understand the dynamics of the higher mind and the teaching in the Gospel of Thomas: Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female ...then will you enter the kingdom" (see Gospel of Thomas saying #22).  

  Multiple Wives And Husbands:  In the biblical example of when Jesus said to the woman at the well that she was unable to go and get her husband because she had five husbands (John 4:18), we must be cognizant of the fact that Jesus was able to see into other dimensions that man in his natural state cannot.  What Jesus was observing when he made this statement was the stream of vital life-force from five different men upon which their thoughts and impressions was entering into her.  Moreover, when Jesus told her that even the one she was with at present could not be her husband in the genuine spiritual meaning of the word, what he was conveying was that because of the polluted environment that she had permitted her body to become, she was incapable of having a genuine husband  in the true spiritual reality of the word.

On a secondary note, when Jesus told the Samaritan woman that she had five husbands, what he was saying was that God recognized the reality of the sexual relationship as marriage.  Why?  While this marriage is only a primary union, by virtue of the fact that the two minds and bodies have been connected through sexual intercourse -- and remain connected until physical death -- the two are married in the eyes of God because the connection of paired sex-centers remains, and the flow of vital life-force between the two continues.  Thus, in the cosmic sense, there is a union of the two.   What the majority of men and women fail to comprehend is the reality that marriage contains within itself seven levels -- of which the first is brought about and initiated through sex as a primary level of marriage.   Why?  Because male and female are opposite polarities that are half of the equation of One.   When the sex centers of a man and woman are connected together through sex and the exchange of bodily fluids, on a cosmic scheme the universe recognizes the connection.   In the case of the woman at the well who had been intimate with five men, Jesus acknowledged that she had five husbands on a cosmic level.   In a Genuine Spiritual Marriage where the two are bonded in both love and through sex, as the husband and wife grow spiritually, their relationship is able to evolve through each of the seven phases and levels of marriage -- and such a relationship is referred to as being consecrated in Heaven.  This process whereby the relationship evolves through the seven stages is very difficult in the case where the man -- and especially the woman -- has multiple husbands at a primary level because of promiscuous and out-of-wedlock sex.

When Jesus said of the mystical bond between husband and wife: “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matt 19:6 NKJ) -- the idea that Caesar and the governments of this world has the God-given power to ordain a sacred union that can only be affirmed and consecrated in heaven, by God -- or that man can even make the rules and set the limits of what is joined together by God -- is simply irrational from a spiritual perspective.   Moreover, how can a government or group of people who cling to a Darwinist and Atheistic perception of Creation, thereby denying and obstructing the all-pervading Heavenly Powers of God, even expect that God will ordain and consecrate the decrees of secular/carnal man?  

The idea that man and woman can be joined together as one flesh through the mere formality of words, spoken by a person deriving their power from a government of this world, without the ordination of the union in spiritual realms, is simply incomprehensible from a biblical perspective.   “That which is born of the flesh is flesh” (John 3:6 KJV), proclaims the Lord.   Thus, the self-ordained governments of this world take upon themselves the power to license the cohabitation of the people of this world, but that secular license and ordination does not invoke the powers of the heavens.  Moreover, those who even believe that the governments of this world have the power to make the two one flesh, and turn to secular authorities to ordain their union, are as those who worship idols and the gods of this world.

  Heavenly Unions:  Once we begin to grasp the reality that marriages are the product of the absolute love between the husband and wife -- and that Genuine Marriages are Ordained in heaven and not on earth -- then we must also come to terms with the reality that no marriage can exist if either party is adulterous.  Moreover, when we add to the equation the definition provided by Jesus in the words: "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matt 5:28 NKJ), adultery becomes a thing of the mind.  What this means is that if either partner desires someone outside the union, then there is no marriage in the eyes of God, and the union is little more than a marriage ordained by virtue of sex.  That the governments or religious institutions of this world may continue to affirm the validity of the marriage, merely demonstrates their inability to proclaim a union that can only be Ordained by God.

How can this be, you will ask?  The answer is found in the fact that God does not Ordain and bless what is not genuine and pure.  Are we therefore ignorant of the fact that one of the Commandments of God -- i.e., "Thou shalt not commit adultery" (Exod 20:14 KJV)?  Is, therefore the wisdom of Solomon to naught: "But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul" (Prov 6:32 KJV)?   That a woman who has sex with multiple partners becomes polluted, can be seen in the words: "They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted?" (Jer 3:1 KJV) -- polluted, because she now reflects the thoughts and mindset of the many men she has had as sexual partners.

When Jesus told the woman at the well that she had five husbands, and the one she was with at present was not her own (John 4:18), these five marriages were of this world and were not ordained by God.  In order to enter into a Genuine Marriage, the two must not only have unconditional love for each other, but they must also seek God and His blessings on the Union.  It is God's Blessings that opens the inner door of the soul and spirit that enables the marriage to evolve and grow into a Divinely Ordained Union.  Without absolute faithfulness, unconditional love, the seeking of Higher Truth, and the Blessings of the Most High, the Marriage cannot be Genuine.  

  Higher Consciousness And Spiritual Birth: There is yet another aspect of marriage that modern man knows virtually knowing about.  To even begin to develop spiritually, it is necessary to fulfill the ancient adage to "Know Thyself"!   Because we exist in an embryonic and incomplete state (see Spiritual Rebirth), the purpose of the teachings of The Way is to first awaken a person to their soul and spiritual natures, and then develop their true essence and maturity so as to enable the person to be born into the Kingdom.   Throughout the scriptures it is continually suggested that carnal man dwells in a kind of stupor -- hypnotized by the forms and sensual realities of this world.   Some places in the Bible represent this condition as sleeping, others as death -- i.e., “Another disciple said to him, Lord, first let me go and bury my father. But Jesus told him, Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead” (Matt 8:21-22 NIV).

Throughout his Epistles the Apostle Paul writes that the carnal mind is dead to man’s spiritual reality.   In this respect, we can see the concept of waking up from this stupor, sleep, or death, in the words: “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment” (Matt 12:36 KJV).   It must be understood that to be consciously aware of “every idle word” requires one to be in total control of their mind.   That this total control of one’s words begins with a total control of one’s mind, can be seen in the commandment of the Apostle to “…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor 10:5 NIV).   James, Jesus’ brother, the first leader of the New Covenant Church who was known as a true holy man, wrote that in order to fulfill the vision of the Gospel, one had to …bridle the whole body” (James 3:2 KJV).   The Apostle Paul confirmed these words when he wrote of the necessity to “…beat my body and make it my slave...” (1 Cor 9:27 NIV).   And commanded the followers of Jesus to Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature” (Col 3:5 NIV).   The problem is that these important biblical teachings and commandments have absolutely nothing in common with the doctrine of faith that was developed by Martin Luther in the Middle-ages.  

These biblical verses are rarely used today because they represent concepts that would be considered extreme and fanatical from the perspective of both believers and non-believers in our modern-day culture.   In fact, everything in our present-day society has been engineered by what the Apostle calls the god of this world, to inhibit the fulfilling of these necessary ingredients in the process of the next stage of birth that the Bible states is absolutely necessary if we are to enter into Life.  

Thus, we must pose the question: Are these requirements that are very clearly set down in the scriptures really extreme and fanatical, as we believe today?   If it is true that our natural seed-mind is embryonic, and if we do not succeed in being born into the next stage of soul-birth we will fail to inherit the eternal life that is promised in the scriptures, then there is a whole other dimension to the controversy that few believers or non-believers today have even begun to contemplate.   If our failure to develop our seed-mind to where it is able to be born into the Kingdom is synonymous with a fetus that physically fails to develop, then our fate will be similar to that of an embryo that has miscarried -- and from the perspective of our absolute need to be born in order to enter into Life, then the warnings with respect to Armageddon are neither extreme or fanatical!   Moreover, the above requirements where we are told to be conscious of every word, and capture every thought to Christ, and bring the natural passions of the physical body under one's total control, would then be understood as being absolutely necessary to the development of mind in order to embrace the next stage of development and eventual birth in spirit.

One only has to open the pages of the Bible to see that the whole of the New Testament teachings is concerned with ethics, morality, and the manner in which each of us treats our brothers and sisters.   The requirement set down by Jesus is that we must be perfect, as our Heavenly Father is perfect (Mt 5:48).  This state of perfection is referred to as the fulfillment of the Royal Law of God, and is measured in our forgiveness, acceptance and love of our fellow man.   From a New Covenant perspective, whatever is divisive, and not in accord with the Royal Law, is of this world, and is an obstacle to our birth into the Kingdom.   It is from this perspective that the requirement in the Book of the Revelation is set before us in the words: “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful” (Rev 21:27 NIV).   This same truth was expressed by Isaiah where it is written: “And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not journey on it; it will be for those who walk in that Way; wicked fools will not go about on it” (Isa 35:8 NIV).  And this same truth is expressed in the words of Jesus when he warned: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matt 7:13-14 NIV).   The “narrow gate” that Jesus speaks that we must open in order for us to be born into the Kingdom, has its parallels in the birth canal that serves as the gate that each of us has emerged through when we physically entered into this present world.   That the next stage of birth has its similarities, is merely the result that all realities are designed in accordance with the same Divine Pattern of Creation.

What is truly important for us to see in these solemn words spoken by the Lord, is that only those who “enter through the narrow gate” will enter into Life -- i.e., it is not those who believe, or proclaim the Lord's name, but only those who follow in the footsteps who are the Genuine Children of God.   The people who embrace the culture and thinking of this world, even when they call themselves Jews, Christians, or by any other name, are those who walk the “broad… road that leads to destruction”.   What the Bible continually warns us is that we cannot walk two paths -- it is either the one or the other -- and philosophical believers will neither go to Heaven, to Glory, or inherit eternal life -- without entering through the narrow gate that is the entrance to the Kingdom.   Moreover, if this is not accomplished while we are alive in the physical body in which we presently dwell, then we will have failed.  

The Bible continually warns us that the path or the second birth and entrance into the Kingdom is not easy.   The strife of the inner war within ourselves as embodied in the symbols of Armageddon is seen in the words: “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22 NKJ).  Thus, in the same way that a woman travails in labor to bring a child into this world, we must ourselves endure the “…many tribulations” of spiritual labor to be born into the Kingdom of God.   Since the Kingdom is within us, and Armageddon is therefore not an historical event -- but more factually, a spiritual event in the life of the disciple in search of Truth -- we must then totally re-evaluate everything we think we know about both the Gospel Message, and the life we are presently living.   In fully comprehending these biblical statements in relation to the whole purpose of the teachings of The Way, let us again examine the definitive statement which conveys to us the very essence of the Gospel -- and especially the Revelation of John: “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie” (Rev 22:14-15 NKJ).    

If the text of the Revelation represented the end of the world, as is commonly believed by the majority of Christians today, then why are those who remain outside the city portrayed as “dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie”?  Armageddon, then, indicates the disciples personal tribulation described as the ”pangs of birth”, as he endeavors to overcome his own lower carnal nature through the crucifixion of what is symbolized by the flesh, in order that he can possess the Knowledge of the fruit of the Tree of Life, transcend the natural barriers of this world, and “enter through the gates into the city”.   What people today generally fail to realize, is that the environment necessary to bring about this next stage of birth, is via a genuine marriage between a man and a woman who together are seeking the Kingdom of God within them.  Further, in the same way that a child is born from the joining of the physical essence of man and woman during sexual intercourse, the child of truth is born through the merging of the minds of a man and a woman in a genuine spiritual marriage -- i.e., with neither dominant, and both harmonized together in a state of Oneness.

God is not the Supreme jokester of the universe. He did not give you a physical body that was moved and controlled by what we call sensual desires, and expect you to build mental dams that cut off the very force of life that flows through you. Neither did God place you in this three-dimensional world and limit your perception of your true spiritual reality to see if you will abstain from interacting with life on a physical level.

Contrary to what many religions professed, this world is not the realm of evil as was often portrayed.  In fact, this world is not only the means by which the children of God mature to perfection, but enables the soul to develop his lower nature.  What we are presented, then, in the above philosophical positions where this world is seen as evil -- and  even the creation of a lesser god -- is the typical thinking of the Gentile philosophers and poets, quasi-Buddhism, Hinduism, as well as the Christian Gnostics who rejected the wisdom of the Essene-Ebionites. Yet, there is another dimension to the controversy. The Hebrew holy men and women were able to see beyond the limitations of the other religions, and perceive that in the same way that man is incomplete without woman, the pre-existent soul is incomplete without the (physical) being that we are when we enter into this realm. Moreover, going one step further, because of the manner in which the minds of men and women are polarized -- the male positive and dynamic at the genitals, and the female positive and dynamic at the heart-breast -- the Hebrew holy man realized that in nature it could be said that woman existed at a higher level than did her male counterpart, and thus was in her life often closer to God.  In the struggle of man's return to Eden, we must recognize that we are imbued with the Divine Pattern of male and female in order to spiritualize and merge the two into One -- thus, through the Power of God raising man/woman to a state of Completion and Perfection.

The concept expressed in Hebrew Mysticism that woman exists on a higher plane than her male counterpart does not mean that women are better, or more spiritual -- but in the same way that women are weaker physically, the polarity of their mind enables them to take what is base, and express it in a more elevated manner than their male counterparts. What this equates to is the reality that weakness in one area always manifests as strength in another.

  Women polarized positive at breasts: What this means is that while men are easily controlled by the often unmanageable flow of vital (sexual) life-force that flows from their genital regions, women, on the other hand, are polarized opposite in the genitals, and thus are able to exert a greater amount of control with respect to their sexuality.  On the other hand, women's breasts which, unlike the animal kingdom are perpetually enlarged because her body serves a higher purpose than just providing nourishment for infants, has the potential to supercharge the bio-energy imparted to her by her husband -- raise it up within herself, and then return this energy back to her husband -- thereby activating the "X" factor within him that he generally can't utilize.   This positive polarization is often seen as being over emotional, sensitive, and much more feeling than her male counterpart who perceives life through the vision of linear mathematical logic.   Thus, the male is polarized negative at that level of mind that corresponds to the breast, in order to receive this higher and more refined vital life-force back from his wife -- thereby creating a circle between them that initiates mental/spiritual development and the birth of the child of Truth within the two that are One.

Look around you at the world and you will observe the male's absolute fixation on women's breasts.  Why?  Not because of their desire to nurse as some of our psychologists have reasoned -- but rather, because they possess an absolute need for the vital life-force energy from that region of mind where women are polarized positive.  The problem is that because they fail to comprehend the Divine Pattern, and do not realize that they can only receive this vital life-force from a wife in a genuine marriage -- and most women whose thinking and lifestyle have been molded by our culture and modern society are (sexually) polluted and cannot give them the mental/spiritual nourishment that they (men) crave, they continually look to other women in search of what they can only receive from just one who is their genuine wife.   

The problem is twofold -- i.e., neither the men nor the women are able to fulfill the biological, mental and spiritual needs of their respective spouse/partner, so they look to others instead of developing the depth of the relationship between themselves.   Men are constantly looking as other women, and are therefore expelling their vital life-force.  Their female partners dress provocatively so as to be seen as sexual objects -- flirt with other men so they can feel the energy within them stir and move their positively charged (sexual) centers -- and work outside the home in their endeavor to be with others, acquire materialistic things, and maintain a state of independence from their spouses.  While this may be a marriage in the eyes of this world or the church, it is not genuine in the spiritual meaning of the marriage relationship where the two become One Flesh!   

Carnal man is literally staving for the higher reality and vital-life force that he craves.  Woman feels incomplete -- as if she is deprived of sex and fulfillment -- because she cannot raise up and release the energy within herself.  The problem is not only her own inability to raise up this energy passed on to her by males, but there are no males who are able to receive it from her.  She therefore feels unsatisfied, discontent, and ungratified in her life.  

Some women feel that they will achieve the satisfaction they desire by going out to work -- being independent -- and making their way in the business world.   But this is not the solution.  The problem is that she is incomplete -- and even when she attempts to enter into a relationship with a man, in time her incompleteness will return.   She craves to express herself -- to strive for higher meaning -- to feel complete -- but because of her inability to enter into a Genuine Marriage where she can raise herself up to new spiritual heights, she is destined to remain discontent and incomplete.

The man, on the other hand, craves what only a genuine wife can give him.  Being polarized negative at that part of the mind associated with the chest, he feels a great void in his life that he falsely interprets as a lack of sex.  He therefore seeks out many women in search of what he can receive from only one.  He often is addicted to pornography and nudity -- intoxicated with the naked female form, and especially the breasts -- ever searching for what he cannot have and possess -- bound to the elemental things of this world through the unquenchable appetite of his senses.  

What is the solution?  Unlike the Hebrew holy men, the other religions of the world saw man’s spiritual nature as good, and man’s carnal nature as evil -- as typically expressed in the words of Paul: "For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the wishing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not. For the good that I wish, I do not do; but I practice the very evil that I do not wish. But if I am doing the very thing I do not wish, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me. I find then the principle that evil is present in me, the one who wishes to do good. For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man, but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind, and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members" (Rom 7:18-23 NAS).

The fact that these troubled words of Paul are true, does not negate the fact that there is a Divine Solution to the dilemma. Fundamentally, these same words could, and have been many times repeated by the Buddha, the Hindu holy men, the inspired Greek poets, as well as men and women the world over who have received a partial vision of man’s higher spiritual reality -- and then attempted to live in accordance with the Higher Spiritual Law they perceived. This same exact statement is contained in the words: "that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22 KJV). The great truth that escapes the perception of the majority of holy men and women the world over, is that we do not grow and mature by attempting to abandon this world and the body in which we presently dwell within -- but rather, when we instead build both within and without ourselves a Consecrated Divine Temple that the Lord is able to enter into.

Again, from the Hebrew perspective, this is better accomplished when we begin to harmoniously embrace the forces of Creation, rather then abstaining or attempting to limit and reorganize Creation in accordance with our own perspective of reality. When Paul advised his followers not to touch a woman -- that when a man or woman concerns themselves with the natural affairs of a married life they are somehow neglecting God -- and that we should attempt to subdue the sensual desires of the body by halting its natural expressions -- we must seriously ask ourselves what kind of lifestyle he was promoting? The answer is Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Gnostic philosophy of the Greek poets -- i.e., religions of denial. Admittedly, there were many Hebrews (Essenes) who embraced this same doctrine -- but it can only be comprehended when it is perceived for what it is -- i.e., a natural transitional doctrine that is generally accepted by every soul who searches for God and man’s Higher Reality.

When carnal man begins to embrace his spiritual nature, his initial perception is that everything in this world is error and illusion. When he receives a vision of "... paradise, and hears things so astounding that they are beyond a man’s power to describe or put in words (and anyway I am not allowed to tell them to others)" (2 Cor 12:2-4 TLB) -- he attempts to embrace this other extra-reality through the process of denying this world which he views as deceptive, false, and an illusion that is used by the powers of darkness to control the thinking of carnal man. That from a three-dimensional perspective this world is deceptive, false and an illusion that is under the control of the powers of darkness, does not negate the fact that it is a polarity of mind that must be merged with its spiritual opposite if man is to find Completion. That semi-spiritual men are correct in their perception of his elevated vision of this world, does not negate the fact that the Vision of God is beyond the transitory perception of carnal man’s discovery of his latent spiritual nature.

Unlike the Greeks and Eastern religions, one of the fundamental precepts of the Hebrews is that man is incomplete without woman -- and this same understanding must also be applied to the relationship between heaven and earth, as well as the pre-existent soul and the carnal image of the soul that we are. Where the Greeks and Eastern religious philosophy attempted to escape this realm through a life of perpetual meditation and prayer, the Hebrews recognized that both the spiritual realms of Creation, as well as the soul, is incomplete without the reflected polarity that is manifest in this world. While it is true that both religious philosophies recognized that what we see with our physical eyes as we look out into life is an illusion -- it was the Hebrews who understood that this illusion was also an allusion which not only manifested and brought into harmony the lower elements of mind, but also assisted man in his quest to become Complete.

In the first place we must understand that though Buddhist philosophy works and brings about results in the life of the adherent with respect to seeing man's higher reality, its tenets and practices are unnatural to the physical reality of mankind. In the total denial of the desires of the flesh, the body itself rebels. Buddhist philosophy teaches that if you kill all desire and physical wants in this world, that the inner door of enlightenment will be opened. Fundamentally, the Buddhist is correct in their assertion -- with the problem being that because you have beaten and subdued man’s lower animal nature into a state of total submission, that does not mean it has been conquered.

When Paul wrote about the forces of evil that were present in his physical body -- i.e., "...For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man, but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind, and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members" (Rom 7:18-23 NAS) -- this war that was raging was brought about because the author of these words was himself in a state of transition. If the historical man known as the Apostle Paul wrote these words, then what we have here is the confession of a man who was in turmoil -- a man who was attempting to live in accordance with a lifestyle that his body rebelled against.

When an animal is wild, it will either attack man, or evade him. In the case of Paul, what is clearly portrayed is that because of his life of Buddhist type denial, the author’s lower animal nature was clearly attacking him. On the other hand, when the same animal is made a part of the life of man, it will be his companion. What the author of this epistle describes is a lower nature that is as a wild cat, bear or any other creature that is not a companion to man. This same reality exists within the body, as it does without.

One of the great truths that we fail to comprehend today is the fact that, contrary to the religious philosophy of Paul, the Hebrews understood that if one can tame and domesticate their lower animal nature, that this lower nature of mind will not only begin to serve the person who walks in The Way, but will actually provide him the power to overcome all the obstacles in this world. Moreover, while faith is the paramount moving force in the Buddhist philosophy of denial, the taming and domesticating of one’s lower nature can only be brought about by a combination of faith, knowledge and action/works, as seen in the condemnation of Paul’s theology by James, the brother of Jesus in the words: "Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works" (James 2:17-18 NKJ).

While Buddhism and the religious philosophy of Paul is able to provide enlightening visions and perceptions of man’s higher reality, what the Hebrews comprehended was that without the transmutation of man’s lower nature, man can never become complete in the totality of his inherent threefold nature. What this means is that if a man attempts to ignore his animal nature, or deprive it, it will remain untamed and wild. In order to train and domesticate one’s animal nature, a man must work with it -- develop a proper relationship -- and mold its life to where it serves its master.

That man can only become complete and reign in the Kingdom when he interacts with all his natures -- indulging these natures and developing them in the proper way -- is seen in the very first words reportedly spoken to man by his Creator: "Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’ And God said, ‘See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food’; and it was so. Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day" (Gen 1:26-31 NKJ).

In the same way that these words constituted the final work of Creation, when we begin to embrace the totality of their message, we will ourselves embrace the finality of Creation within ourselves. To man/woman God said to "be fruitful and multiply". Thus, the Pauline/Buddhist philosophy of denial cannot bring this about. In like manner man was told to "…subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth". Once again the Pauline/Buddhist philosophy of denial cannot subdue man’s lower animal nature -- which can only be accomplished with a great amount of work.

An absolutely key element to success is provided in the commandment to man where it is written: "Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food" (Gen 1:29 NIV). The Hebrew who desired to return to the Paradise of Eden understood that one must not only eat only the vegetation and seed-bearing plants, but one must also convert the beast of their lower nature to a (vegetarian) domesticated animal, as seen in the words: "Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food’; and it was so".


  The Real Meaning of the Term "Help Meet"

The following excerpt on the little understood term "help meet", is authored by Heather Farrell who wrote the article on her website Women In The Scriptures:


One of the most frequently misunderstood terms in the bible is the term "help meet" in the book of Genesis. In Genesis 2:18 it says, "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

The common way in which the term "help meet" is interpreted is to mean that God gave Adam a helper who was worthy of him. Eve, unlike the other beasts of the earth, was "appropriate for" or "worthy of him". This understanding of the term "help meet"is not really correct. The term, in it's original Hebrew, means something much more profound and powerful. When we really understand what God was saying to Adam we come to see Eve's role and the role of women on this earth in a much different light.

In Hebrew the two words that "help meet" are derived from are the words "ezer" and the word 'k’enegdo".

Ezer which is commonly translated as "help" is really a rich word with a much deeper meaning. In her book Eve and the Choice Made in Eden, Beverly Campbell explains,

“According to biblical scholar David Freedman, the Hebrew word translated thee into English as “help” is ezer. This word is a combination of two roots, one meaning “to rescue”, “to save,” and the other meaning “to be strong.” Just as the roots merged into one word, so did their meanings. At first ezer meant either “to save” or “to be strong,” but in time, said Freedman, ezer “ was always interpreted as ‘to help’ a mixture of both nuances.”

Diana Webb in her book Forgotten Women of God also clarifies this word by explaining,

"The noun ezer occurs 21 times in the Hebrew Bible. In eight of these instances the word means “savior”. These examples are easy to identify because they are associated with other expressions of deliverance or saving. Elsewhere in the Bible, the root ezer means “strength.... the word is most frequently used to describe how God is an ezer to man. "

For example the word "ebenezer" in 1 Samuel 7:12 is used to describe the power of God's deliverance. "Eben" means rock and "ezer" means "help" or "salvation". Ebenezer therefore means "rock of help" or "rock of salvation". The root "ezer" is the same word that God used to describe to Adam who Eve was. She was not intended to be just his helper or his companion, rather she was intended to be his savior, his deliverer.

The other part of the term "help meet" which is commonly translated as "meet for" or "fit for" is the word "k’enegdo". It is hard to know exactly what the word k’enegdo means because it only appears once in the entire Bible. Yet Diana Webb explained that,

"Neged, a related word which means “against”, was one of the first words I learned in Hebrew. I thought it was very strange that God would create a companion for Adam that was “against” him! Later, I learned that kenegdo could also mean “in front of” or “opposite.” This still didn’t help much. Finally I heard it explained as being “exactly corresponding to,” like when you look at yourself in a mirror."

Eve was not designed to be exactly like Adam. She was designed to be his mirror opposite, possessing the other half of the qualities, responsibilities, and attributes which he lacked. Just like Adam and Eve's sexual organs were physically mirror opposites (one being internal and the other external) so were their their divine stewardship designed to be opposite but fit together perfectly to create life. Eve was Adam's complete spiritual equal, endowed with a saving power that was opposite from his.

I've pondered a lot about this clarification of Eve's role and how it is that she has been given a saving power equal but opposite to Adam's saving power. As I've thought about it I realized that while women do much to help and assist men in their stewardship they have been given a stewardship that is uniquely theirs and which is every bit as important as men's stewardship.

Women are "saviors" to men by the fact that they give them life and nurture them towards the light of Christ. By conceiving, creating and bearing mortal bodies women make it possible for God's children to start on their mortal journey and have the opportunity to become perfected. Without women there would be no gateway into this world and no opportunity for progress or exaltation. In addition, by being willing to sacrifice ( their very lives if necessary) to bring children into this world women demonstrate the true meaning of charity. From the very first breath a child takes he or she has been the recipient of charity and unconditional love. This is a powerful gift that a mother gives her child and it will be her love which will first reminded the child of God and points him or her towards Christ. Each woman, regardless of her ability to give birth, is a savior to mankind when she loves men and nurtures a child closer to Christ. (I've mentioned more about this concept in my post The Importance of Birth and Infertility and the Scriptural Promise).

Even Adam, whose physical body was not created by a daughter of Eve, was saved and delivered by a woman. For it was through a woman, Mary, that Jesus Christ came to conquer the bonds of death and sin and atoned for Adam's transgression. Without a woman to bear the body of Christ mankind would have been lost and fallen forever and Adam's work and purpose on the earth would have been meaningless. Mary was the gateway that made Christ's work possible and her nurturing the catalyst for his success. Even though Eve didn't give physical life to Adam she literally saved him from spiritual death by opening the way for the Savior and Redeemer to come into the world. Salvation, in the form of Christ, literally came to the earth through a woman.

This perspective on Eve is so powerful for me. It is so different from what we normally hear about her and about women's roles in the world. I love what Beverly Campbell concluded her remarks about the term "help meet" with. She said,

"Thus, it seems that through imprecise translation, our understanding of the powerful words used originally to describe Eve’s role have been diminished. As a result, our understanding or Mother Eve has also been diminished. Suppose we had all, male and female alike, been taught to understand Genesis 2:18 as something like the following, “It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a companion of strength and power who has a saving power and is equal with him.”"

I know that understanding the real meaning of the term "help meet" earlier in my life would have made a huge difference in how I understood my role and mission as a woman. I think that if I had caught the vision of who we are as women and what a marvelous stewardship the Lord has given us I wouldn't have wasted so many years and so much energy being angry that I couldn't have a man's stewardship. I realize now that true power come when men and women realize that they have been blessed with different gifts, abilities and stewardship's and truly work together as equal partners to help each other be successful. The basic truth is that men and women need each other and it is only when they are united, body, soul and mind, that God's work moves forth. We are nothing without each other and nothing without Christ.

“It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a companion of strength and power who has a saving power and is equal with him.”

How different our world would be if men and women really understood that!



Conclusion: The scriptures contain ancient wisdom that is far beyond the understanding of modern man who looks upon the sacred writings as old fashioned and out dated.  While we are technologically advanced, we are totally retarded and ignorant in other areas of mind that is presently causing our own demise.   Liberal, in many ways can be compared to a feminine state of mind -- conservative to a male.  The objective is to be liberal and non-judgmental with others, while being extremely conservative and discerning with one's self.   When one is liberal, they are open and easily seduced by what is portrayed in scripture as the god of this world.  When one is outwardly conservative, one is too narrow and never experiences growth and development.   Look at the Star of David -- i.e., the lower triad is a funnel that is open at the bottom but very narrow and discerning at the top -- while the upper triad is very open in the upper spheres and very focused in the lower.   In the balance of these opposite polarities and realities you will find the answer to the equations of life.


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In the recently discovered Gospel of Thomas it is written: (12) The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?" Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being."   So to once again restore the teachings of TheWay which is today known as Christianity, the Lord has sent Jacob/James, the Brother of Yeshua/Jesus, back into the world in order to guide the faithful flock into the Truth, the Light, and the Kingdom within (Luke 17:20-21).   It is there that my brother Yeshua/Jesus awaits you.

The above warning with respect to the predicted corruption of Yeshua's teachings is further stated in the first century writings known today as the Clementine Recognitions where it is written: "Our Lord and Prophet, who hath sent us, declared to us that the wicked one, having disputed with Him forty days, and having prevailed nothing against Him, promised that he would send apostles from amongst his subjects, to deceive.  Wherefore, above all, remember to shun apostle or teacher or prophet who does not first accurately compare his preaching with that of James, who was called the brother of my Lord, and to whom was entrusted to administer the church of the Hebrews in Jerusalem, — and that even though he come to you with witnesses: lest the wickedness which disputed forty days with the Lord, and prevailed nothing, should afterwards, like lightning falling from heaven upon the earth, send a preacher to your injury, as now he has sent Simon upon us, preaching, under pretense of the truth, in the name of the Lord, and sowing error. Wherefore He who hath sent us, said, ‘Many shall come to me in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits ye shall know them.’" 

Again it is warned by Clement: "Wherefore observe the greatest caution, that you believe no teacher, unless he bring from Jerusalem the testimonial of James the Lord’s brother, or of whosoever may come after him. For no one, unless he has gone up thither, and there has been approved as a fit and faithful teacher for preaching the word of Christ, — unless, I say, he brings a testimonial thence, is by any means to be received. But let neither prophet nor apostle be looked for by you at this time, besides us. For there is one true Prophet, whose words we twelve apostles preach"

As predicted, the ministers of Satan have succeeded in altering the teachings of my brother Yeshua, and continue to lead many into the abyss of darkness.   But have no fear my brothers and sisters, for the teachings of TheWay has been restored so that you might be able to overcome the darkness, and enter the Kingdom of Light within you (Luke 17:20-21). 


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The Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus: 2000 years ago I lived as Jacob who many call James, and I was known as the Brother of Yeshua and the first leader of the New Covenant movement of TheWay which is today known as Christianity.  I was sent back into the world to restore the teachings of my brother Yeshua to their original spiritual essence, and to guide you in TheWay that is "narrow" so you will be able to open the "strait gate" within you and enter the Kingdom that Yeshua declared must be attained through the second birth.  

The Ebionite HomePage: If you call yourself a Christian, Jew, Messianic believer, Evyonim, Nazarene or Muslim, then it is imperative that you learn of the Ebionites who are True Spiritual Israel -- They are the Poor Ones to the ways and thinking of this world -- The Ebionites were the Israelites of the Nazirene Vow They are/were the Genuine Disciples of Yeshua/Jesus who are in the world and not of it!   

The Nazirene HomePage: The original spiritual teachings of Yeshua/Jesus as practiced by the people of The Way who where known historically as the Essenes, Ebionites, and Nazirenes. The teachings of The Way are Spiritual -- and provide a means to open the "strait gate" into the Kingdom while still physically alive in the body/vessel.  

The Master Index:  The Index of Nazirene Ebionite web sites and the Original Teachings of TheWay  

Jesus pays particular attention and importance to Children who are often referred to as the "little ones".  Unless Christians "turn about", and become as a little child, they cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven (Mt 18:3; 19:14).   But this provokes the question: What does it mean to "turn about", and become as a child?   Virtually no modern Christian would be able to answer this question today.   Why?   Not only has the Gospels been corrupted, but the suppression of the teachings on the children can be proven by any Christian, using any version of the scriptures. If it is true that the teachings on the children were corrupted and suppressed, then how many other important teachings also suppressed?   Will the modern Christian be held accountable for the teachings in the Gospels which were altered from their original context -- and even removed -- in order to make the scriptures support the man-made dogma of Pagan Rome?   And if this is true -- that the Gospels were corrupted by the later Church in order to make them support the man-made dogma of the Church -- will the modern Christian be held accountable for the requirement set forth by Jesus in the original teachings?


Original Gospel Sacraments: The Sacraments that are practiced and observed in the Christian Churches today have very little in common with the Original Sacraments instituted by Jesus.   Without putting on the required Wedding Garment, and being nourished by the Eucharist of the Divine Manna that can only be imparted to the seeker/disciple by and in the direct Spiritual Presence of the Son of God while in the Kingdom, the believer will continue to dwell in what Jesus portrayed as the Far Country and Outer Darkness of Mind and Being -- unable to comprehend the Higher Mysteries of the Kingdom -- and unable to attain the subsequent stage of Birth that enables the seeker/disciple to gain entrance into the Kingdom, and inherit the Promise of Entering into Life.  

The Gospel teachings of Jesus which were originally known as the teachings of TheWay (The Way), have within itself all levels from entry-level to a high and mature expression of spirituality.   And while the entry-level is based upon faith and belief, the higher levels of spiritual maturity embody a Wholistic mindset and lifestyle necessary to transform the body-mind into a Living Temple that enables the Spiritual Christian to fully embrace the Pattern of the Christ, by symbolically picking up their own cross and travailing in TheWay in Imitation of the man Jesus.   Thus, while the entry-level Christian has few requirements other than faith and belief, the more Advanced Spiritual Christian has many requirements that enables him/her to fulfill the adage to be in the world and not of it.   The Original teachings of Jesus and TheWay was a system of Spiritual Advancement that brought about Wholeness.  


Know Thyself: Jesus declared in the Gospel of Thomas: "...But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty".   It is for this reason that the second-century Church Father Clement of Alexandria said that it is  “…the greatest of all lessons to know one's self.  For if one knows himself, he will know God; and knowing God, he will be made like God… and that man becomes God, since God so wills”.   When God, in the words of St. Nazianzen, no longer is an “object of wonder”, but rather an “object of desire” -- and we, desiring to be purified from the defilements of this world, make ourselves fit vessels for the Lord to indwell, the Spirit, according to St. Nazianzen, reveals to us our true nature, and the revelation of this manifest Sacred Knowledge makes “us like God; so that when we have thus become like Himself, God may, to use a bold expression, hold converse with us as Gods, being united to us, and that perhaps to the same extent as He already knows those who are known to Him”.  St. Nazianzen then writes that “the Divine Nature then is boundless and hard to understand” by those who are yet carnal and think as natural beings of this world.    

The Ten Words:  That restores the teachings of Jesus and TheWay to their original spiritual environment.  A massive article covering every aspect of the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.    

An Inconvenient Truth: One of the most important articles that have been written and exist in our present time -- in spite of those who attempt to censor and inhibit the modern seeker from having access to the Truth and TheWay.   Written by an Original Author of the Gospels, this article reveals what modern authorities will at any cost, censor and suppress.   Why?   Because as counterfeit shepherds, they are carnal and totally earth-bound in their thinking.   Being carnal and spiritually disenfranchised, they don't at all understand -- or possess the knowledge of -- the Great Spiritual Truths revealed in this article.   

Reincarnation, The Key To Christianity: The only eyewitness account written by an Elder in the original Ebionite Community portraying the Death of Christianity -- The Religion of Jesus and the Original Teachings of TheWay.   Because the Emperor of Rome hunted down and murdered the Original Spiritual Christians and all those who opposed the corruption of the teachings of Jesus and TheWay, the Christian world itself has been cast into a Spiritual Diaspora from which it has yet to emerge.  

The Church Of The AntiChrist: The Apostle Paul predicted that the Church which portrays itself as Christian, will install the Anti-Christ as the leader of the Church, and the Christian world will worship Satan in place of God.   While the Christian world dwells under the deceptive belief that they freed themselves from the paganism of Rome in the Reformation, the leaders of the Reformation did not at all understand the reality of a purely Spiritual Religion where the objective was to be be in the world and not of it -- using the scriptures as the Key of Knowledge to gain entrance into the Kingdom while still in the body-vessel -- in many respects the reactionary dogma contrived by Martin Luther and the other leaders of the Reformation had the effect of further imprisoning the Church in the abyss of abject carnal ignorance.   

The Bible itself openly rejects and condemns the tenets of belief promoted by the Church.   What is demonstrated is the fact that the vast majority of Christians neither understand the Bible -- and those who do read it, do so through the filter of their dogma and beliefs.   re are 10 words that were altered from their original context in the New Testament that have the power to re-establish the essence of the teachings of Yeshua which was known as TheWay.   These 10 words demonstrate conclusively that the text of the New Testament has been altered and corrupted in order to make it support the doctrines of the Pagan Roman/Greek world.   These 10 words further demonstrate that the essence of the teachings of Yeshua has little in common with the Christian religion today.   In fact, these 10 wordsare to Christianity what the 10 Commandments were to Judaism -- i.e., the foundation from which every other aspect of the religion springs forth! These 10 words prove the Ebionites correct, and modern Christianity which is founded upon 4th century Roman doctrines to be in error.  These 10 words prove that without a return to the essence of Yeshua's original teachings, modern Christians are neither saved, nor do they have the salvation they erroneously believe they do.   

The Consecrated Life is the Path that leads to Wholeness -- and this Wholeness can only be brought about when the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and TheWay becomes a mindset and lifestyle that develops the person and brings them to Completion.   In the parable of the prodigal son, the experiences in what is portrayed as the Far Country develops the son -- enables him to prevail and to rule over himself -- and it is this state of Completion within himself that permits him to return to the Edenic Kingdom of the Father.   Each and every person is presently evolving to this state of Completion and Wholeness in the Omega of Perfection, that will permit them to return to their True Source of Being.  

The Key Of Knowledge: When Jesus condemned the leaders of the Jews as blind guides, it was because they threw away the Key Of Knowledge.   In the fourth century of our Common Era, the Church of Rome in like manner threw away the Key Of Knowledge -- causing the Christian world to become lost and wandering in what Jesus portrayed as the "outer darkness" of Mind and Being.    

The Light Of Yeshua -- The Messianic Nazirene Disciple of TheWay: While many teach that believers are saved by faith, the journey of the disciple of Yeshua is one of absolute dedication to The Way. The disciple who becomes a brother to Yeshua must live as he lived, and become a Nazirene who is consecrated and wholly set apart as they walk the Narrow Way, enter into the Kingdom through the Strait Gate, and learn directly from the L-rd -- the One Rabbi and Teacher of the Mysteries of G-d.  

Divine Strategery: How God Fools Mankind - Keeping Him Ignorant Of The Truth: Strategery has become synonymous with when what is portrayed as simple, simpleminded, or even self-evident, is able to dupe and thwart an opposing force that perceives itself to be either superior, or to suppose they know the answers.   Divine Strategery is how God fools all the religious leaders of this world who think they doctrinally know God -- all the would-be teachers and philosophers of this world who think they Know Truth -- all the Atheists and those who criticize and denounce the existence of God by virtue of their limited perception and understanding -- and all the people in this world who think they understand the purpose of life and the world in which we presently dwell.  As prodigal sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, if the people in this life knew the answers, then the learning experience of God's SchoolHouse of this world would not effectively evolve us to become true Brothers and Sisters of our Elder Brother Yeshua/Jesus.  Therefore, in order to insure that each of us is immersed in the necessary learning experience that this life offers, all people are equally fooled into thinking they know, in order for them to be manipulated into embracing a higher agenda that is beyond their ability to even imagine.   Thus, Divine Strategery!!!


Reincarnation - The Key To Christianity And The The Pre-Existent Soul of Mankind: Jesus taught the reality of the pre-existent soul that evolves to perfection over the course of many lifetimes. The Church adheres to the doctrine and theology of a Circus Prostitute and a Roman Emperor who maintained absolute control over what Christians were permitted to believe! Christians continue to cling to the theology of this Circus Prostitute today - rejecting the teachings of Jesus, while adhering to the doctrines of Pagan Rome. The mass confusion of an uncountable number of sects today, is the direct result of the void which was brought about when this foundational concept was removed from both the Bible, as well as Christian doctrine. The doctrinal quagmire which was brought about with the removal of this foundational teaching, obstructs Christians growth and maturity beyond the entry-level simple faith. Because they adhere to the corrupted doctrines of men, modern Christians can't inherit the Biblical Promise of entering the Kingdom and Life.


It was said of the Church Father Origen by St. Gregory of Nyssa that he was “the prince of Christian learning in the Third Century” -- and the Encyclopedia Britannica calls him “…the most prominent of all the church fathers”.  But how did he become the man that St. Jerome considered to be “the greatest teacher of the Church after the Apostles”?   According to the soul who lived as Origen, he had previously lived as the disciple and scribe of Jacob who people call James, who was the Brother of Jesus.   And from that life with Jacob, he learned to write scriptures in Hebrew Characters, and he worked on the original source scriptures which has since come to be called the New Testament scriptures of the Bible.   On his web site, Emmanuel Pohorecki reveals not only the accounts of the many lifetimes that he has lived, but also his own journey into the presence of his soul-self -- i.e., his true self who is the Being of Light.   And once again Emmanuel has demonstrated that you don't need to physically die to communicate with, and enter into the presence of your soul-self who is the Being of Light in the Near Death Experience.   And in his soon to be completed article on the Journey of the Soul and Visions from his Higher Self, he will write about what his soul-self has taught him while in the Realm of Souls.   Emmanuel provides other important insights in man's higher reality with his account of his life with Fr. Francis, as a Native American, and as one of the Constitutional Founding Fathers of the United States.  

The Long Island Mystic and Nazirene Disciple of TheWay: The Organizational HomePage of The Nazirene -- the Long Island Mystic, Evangelical Minister, and Prophet of TheWay -- who God bestowed upon him the gift of the recall of his previous life as a Disciple and Brother of Messiah/Christ -- and thus has re-entered this world at the present time in order to restore the Spiritual Essence and Teachings of his Master, Yeshua/Jesus. The Kingdom is within! And we must sojourn the narrow path of TheWay, enter the "strait gate" to the Inner Spiritual Temple, while still alive in the physical body.  Thus, modern Christians have misunderstood the words of Yeshua -- he never said that we must physically die to enter the Edenic Kingdom of Origination -- but rather, we must die to the culture, mindset and ways of this world in order to enter the Kingdom!   

Being Of Light: Who are we?  What are we? From where have we come?  What is our destiny?  To the demise of those who read these words, only a handful of people today can answer these all-important crucial questions correctly! The rest dwell under the cloud of unknowing -- and if you think you are the person whose reflection you see in the mirror, then you are a stranger to your true self and have made yourself part of the illusion of this world. With great wisdom Yeshua/Jesus is quoted in The Books of the Savior, also known as Pistis Sophia (Faith-Wisdom): "Do not cease seeking day or night, and do not let yourselves relax until you have found all the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Light, which will purify you and make you into Pure Light and lead you into the Kingdom of Light."  

Gospel of the Nazirenes -- Gospel Of Light: What did the Gospels look like before being edited and re-written by the Church of Rome? What were the original beliefs of the first followers of Yeshua? You will be astonished when you read a surviving text of The Gospel of the Nazirenes which was hidden away from the corrupters of the Roman Church. Are you ready for a truly enlightening experience?  

The Orthodox Corruption of the Scriptures: Was the Bible rewritten? Prof. Nestle writes: "Learned men, so called Correctores were, following the church meeting at Nicea 325 AD, selected by the church authorities to scrutinize the sacred texts and rewrite them in order to correct their meaning in accordance with the views which the church had just sanctioned." To ignore the facts is to alienate oneself from the Living Word of God  

The Suppressed Teachings On Children: "And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them, and said, Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" (Mat 18: 2-3).  Because the important teachings on children were removed from the Gospels, it remains virtually impossible for the modern believer to gain entrance into the Inner Kingdom  

What Happened To Zackarias? Because the mainstream of Christians can't even begin to answer the question as to what happened to Zackarias?  It remains impossible for them to understand the true reality of the scriptures -- or why the religion of the pre-Nicene Church Fathers was very different than the dogma preached from the pulpits today.   And while the missing account of Zackarias can be easily proven today, the fact that the modern Christians ignores the facts and the truth has had the effect of disenfranchising them from the Kingdom they have been commanded to seek out.  

Things Christians Never Tell Jews About The New Testament: Many Jews have been misinformed when they have been warned by Christians that if they don't believe and come to Jesus, they will not inherit salvation and eternal life. Part of this is an error of ignorance -- i.e., because their Christian forefathers were adulterous, and defiled their own covenant with the Lord in the manner of the Jews when they worshiped other gods, they have yet to recover from their spiritual temple being plundered and ravished by the unclean and dark forces of this world. They therefore have lost their own way, and no longer can come into the Presence of the Lord. The Facts: Both Christians and the Jews they have persecuted, condemned, and even murdered over the past two thousand years will be shocked by what they will read herein! What they will learn is a fact that has long confused many sincere students of the New Testament scriptures -- scriptures which are very Jewish in origin -- and because of their very mystical Jewish essence, has long confounded the non-Jews who have championed the Gospel message. To their own undoing, most Christians ignore their own theologians and biblical scholars who have attempted to warn them that the scriptures are paradoxical -- i.e., that in all theological positions there exists two lines of seemingly opposite and conflicting truths presented to the reader -- and those who accept one truth while ignoring the other, will themselves fall into heresy by falling into grave sectarian error with respect to the true meaning of the Gospel message. Thus, those who maintain that there is no salvation apart from belief in the historical Jesus in the manner of modern Christian doctrine, have themselves fallen into the trap of heresy that the very first followers of Jesus warned believers not to fall into! And while it is true that these sectarian vicars of the Church can prove their position by using the scriptures, it is further true that their own scriptures also contain another line of truth that presents an entirely different picture than what the Church has portrayed to the world -- a picture where the opposite is also true.  

The Sower And The Seed: Unless you become the "good ground" in the parable of the Sower And The Seed, it will remain impossible for you to comprehend the true spiritual meaning of the Gospel and the higher reality of the soul and the Kingdom of God.  

The Secret Doctrine Of Christianity: In the approximate year of 178 of our Common Era, Celsus, the Epicurean Philosopher and opponent of Christianity published a rather embarrassing work in opposition to Christianity known as The True Word or Discourse. It is said that this work was widely published and used by the Pagan world as an attack on the Church. In examination of this document, the modern Christian must initially ask: Who today would accuse the Christian Church of being a “secret system”? No one -- because the Church today has lost its spiritual essence -- and is a mere shadow of its former self over the first three centuries of its existence. Therefore, it is important for us to recognize that such an allegation would be unheard of in our present time.  

The Enigma Of The Shepherd Of Hermas: Even though it is said of the Shepherd of Hermas that it was "...the most popular books, if not the most popular book, in the Christian Church during the second, third, and fourth centuries...", it remains unknown to the modern Church. Why? Why was the book that is representative of the core Gospel of the earliest Church, no longer is use today? Because while Hermas reflected the original teachings of Jesus and TheWay, it would be deemed heresy by the modern Church. And when rightly understood, the fact of the matter is that it is impossible for the modern believer, critic, biblical expert or scholar to in any manner understand the message that Hermas bears. Which means that if the Shepherd of Hermas was indeed the most popular scripture in the Gentile Church over the first three centuries, then it can rightly be stated that the modern Church has virtually nothing in common with the pre-Nicene Gentile Church.  

Divine Manna:  "To him who overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna" (Rev 2:8-17).  "My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge Because You Have Rejected Knowledge, I Reject You..." (Hosea 4:6).   "Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie" (Rev 22:14).  "Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit" (1 Thes 4:8 NIV)  

Gospel Of Thomas:  These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.  And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."  Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."  

The Gate Of Eden: Why were the Nazirene/Ebionites vegetarian?  Why did they live in accordance with the precepts of the Torah/Law?  Why did they live separate and apart from both Jews and Christians?  The answer is very simple: The Gate of Eden is within us, and if we fail to enter therein while we are still physically alive in the body, we will have failed in our opportunity to enter into Life.  And while it can be countered that we are saved by our belief in Messiah/Christ, faith, or the blood of the lamb, the truth is that if we were truly faithful disciples of TheWay, that we would experience the opening of the inner door and the Kingdom coming within us.  The GateOfEden article explores all aspects of the need to pick up one's own cross and follow the narrow path that leads to the inner gate to the Edenic Kingdom of Origination.  

What was the Mysteries of the Gospel that Jesus revealed only to the inner core of disciples?   While teaching the multitude of the people only in parables?    "And the disciples came and said to Him, Why do You speak to them in parables? He answered and said to them, Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given" (Matt 13:10-11 NKJ).   As someone who was there, at the time, what is presented in this article is not only far beyond the understanding of any book that you could read, or teacher you could seek out.   what is presented in this article will force you to re-evaluate everything that you thought you knew about both yourself, and the very purpose of life as you think you understand it.   And even more revealing than the three major lies of Judaism, Christianity and Islam that inhibits the people from understanding the foundational essence of all three religions, is an examination of both the lies and profound truths of the emerging scientific world which is for the most part ignored by our cultural icons, because the findings of modern quantum physics confirms the visionary truths of the Mystics which the religious and intellectual worlds have long censored from the common understanding.   

Epistle Of Light - Epistle Of James To Pope John Paul II: 2000 years ago I lived as Jacob the brother of Jesus known as James. I was sent back to bring about the restoration of the Church, and the within letter to Pope John Paul is important for you to read and forward. The pope has the power to bring peace on earth if he releases certain early Christian documents that are in his possession. Jesus is calling out to you to help make the truth known! Will you hear the call?  

Light Of Yeshua: The Essence of Messianic Judaism and being Spiritually Torah Observant.  Many Messianic Jews attempt to embrace traditional Christian doctrine with a Jewish facade in an attempt to convert other Jews to a quasi-form of Jewish-Christianity with a Pagan foundation. In view of the fact that the original followers of Yeshua are historically described as “…rejected from one religion as apostates, and from the other as heretics” (Gibbon: Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, v.1, p.416), this conversion to Jewish-Christianity would be a grave error.  

The Cross And The Seat Belt: The only mean by which mankind can move beyond his present limitations and struggles with the unknown, is to gain access to the Source of what he observes and interacts with in the world which is in what the mystic and scientist affirm as being the (Etheric) Field that surrounds all matter that we observe with our physical senses.   But to accomplish this, man must develop ways to effectively use his suppressed Intuitive spheres of mind.   Which means that to even begin to tap into the unseen Source, we must move beyond our traditional behaviors, mindset and perception of reality, and begin to embrace untraditional ways that permit the development and use of our suppressed Intuitive facilities of mind.   If what man presently portrays as accidents, can indeed be perceived prior to the event taking place -- and thus, be avoided -- then we will have eliminated the massive suffering and even death that is the result of these episodes of human existence.   And therefore, if the witness of both the Mystic and the emerging scientific evidence is true -- and reality must he sought in the unseen (Etheric) Field as the Source of all events that transpire -- then it becomes imperative for man to begin to develop and evolve those Intuitive spheres of mind that has been abandoned and left atrophied by the linear-only elements of our modern culture.  

How Did Jesus Become The Son Of God? It is a widely accepted doctrine among Christians today that the disciples and Ebionite Nazirene followers did not comprehend the true nature of Jesus, because they did not proclaim that he was God -- as did the later Gentile converts.   Yet, just the opposite is true -- i.e., the vast majority of Romans and Greeks were too pagan and heathen in their thinking and mindset, to understand the higher spiritual concepts that Jesus and his disciples revealed to mankind.   Even today the problem remains with respect to our inability to understand why Jesus was different than we are. Because Christians cling to the doctrines of Rome, they are unable to answer many important foundational questions that would permit their thinking to evolve beyond what Paul portrayed as the entry-level doctrines of the simple faith that are elementary in their understanding. And while Paul warns that the "natural" (organic) mind of man is incapable of understanding the higher reality of the soul and the Inner Kingdom  -- warning that committed and baptized believers will reject the Mysteries of God as utter "foolishness" -- yet, the modern Church to their own destruction continues to ignore this all-important warning. What enabled Jesus to perform miracles? What enabled him to be able to communicate with the Father? Surely, we conclude, he could not have been a normal man. Therefore, we arrive at the only possible answer from our very limited perspective and conclude that the Jewish disciples and earliest followers of Jesus must have been wrong, and he had to have been God to know all that he knew, and be able to do all that he did. Thus, the flaw in the thinking of the Church is in their inability to envision and comprehend the manner in which mankind grows and evolves to a state of spiritual maturity -- how man, the prodigal son, who was created in the image and likeness of God, his Heavenly Father, begins to take on all the attributes of his Creator and Parent. In not understanding the process by which each of us embraces our eventual destiny, we worship instead of imitating the pattern that Yeshua/Jesus provided for all the prodigal sons and daughters of the Most High to follow.  

Lilith - The Demonic Reality Of Feminism: In the Divine Pattern of Creation man and woman are not only equal, but the mental/spiritual level of one polarity directly affects and limits the other.  The spiritual ignorance of many religious groups today is directly in proportion to the failure of men and women to interact and move into a state of spiritual harmony and balance.  

What is the difference between Passover and Easter?    What is the spiritual meaning of Passover?   Does it matter which holiday is celebrated?  

Celestial Happenings: Important information on the Holy Days  

The Scribes of Light site provides those that are sincere in walking in TheWay with a forum for sharing their knowledge and experience with those that desire to understand and make manifest in their own life the lifestyle and mindset necessary to draw closer to the inner Kingdom and come to receive gnosis, divine knowledge, from the True Prophet within.  









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